Injury Callinan out for 6-10 weeks

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Re: Calling out 6-10

This is really sad for Callinan, and I hope he can someday fight his way into our team later this season.
But look at it for what it is, we lost a rookie player, he isn't even on our senior list. It's not really that big of a loss.

Sad for Callinan, but we'll cope :)
Re: Calling out 6-10

Bad for him
But he's not on our senior list, so it's no real loss.

Biggest loser in this (besides Callinan) is Centrals, so yeah, meh.

I disagree - he was almost a certainty to get an upgrade by the start of season, that opportunity is now lost to him.

Biggest winner out of this is Jaensch - looks like he's back on track to be our designated crumbing forward.

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Re: Calling out 6-10

I disagree - he was almost a certainty to get an upgrade by the start of season, that opportunity is now lost to him.

Biggest winner out of this is Jaensch - looks like he's back on track to be our designated crumbing forward.
you could of waited untill I edited my post as to be a little nicer and sympathetic to the situation :mad:
Re: Calling out 6-10

Ian Callinan 6 or 10 weeks 5AA report his season and AFL dream could be over
Re: Calling out 6-10

He'd be devastated. He finally makes it, then gets a big (and weird) injury :(:thumbsdown:
Re: Calling out 6-10

I disagree - he was almost a certainty to get an upgrade by the start of season, that opportunity is now lost to him.

Biggest winner out of this is Jaensch - looks like he's back on track to be our designated crumbing forward.

Another to benefit from poor Nutter's injury could be Matty Wright, he was next in line for the upgrade spot.

This might sound pointless and stupid but could the club upgrade Callinan and place him on the LTI list then upgrade Matt Wright while Callinan is injured? My rationale is that Callinan seems to be the clubs preferred choice for the elevated rookie spot and it would allow Wright (second in line) to play until Callinan is back without having to wait for another LTI to occur
Re: Calling out 6-10

Another to benefit from poor Nutter's injury could be Matty Wright, he was next in line for the upgrade spot.

This might sound pointless and stupid but could the club upgrade Callinan and place him on the LTI list then upgrade Matt Wright while Callinan is injured? My rationale is that Callinan seems to be the clubs preferred choice for the elevated rookie spot and it would allow Wright (second in line) to play until Callinan is back without having to wait for another LTI to occur
Nice lateral thinking, but the problem is, is that If Callinan is out for say 6 weeks, he can't play any games for another 2 weeks after that, even if fit.

And during the season, we would have to drop Wright straight back to the SANFL when Callinan comes back (either in 8 weeks when he reaches the minimum time to be on the LTI is up, or if he comes back later)

It is more logical from the Adelaide Football Club to upgrade Wright now (if he's going to play), and at a later time, either when another person is injured, or at the mid season point, we can upgrade Callinan or another rookie.
Yet another of my DT secrets destroyed. Poor bloke. What an absolute terrible day 2 of your best KPP's injured aswell and it wasn't even a nab cup game. Your preseason has almost flipped to being like last year in a day. I feel your pain.:(

That one isn't a DT secret mate, about 95% of people had him in their team!
wow.i was at the game today, it really didnt really look that bad. i wouldnt be suprised if he is only out for 4 weeks. he almost went back on in fact.


callinan with sling on+tippet ankle

all my photos from the day

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Can't believe they say he will miss 6-10 weeks! Was right in the middle of both interchange boxes and he came of and had a few trainers looking at his arm, I thought he was just wanting it restrapped as he didn't look to be in any pain at all. Went down the race for a little and reappeared with a bag of ice stuck to his arm. :(
Ridiculous injury for football but that's just our luck I guess. Feel really bad for the bloke given that he has pretty much a cert to be upgraded.
wow.i was at the game today, it really didnt really look that bad. i wouldnt be suprised if he is only out for 4 weeks. he almost went back on in fact.

Can only hope so, but if it's as bad as they say it is :( Terrible luck.
Re: Calling out 6-10

I disagree - he was almost a certainty to get an upgrade by the start of season, that opportunity is now lost to him.

Biggest winner out of this is Jaensch - looks like he's back on track to be our designated crumbing forward.

I dont believe that the opportunity is lost to him

if Brodie's injury is as serious as expected then the club has the opportunity to upgrade 2 rookies, with this in mind I would say that both Wright and Nutter remain a strong possibility to be upgraded, Nutter's opportunity may come later when he return's from injury as a result of Martin being on the long term injury list
Didn't he take a pay cut to become a rookie and try to resurrect his AFL career? Devastating :(

However...assuming there's no complications in his recovery, he'll be ready somewhere around round 4-8. While I'm 99% certain that Callinan was first choice, Jaensch/Wright now get a chance to cement a spot and when nutta comes back he puts the pressure right back on them to perform, so it's not all bad.
Only in Adelaide where you can tear your bicep from the bone, or catch parvo virus or have an infected bursar!

Poor bugger... hope he still gets a chance.

This is what I posted in the other injury thread about Callinan. Somebody (rightly) said that yesterday's injuries have nothing to do with fitness management. But I think we should be a bit careful with the Callinan one.

No, they didn't, although I'm really scratching my head about the Callinan injury. It's very unusual injury, and from what I know of Callinan he does not have a history of injury troubles.

I did hear that he dropped 5-6kg at the Crows just through the training regime - I would certainly hope this hasn't affected his body composition or his durability. There was certainly nothing wrong with his body shape at Centrals and I wouldn't have thought it needed too much tweaking.

I'll give the club the benefit of the doubt on this one and write it off as a freak accident, but with our track record, I think there's a right to be at least 5% sceptical on this particular one.
This is what I posted in the other injury thread about Callinan. Somebody (rightly) said that yesterday's injuries have nothing to do with fitness management. But I think we should be a bit careful with the Callinan one.

This bloke was/is and extremely durable footballer, this injury is incredibly out of character. You do have to wonder if for whatever reason he has worked just a fraction too hard on his fitness. His body composition has changed quite a bit since last year.

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