Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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This is the thread for discussing the War in Ukraine. Should you want to discuss the geopolitics, the history, or an interesting tangent, head over here:

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Finally: If I see the word Nazi or Hitler being flung around, there had better have a good faith basis as to how it's applicable to the Russian invasion - as in, video/photographic evidence of POW camps designed to remove another ethnic group - or to the current Ukrainian army. If this does not occur, you will be threadbanned for posting off topic

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Wonder if Mobbs can confirm - apparently Medvedevs estate is located in Kursk:

Could make for a decent Ukranian fort / military base if captured

Party house!
Wonder if Mobbs can confirm - apparently Medvedevs estate is located in Kursk:

Could make for a decent Ukranian fort / military base if captured

Wait that's a photo of Neverland Ranch!

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Assuming this isn't unfiction, Slinger is an anti-drone rapid fire defence system that works off a lot of auto-detection (using EOS' tech designed to detect NEOs (which is ... wow).

I can't pretend to know what's actually happened as there's so much talk talk talk without doing, aka bureacracy, but the Slinger system according to this article has actually been used in Ukraine already (?) with Germany purchasing it for Ukraine.

Now according to the same article, EOS are considering opening up shop IN Ukraine to produce them. I mean, it's not like there wouldn't be a bloody market!

A 7:30 Report tv piece a year ago when we were gonna have Slingers in Ukraine by the end of the last year until apparently we probably didn't. Explains the tool very well.

Get the pros in to tell us more about this one. Way outside my quadcopterhouse.
Who's "begging" now.
They have been begging Iran and Nth Korea for a while, now they turn to Belarus for the limited amount of shit they have.

But hey, according to the vatniks, they have enough equipment to go forever......

I don't know if its true about him having a family estate there, though its certainly mentioned a lot in media now with the inkurskion.

If true, no need to level it. I'm sure it's already stripped of any sharp rises and inclines so that Medvedev can walk around it pissed as a newt without tripping over too often!

What's been interesting is Medvedev hasn't mentioned nuking Ukraine during the Kursk offensive as he's on annual leave. Obviously he doesn't see Ukraine killing and capturing thousands of conscripts, taking 70 odd villages and 1000 square kilometres of Russian land as important enough to come back early from holidays.
Putin's reasoning here is if you don't send hundreds of thousands of refugees into Russia itself to convey to everyone how shit the Russian army is at holding their own land, did it really happen?

Also this is a sign that Putin doesn't expect these people to go back to their homes.

Russian conscripts captured in the Kursk region make a statement while in custody, requesting exchange for Azov fighters.
View attachment video_2024-08-15_06-59-02.mp4
(I dunno what they say except for the "Azov" at the end)

This from [Denys Davydov TG] about exchange negotiations:
Russia has initiated negotiations on prisoner exchange for the first time. This was reported by Ukrainian ombudsman Dmitry Lubinets. It is emphasized that the conversation was initiated by the Russian side. Lubinets noted that the fighting in the Kursk region forced Moscow to take the initiative on the issue of prisoner exchange. It had not done so before.

Re civilian evac corridors, from [NOEL Reports]: Ukraine announced the opening of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians from the Kursk region both towards Ukraine and Russia.

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They have been begging Iran and Nth Korea for a while, now they turn to Belarus for the limited amount of shit they have.

But hey, according to the vatniks, they have enough equipment to go forever......
Who's left for them to beg from after they've expended all the shit from Iran/North Korea/Belarus?

The only options I can think of are Syria & Eritrea. You have to hand it to Putin, he's really turned Russia back into a superpower with a coalition of Russia/Belarus/North Korea/Iran/Eritrea/Syria. Plus a few random dictators in Africa propped up by ex Wagner troops.

Pretty hard for the west to compete with such a highly successful geopolitical power that Russia is now thanks to Putin.
The Warzone has an interesting interview with a retired Ukraine officer talking about the Kursk Incursion. Up to 10,000 troops involved. Worth a read.

Some very immediate benefits:
“We noted a reduction in the use of glide bombs toward Kharkiv City by almost three to six times,” he said. “Regularly this city suffered 30 to 60 launched glided bombs on a daily basis. Right now, they are launching a maximum of up to 10.”

In addition, Ukrainian intelligence “has intercepted Russian messages to stop the systematic torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war and not allow any more deaths to happen,” the retired officer said. Russia, he suggested, is trying to be more accountable for its actions with so many prisoners taken by Ukraine.
Pretty big score by the Ukranians here

Certianly is. Imagine how much other useful info they can gather. I speculated earlier how physical access to Russian networks would be a boon to hacking, however the benefits are often simpler. I read somewhere one of the biggest finds was details of Russian train schedules and movements. It seems sort of trivial until you realise the Russian army is still a railway army, probably the only one left in the world.
From a Siberian media outlet:

Novosibirsk region is ready to host up to 300 residents of Kursk region.

Governor Travnikov said that the region will soon send a truck with essential supplies to Kursk, as well as teams of volunteers and doctors.

"Temporary accommodation points have already been organized for the victims; the region is ready to accept up to 300 residents of the Kursk region. We are coordinating the capabilities of public organizations, municipalities, volunteers, citizens, specialists, and medical workers," the government said in a statement.

On SM-A146P using mobile app
Only one side is deluded tovarisch - your side.

Look at Russian places after Ukranian occupation:

Notice how they've managed to avoid razing the place to the ground?

Also, another quite obvious elephant in the room for your nation:

Ukraine have easily invaded and occupied more Russian territory in one week than Russia has of Ukranian territory in one whole year at the expense of 100,000 + soldiers.

They've done well against a weekly defended boarder; perhaps a bold move, maybe a strategic mistake, we'll see
What do you think would happen if Georgia decides it would like North Ossetia back & Moldova decides to take Transistria back all while Ukraine is denazifying Kursk & Belgorod at the same time?
Haha Georgia figured out when they tried that last time
An independent report blamed Georgia on Wednesday for starting last year's five-day war with Russia, but said Moscow's military response went beyond reasonable limits and violated international law.

Russia has a huge land border that it simply does not have the man power to defend.
True, no one could really. Why strategic depth is important but they are by far more concerned with the western flank where their population and industrial centres exist
Ironically, the best way for Russia to secure its borders is for neighboring states to join NATO. Any NATO member cannot invade other states, NATO or non NATO. Putin knows this hence why he does not bother at all with defending current NATO borders right now.

Turkey isn't currently in Syria(Kurds)? How about Cyprus?
Russia needs Ukraine in NATO to prevent Ukraine having any more designs on Russian territory. You know it comrade.
Certainly have interesting takes comrade

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Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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