Why Geelong will overtake Hawthorn and become the on field AFL powerhouse

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Clark is the same kind of call. Yes, he has issues, but if he rises above them, and early 2016 reports are good, then we'll have a decent player.

Drafting and player selection is a numbers game. You play safe on some calls, you take risks on others.

I'd say in recent years we've taken too many risks on entirely too many players.

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It was risky, in that it could go either way. By your own admission, 50% of the GFC supporters thought it worth the risk.

Hindsight proved it to be a bad call. But if things had've gone right we would've had a worthy player and the club would've been applauded for its call.

Clark is the same kind of call. Yes, he has issues, but if he rises above them, and early 2016 reports are good, then we'll have a decent player.

Drafting and player selection is a numbers game. You play safe on some calls, you take risks on others.

Guess I'd make a really shit recruiter then. I wouldn't go near the likes of McIntosh, Clark or Smith. Even the guys who were rookie listed like Delaney, Read and others with non going issues away from the game. Stanley I don't mind even though the injury bug has caught him. He's at least shown he can play out consecutive seasons unhindered
Guess I'd make a really shit recruiter then. I wouldn't go near the likes of McIntosh, Clark or Smith. Even the guys who were rookie listed like Delaney, Read and others with non going issues away from the game. Stanley I don't mind even though the injury bug has caught him. He's at least shown he can play out consecutive seasons unhindered

Not sure I'd have the courage to make some calls either, but sometimes if there's nothing ventured there's nothing gained.

I used the stockmarket as an example a while ago.......will do so again. Sometimes a share offer looks ordinary, not worth the investment, but a smart call at the right time, when no-one else calls it, sees a handsome return. Now, picking the diamond from the rough takes knowledge, skill, understanding......and a fair share of luck.

Drafting is the same. Some traders are more adventurous than others.
At least we know you're not an accountant.
to be fair a good proportion of the loss was to write off a demolished asset for which the future economic benefit should be far greater.

Nowhere near as concerned as I was when 3.3m was first reported.
Not sure I'd have the courage to make some calls either, but sometimes if there's nothing ventured there's nothing gained.

I used the stockmarket as an example a while ago.......will do so again. Sometimes a share offer looks ordinary, not worth the investment, but a smart call at the right time, when no-one else calls it, sees a handsome return. Now, picking the diamond from the rough takes knowledge, skill, understanding......and a fair share of luck.

Drafting is the same. Some traders are more adventurous than others.

Absolutely, and that's an entirely reasonable point. But some decisions I think were too far removed from reality. McIntosh was already 28 and had played 8 games in the previous 2 years. It was obvious to (almost) everyone that he was an exorbitant risk. He typifies what worries me the most about our present list management philosophies. We seem to recruit or retain way too many players with serious injuries (or issues), and somehow believe that all of them will come good. It's just not going to happen.
same logic could be applied to Geelong in 2007 when they faced Port Adelaide, a team that would likely get done by a good 5 or so goals by West Coast of today.
The only team that would beat that Geelong team was Hawthorn.

Hawthorn 07 would have found a way to beat us in the grand final. And yes, they beat us by four points earlier in the season.

and I believe Hawthorn would have been the only team that would have beaten us had we faced them in the grand final instead of Port Adelaide.

Heck Bob, I'm glad you're not coaching us, kinda remind me of Malcolm Blight back in the nineties, he was so in awe of West Coast I'm sure it must have had a negative effect on the players, reckon some of them were already beaten in their heads before they set foot on the field.
Heck Bob, I'm glad you're not coaching us, kinda remind me of Malcolm Blight back in the nineties, he was so in awe of West Coast I'm sure it must have had a negative effect on the players, reckon some of them were already beaten in their heads before they set foot on the field.

was he really? I never knew that.
Just sick to death of Hawthorn beating us in finals is all. They must have a 70% strike rate against us throughout VFL/AFL history. I know we got em in 2011, got em in the 1963 grannie but shit, I truly hope in the next decade we reverse that trend.

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was he really? I never knew that.
Just sick to death of Hawthorn beating us in finals is all. They must have a 70% strike rate against us throughout VFL/AFL history. I know we got em in 2011, got em in the 1963 grannie but shit, I truly hope in the next decade we reverse that trend.

Bobby - the GF scorecard is 2-1 ( and thats all what counts) the same scorecard that Essendon have over Hawthorn in GFS

Dont listen to their bulldust that the 11 straight losses didnt sting them ( thats their real supporters im talking about - not all their bloody bandwagonners who have jumped on in the last 3 years)

You take Fremantle and Geelong - Freo have had the upper hand over recent seasons - theres no question about that - if Mundy had kicked that goal ( when they were never in the game) after the siren - with smirking Rossy watching from the boundary line - that would have stung big time - in fact most Geelong supporters would have been buying a new television set the following week

3 flags - the best win loss record ever for what 100-200 games in the history of the comp - and your still not happy - some people are hard to please !!
Must feel good to get told off on your own board for posting in this thread:rainbow:

You are aware nearly all in this thread aren't posting delusionally.

