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  1. B

    A Section Amateur Football (Part 2)

    De La are certainly on a roll and favourites tomorrow, but how can you pick your own side against OI after the woeful performance of last week. Would suggest that De La were as good as OB were bad. The efforts of many OB players was appalling
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    A Section Amateur Football (Part 2)

    De La clear favourites for this weeks clash and expect to win.
  3. B

    Best/Worst Jumper in the Vafa

    Gee Emmanus St Leos.........a great jumper. Tell me your joking! The closest some can get to A Section is to bag the OEG and the Tiges. Very average post mate!
  4. B

    Pre-match Entertainment at Sportscover

    You have a long memory BS. Must be referring back as far as State Bank days. Know a high profile cricketer who was also a gun footballer down the Peninsula being offered XYZ a game back in the 80's. Declined and stayed with his club.
  5. B

    A Section Amateur Football (Part 2)

    Really didn't miss you tossers from OEG. No wonder no one likes you blokes. Take a good look at yourself and ask why! Perhaps it is the aviation fuel that your grand parents, parents and now you suck in every day that can be used as an excuse. You should tell your old coach when he goes for...
  6. B

    A Section Amateur Football (Part 2)

    About as close as Beau Sharks posters can get to A Section is take pot shots at SBMT players. Fun reading C section with Beauy tipped to go through the season undefeated by Beauy posters. Amazing performance to drop down a section and do well. Perhaps you guys should try going up a section...
  7. B


    Remember Parkdale just prior to entering the VAFA complaining about two players they offered $200 a game to play with them. Ended up playing for Ormond. You have a big mouth Bedford. All of St Bedes players played for the schoool or in their juniors. The other one played juniors and...
  8. B

    Wayne Oswald & Craig Notman Appointments

    My mail is that he is gone. Back in the Sandy Dragons fould after receiving an offer to good to refuse. Think he might have found that he was out of his comfort zone.
  9. B

    Wayne Oswald & Craig Notman Appointments

    Know a lot about Oswalds performances and have watched him for many years. His finest hour was when he was invited to address the MSJFL and give clubs an insight into where the Sandy Dragons program was headed. His preparation and performance that night was horrendous. How we could appoint...
  10. B

    A Section A Section Amateur Football

    As a Tiger supporter I agree. We have been quite most of the year on Big Footy and not by accident. Time to back off, leave Big Footy alone and go into hibernation. Collegians are a good club and deserve credit. A Section is fantastic and we are happy to be a part of it. Let's take the win...
  11. B

    A Section A Section Amateur Football

    Surprise! An excellent post. It seems that Big Footy is dying a slow death across all VAFA threads. Some of the frequent quality posters have dropped right off. They post to keep their hand in, but even those like Brian Speaking seem to be slowly slipping away. The question to you...
  12. B

    Under 19 (2)

    Love reading Big Footy. Love words like; Gunna, dicks, gotta, wanna and you guys, no chance. Makes me feel lucky to have been educated at St Bedes!
  13. B

    2008 Pre Season Cup

    Jascave........Stop wasting people's time with fair floss ideas. Absolute rubbish.......
  14. B

    B Section B Section Amateur Football

    Can understand you don't want st bedes to win next year. Thing we do know though is OEG won't win B Section.
  15. B

    B Section B Section Amateur Football

    Rabs, Tigers won the last two Div 1 U17 premierships to be accurate. If you know anything about MSJFL football you would know that this years U17 side has always been a Div 2 side. The quality of your post reflects poorly on your club which it does not deserve.
  16. B

    B Section B Section Amateur Football

    Suggest that you revisit your 7/8 claim. Nothing like stretching the truth.
  17. B

    Best Club Website?

    Rovers definitely the best D1 website. Why would 1000 visitors a day go into the site? Sounds a bit over stated.
  18. B

    Coaching changes

    Beautiful. How did I know that you would react like this to my post! Your always happy to hand it out.
  19. B

    Coaching changes

    Find it amazing to hear now after all your posts that you are not a true OEG man given that you left them for another VAFA club. Sorry you do fit the OEG profile...... use the club and move on. You have just confirmed my previous post!
  20. B

    Coaching changes

    Your really GOOD SMG. We know where the cancer starts! The weakness at OEG is people like you who do sweet FA after they hang up their boots. Your Prez is the only bloke that appears to do any work. No timekeepers, boundary umpires, interchange........all of the things that other clubs have...
  21. B

    B Section B Section Amateur Football

    The evidence speaks for itself........ You have just brought up your 1000th post. Need we say anything more. You might call the guys from St Bedes bogans but surely OEG must be known from here on as.......The Chokers!
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    B Section B Section Amateur Football

    A sad little man, living a sad little life who is negative, aggressive and a waste of time.
  23. B

    B Section B Section Amateur Football

    Try looking in the mirror.
  24. B

    Haileybury College Scholarships

    The real issue is not that Haileybury gives out too many scholarships, it is the contrary. The other schools are not as generous in offering scholarships beit academic, arts or sporting to those that cannot afford to attend an APS school. The fact is that those attending APS schools are...
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    Haileybury College Scholarships

    Sorry the facts are that Andrews, Lynch, Collins, Kibby, Tunik and Tormey played First 11 cricket and First 18 football. More than half the cricket side played football.
  26. B

    Haileybury College Scholarships

    What surprises me is that you can't have it both ways. In the 2006 cricket season Haileybury were bagged for scholarship players. In the 2006 football season Haileybury was bagged for scholarship players. Yet at leat half of the cricket team played first 18 football. Now what were they...
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    Scotch First XVIII 2007

    A lot of work here for the English Tutor at Scotch! And by the way Scotch didn't win when it counted. To Haileyburys credited they proved that they were the better TEAM!
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    Scotch First XVIII 2007

    When will you Scotch boys grow up. If you need to be reminded Haileybury slaughtered your side when the premiership was there for the taking. If it was decided on aggregrate Haileybury deserved the flag!
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    2007 APS season

    Any one tell me how many APS games Xavier Ellis played last season?
  30. B

    The questions and answers to all things VAFA over the this space!

    Slay Master, could not help but pick you up on your earlier posting that the postage stamp producing an AFL list player. May be players who are good in traffic are worth looking at.