WTF!? - AFL wants to reduce "excessive tackling"

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Are you happy watching an AFLX style of game in proper season ?

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Classic big footy logic - a few less tackles = AFL x :rolleyes:
I reckon run down from behind tackles are some of the most exciting bits of play in the game as well as tackles in the forward line where you really feel like defenders are being 'hunted' right near the goal line. On the other hand when you've got 20 blokes all gathered around within 10 metres of space and as soon as each gets the ball they get tackled, well that's not so great.

Agree 100%

They have 3 ways to try and fix this
1) zones - no
2) reduced interchanges - would probably have the desired effect but lead to unintended consequences (coaches stacking the backline more)
3) reduces number of players on the ground - the only way you will reduce congestion without fundamentally altering how the game is played
This is true, you can tolerate a less aesthetically pleasing game if your team is winning.

That's why I think the best way to judge is how you enjoy games not involving your team. I don't think I enjoy a Friday night watching the footy as much as I used to.

No and it's hand in hand, the quality of games is poor and the quality of the tv production is shithouse

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Its time the clubs took back control of the sport. Leaving things up to one or two fwits is not the way a sport should be administered. If this means less for tv rights so be it. As fans we need to let our clubs know. Where is the fan's representation in all this? Maybe us fans should try to get on our club boards to ensure there is a voice. No more rule changes in pursuit of look of the game bs!

And creating a sub comittee with all clubs involed would speed things up?

And get the best result?
It's pretty simple. If you want to fix congestion all you need to do is actually pay holding the ball. The way the rules are adjudicated allows players to incorrectly dispose of the ball on a consitent basis. Alot of the time they also judge a player hasn't had prior opp when clearly they have. Start paying HTB and ease.congestion and see more 1 vs 1 up the ground.

Totally agree..

Been singing off this song sheet for two years now.

Punish players more who dont make a real attempt to get rid of the balland hold up play . The HTB free creates more run and spread.

Pretty simple really.

The AFL caused the problem by changing the interpretation that rewards a team accepting a tackle and holding up play.

And creating a sub comittee with all clubs involed would speed things up?

And get the best result?

There is strength in numbers no doubt.
I’m just trying to work out what demographic of people they are trying to appease with ideas like these. Everyone who has had any involvement in the game understands the inherent risks associated with the physicality. However, that’s what makes it the best sport in the world.
Neutering the game will greatly reduce the interest in it.

That has nothing to do with their thinking. Said it before...they are trying to get more goals kicked. More goals = more revenue from broadcasters. It's as simple as that. The almighty AFL is chasing the $$.

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So why do people pine for or talk wistfully of '80s/'90s footy then? That's how the game was back then (try watching a random game from that time with a 2019 mindset, and see how quickly you get frustrated by the dumb, inefficient ball use and general lack of pressure), and that's what the AFL is trying to push the game towards by reducing tackling and defensive play, without the threat of head-high hits or king hits too.

Perhaps the "golden era" of footy some of us grew up on wasn't so golden after all...
It was. And although I really hate Hocking aand have no confidence in him to come up with the right solution I think he is correct in identifying "excessive tackling" as a massive problem. Players can't actually play the game anymore as there is no space. As soon as a player wins the footy he is set upon by 5 opponents all tackling and smothering him until he quickly dishes off to a teammate facing the same problems. It's rubbish and looks like a hybrid version of rugby and soccer.

Congestion is a massive issue and makes the game almost unwatchable. Close games is the only thing keeping people watching but people will soon realise there's no point watching the first 3 quarter (kind of like in the NBA). Individual brilliance has been all but stamped out of the game, other than the odd Eddie Betts cracker. Part of that is coaching part of that is congestion and part of that is the rules where now even the specky is being legislated out of the game (see Jeremy Howe on Queens Birthday).

The game is in crisis at the moment it's just that the fools in charge of fixing it have no idea how to and won't roll back any of the changes they've made in recent years that have contributed to it
It was. And although I really hate Hocking aand have no confidence in him to come up with the right solution I think he is correct in identifying "excessive tackling" as a massive problem. Players can't actually play the game anymore as there is no space. As soon as a player wins the footy he is set upon by 5 opponents all tackling and smothering him until he quickly dishes off to a teammate facing the same problems. It's rubbish and looks like a hybrid version of rugby and soccer.

Congestion is a massive issue and makes the game almost unwatchable. Close games is the only thing keeping people watching but people will soon realise there's no point watching the first 3 quarter (kind of like in the NBA). Individual brilliance has been all but stamped out of the game, other than the odd Eddie Betts cracker. Part of that is coaching part of that is congestion and part of that is the rules where now even the specky is being legislated out of the game (see Jeremy Howe on Queens Birthday).

The game is in crisis at the moment it's just that the fools in charge of fixing it have no idea how to and won't roll back any of the changes they've made in recent years that have contributed to it

Turn it up FFS

The game has never been in better shape financially and viewed/watched, whats pissing everyone off is the constant rule changes being made with out any proper research as to what effects it will have on the game. Dont be fooled by the media frenzy, as the psoter above has said this is all about increasing goals scored to increase broadcasting revenue plain and simple.

The game is in crisis LMAOOOO :rolleyes:

Ifyou actually bothered to take a moment to understand what Steve Hocking meant when he said he was hoping to "get a balance back in so that (tackling) is not a feature of the game" before you sprinted to outrage ...
thenyou wouldn't have looked as silly as you now do.
Agree 100%

They have 3 ways to try and fix this
1) zones - no
2) reduced interchanges - would probably have the desired effect but lead to unintended consequences (coaches stacking the backline more)
3) reduces number of players on the ground - the only way you will reduce congestion without fundamentally altering how the game is played
Or just come down harder on tacklers and enforce the rules more strictly.
Disregarding the ridiculous posts by Richmond supporters in this thread - grow up hey? This to me makes it pretty obvious that the AFL want to do something about congestion but genuinely have NFI how to go about it.

That's because they're stubborn imbeciles who refuse to acknowledge the root cause of the issue: the terrible rules they've implemented in the last 5-10 years.
Well, yeah. I guess.

Why would that be? I havent stuffed up a sport that was loved by all and needed to not be touched. Wouldn't Gil and Co be the losers?
I am not a diehard of AFL, this new hybrid sport does very little for me.
Now yes I loved Aussie Rules Footy but as it is no longer played not much to be a diehard about with this new sport.
Each to their own I guess.
Totally agree..

Been singing off this song sheet for two years now.

Punish players more who dont make a real attempt to get rid of the balland hold up play . The HTB free creates more run and spread.

Pretty simple really.

The AFL caused the problem by changing the interpretation that rewards a team accepting a tackle and holding up play.

Pay or free kicks, Holding the man is rife in the game. Head high Contact is rife in the game. Pay the free's and let the game spread.
But also make the tackles be legal, I am fed up with tackling players getting players high and blaming it on the bloke with the ball.

One other thing, remove the nominate ruckman crap, let whoever and how many go up and tell the umpires both field and boundary to get the ball and just get on with it, no waiting for anyone.

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WTF!? - AFL wants to reduce "excessive tackling"

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