Oh and leave that flag chest puffing over at Maybloom central :thumbsu:
I am glad that you left room for the few that do post delusionally.
Bobby - the GF scorecard is 2-1 ( and thats all what counts) the same scorecard that Essendon have over Hawthorn in GFS

No it is not. What about pre-lims and other finals where they rubbed us out.
For example in '91 when we were probably the best team in the comp and they beat us at the death in time on and went on to win the GF that year. And do I have to remind you of the results of the 2013 Prelim and Grand Final.
Too many Geelong supporters are in denial.
it's not about that. We are talking about the player Jordan Murdoch. He's everything that is wrong with Geelong today. A soft uncontested sea gull and it is because of players like this that other teams now match us in many areas during a game.
Until Murdoch changes his ways and can use that explosive speed of his to hit in hard and win the footy, we have much better options available. At least gift games to a young bloke who enjoys winning contested footy for starters. Look at Gregson, 3ft'2 and took on Aaron Sandilands without thinking twice! This is the type of footballer that will take Geelong places.
Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

My god.

Soft? Murdoch?

Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha
I am glad that you left room for the few that do post delusionally.
Most have disagreed with this thread.

I like Crazy's optimism usually but this is a step too far atm imo.
mate, it was an absurd decision, one in which I was totally against at the time. I reckon our supporter base was split in half on that decision. Some were jumping with joy and thought McIntosh was the missing piece of the puzzle whilst the other half felt he was far too fragile to take a punt on.
I don't care what term you wish to use, McIntosh was simply a ridiculous choice. One we never should have taken. Just remember, he cost Geelong pick 38. Stephen Wells has recruited Motlop, Vardy, Christensen, Horlin-Smith, Kersten, Jansen & Kolodjashnij with picks 38-41 over the last six years. That is a good bunch of players right there.

Why did we get Mitch Clark for?
The guy is the very epitome of injury riddled. Even worse than McIntosh. I struggle to understand why our recruiters picked him.
I know it was part of a complex trade deal but why couldn't we have just tried to off load Varcoe for a third rounder instead. Quite a lot of clubs would have jumped at the chance to snag Varcoe. Outside running types who can kick goals are always handy. We could have used that pick to draft in a young key forward and began the development phase.

Some of these decisions are really hurting us now.
Not sure Mitch is worse than HMac. I get why HMac was recruited and the theory was sound - the execution was appalling and the results worse. No arguments there.
Clark however, as limited as he's been thus far, has played more games than Hmac in 3 years. Clark has cost less also in terms of SC. And he's fit and ready to go for 2016. So while not producing much overall yet ( kicked more goals in 8 games than HMac in 3 years) id say of the two, Mitch Clark is the far better option - but thats also not saying much……yet….

As for his depression, he and club have had a year in situ so to speak. WE have a Sports Psychologist on staff as well that can assist also. There is more experience after the 2015 season about what to do and not to do. I'll give Clark another 12 months before calling it a failure.

Go Catters
Absolutely Daz...what we did see of Clark was he is a quality player...13-15 games from him this year will add a lot to our performances.

One thing for certain is he will draw a good opponent.
Absolutely, and that's an entirely reasonable point. But some decisions I think were too far removed from reality. McIntosh was already 28 and had played 8 games in the previous 2 years. It was obvious to (almost) everyone that he was an exorbitant risk. He typifies what worries me the most about our present list management philosophies. We seem to recruit or retain way too many players with serious injuries (or issues), and somehow believe that all of them will come good. It's just not going to happen.

I hear what you're saying, and don't disagree about the risk/s taken.

We've gone from taking relatively conservative risks to gambling a lot bigger. When it works it's inspired, but when it fails it's a big crash.

I guess those that are making the decisions have calculated that the potential ROI outweighs the potential loss. Unfortunately, some of theriskier gambles haven't paid off.

Hopefully players like Vardy, Smith, Stanley, Henderson and Selwood restore some faith.
Absolutely Daz...what we did see of Clark was he is a quality player...13-15 games from him this year will add a lot to our performances.

One thing for certain is he will draw a good opponent.
Clark looked like an inspired selection in the first hand full of games,I don't know how others feel about him but I worry more about what's going on above the shoulder than below.I'd be a nervous puppy taking him into a final,the talent is obvious but so to are the Demons.Still we have a full season to make judgment on that,lets hope he passes all tests.
Clark looked like an inspired selection in the first hand full of games,I don't know how others feel about him but I worry more about what's going on above the shoulder than below.I'd be a nervous puppy taking him into a final,the talent is obvious but so to are the Demons.Still we have a full season to make judgment on that,lets hope he passes all tests.

At his best, he can definitely play. But personally I wouldn't recruit anyone who has mental health issues. It's too big a risk. He deserves the best treatment available, but it may mean some jobs simply aren't suitable.
No it is not. What about pre-lims and other finals where they rubbed us out.
For example in '91 when we were probably the best team in the comp and they beat us at the death in time on and went on to win the GF that year. And do I have to remind you of the results of the 2013 Prelim and Grand Final.
Too many Geelong supporters are in denial.

How were we the best side in 91 when we finished equal second with Hawthorn and three games behind West Coast?
Hey I love the Cats but what a delusional thread. Hawthorn has far greater membership numbers and capital flow than we will ever have or could ever hope to have and on top of that they've already had more success in the last 7 years than we'll ever achieve.
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