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  1. TheGoldPersons

    2024/2025 Gold Coast Draft & Trade Periods

    Why do we care if he wants to do media or not? All he needs to do for me is give some stiff arms and snaps at goal
  2. TheGoldPersons

    Toast Welcome to the SUNS - Ben King

    And Max's knees are super cooked
  3. TheGoldPersons

    Official Club Stuff 2024 Club Membership Updates

    On to the 25k target
  4. TheGoldPersons

    Toast Welcome to the SUNS - Ben King

    It won't happen because the slander St Kilda would get for losing both brothers will be generational
  5. TheGoldPersons

    Toast Welcome to the SUNS, Will Graham
  6. TheGoldPersons

    Review Round 16 - Collingwood @ PF Stadium - 29th June 2024 - 4:35pm AEST

    Said it for the Essendon and Richmond games but even though we still get outnumbered, its no where near as one-sided as previous years. The Ainsworth goal was probably the loudest the stadium has been since the Anderson game winner
  7. TheGoldPersons

    Review Round 16 - Collingwood @ PF Stadium - 29th June 2024 - 4:35pm AEST

    On ya bike Maynard you flopping flog
  8. TheGoldPersons

    FTA-TV The Front Bar

    Don't mind Richo
  9. TheGoldPersons

    Play Nice 2024 AFL and State League Attendance
  10. TheGoldPersons

    Review Round 16 - Collingwood @ PF Stadium - 29th June 2024 - 4:35pm AEST
  11. TheGoldPersons

    Game Day Round 15 - Fremantle @ Optus Stadium - 23rd June 2024 - 4:00pm AEST

    If overpaying for Rioli means no more Flanders at defense then I'm all for it
  12. TheGoldPersons

    Game Day Round 15 - Fremantle @ Optus Stadium - 23rd June 2024 - 4:00pm AEST

    At least Powell is still great
  13. TheGoldPersons

    Game Day Round 15 - Fremantle @ Optus Stadium - 23rd June 2024 - 4:00pm AEST

    What are we paying Alex Rance for?
  14. TheGoldPersons

    Oppo Camp Opposition Watch

    Good for Chol
  15. TheGoldPersons

    Game Day Round 15 - Fremantle @ Optus Stadium - 23rd June 2024 - 4:00pm AEST

    Watch Brodie get his first game of the year and dominate us for some reason
  16. TheGoldPersons

    Game Day Round 3 & 14 - vs The Bye (Catch All Chat Thread)

    Surely one of the AFL journos wouldve made a post on twitter by now if it actually happened?
  17. TheGoldPersons

    2nds Gold Coast Reserves: Title Defense 2024

    Oh well - We had a good run
  18. TheGoldPersons

    Suns in the Media - Part II
  19. TheGoldPersons

    Review Round 13 - St. Kilda @ Marvel Stadium - 8th June 2024 - 7:30pm AEST

    Boy i sure do feel better now
  20. TheGoldPersons

    Review Round 13 - St. Kilda @ Marvel Stadium - 8th June 2024 - 7:30pm AEST

    Saints one of the biggest sooks of the academy so **** them
  21. TheGoldPersons

    2024/2025 Gold Coast Draft & Trade Periods

    Because their own players are trash
  22. 1717743723463.png


  23. TheGoldPersons

    Fixture 2024 Fixture

    Looking like another sell out
  24. TheGoldPersons

    Recommitted Hugh McCluggage [Re-signed with Brisbane through to the end of 2031]

    Supposely staying for 7 years or did I mishear Shane Webcke on the news?
  25. TheGoldPersons

    Game Day Round 12 - Essendon @ PF Stadium - 2nd June 2024 - 4:00pm AEST

    Did the broadcast show when Walter sprinted a long distance to tackle the Essendon player in the last few minutes and just missed that he punched the ground in frustration?
  26. TheGoldPersons

    Game Day Round 12 - Essendon @ PF Stadium - 2nd June 2024 - 4:00pm AEST

    Build Hardwick a ****ing statue
  27. TheGoldPersons

    Game Day Round 12 - Essendon @ PF Stadium - 2nd June 2024 - 4:00pm AEST

    Id give my left nut for Mac to re-sign