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  1. T

    When last they met: Pies v Hawthorn PF 2011

    I totally agree with this. We were seriously underprepared in the Prelim and I can't see that happening now. Sure we have a couple of players missing but Hawthorn's list just doesn't compare to ours. Pies by 20+
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    Maxwell ankle injury

    What would a Saints supporter in Demon clothing know anyway? I'd suggest that if you haven't even got the courage to wear your own team's colours online then your opinions are not really worth giving much thought to.
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    Toast The Cusp of Empire

    I think this is the thing that confuses me most about Dundalis' posts. Pie is obviously passionate about his club as are a lot of us here. I would have thought that was pretty much prerequisite for supporting Collingwood. Let's face it, you get more than your fair share of opposition fans trying...
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    Toast The Cusp of Empire

    Well personally I can see quite clearly why Pie would have taken offence at your characterisation. You suppose, you bet, you think but the fact is it's baseless and he has a right to be offended. Whether you feel personally affronted by the lack of objectivity on this forum doesn't actually...
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    Toast The Cusp of Empire

    Yes but I don't get who made you the judge of what people can and can't post on their own club's board. From what I can see the OP was completely inoffensive and you appear to have taken offence for god only knows what reason and characterised Pie without the slightest bit of evidence. Who cares...
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    Toast The Cusp of Empire

    It seems to me you're reading an awful lot into what's being said here. I don't see anything remotely offensive about someone talking up the positives of his own club on its own board. Now if this was in the main forum then I suppose everyone would have a problem with it but it seems like a...
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    Geelong vs Collingwood - 2011 Grand Final

    Cheers POTP. Enjoy it, not too many clubs win 3 in 5 years like you guys in 07, 09 and 11 and us in 10, 12 and 13! ;)
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    Rumour Eade to Collingwood?

    Sorry, but like a few others here I find that a really odd statement especially when you consider that the last time we chased Eade it was specifically for the role as a tactician and it was categorically stated that the club rated his tactical abilities. :confused:
  9. T

    Why we lost today.

    Pretty straight forward as has been said here already. Too many players went in underdone or carrying injuries. Add to that the injuries during the match and we didn't stand a chance of getting over the Cats. Jolly, Reid, Shaw, Thomas, Ball, Didak, Maxwell and a few others all well short of...
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    Geelong vs Collingwood - 2011 Grand Final

    I certainly had an enjoyable day. Pity about the result but the Cats were too good. Great game and well played to them. :thumbsu:
  11. T

    MEGA THREAD***** Hawthorn vs Collingwood + umpires

    Of course the only problem with your argument is that you are for the most part referring to a gaggle of whinging whining bad sport hawks supporters who have thoroughly embarrassed themselves and their club. Even if you add in the BF trolls who don't happen to be Hawthorn supporters it says much...
  12. T

    MEGA THREAD***** Hawthorn vs Collingwood + umpires

    Nice, should I quote where you told us all that you are a total moron or would that be against the rules here? :mad:
  13. T

    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    Now I'm sorry but I think you have to view the conversation as a whole and you will see that even the rules of this very forum state that because you say you are not trolling does not actually mean you are not trolling. When you start out by saying this: and follow up with this: I...
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    I think you'll find that my modus operandi is that when someone posts something which is clearly illogical I will occasionally call them on it. If you really have no idea what trolling is then I'm reasonably confident that grizzlym will explain it to you in no uncertain terms but for now you...
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    Here's an idea, how about you go look it up for yourself! :rolleyes: Cool. Your point?
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    Simple, go back 4 posts from yours! :thumbsu:
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    So let me understand this. Either what you're saying is that the best medicos in the world all have x-ray vision and can see a soft tissue injury from a mile away or you happen to know all of the workings of the team's decisions in terms of who they sub and when. Sorry, but if that isn't...
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    Quelle Surprise! Right on cue the offended Saints fan joins the conga line. Seriously Finger, are you still so ashamed of your club that you can't bear to be seen in their colours? Honestly, they weren't that bad this year. :thumbsu:
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    I'm thanking you because you rate Collingwood's medicos the best in the world. :) The rest is just trolling which I wouldn't waste time responding to! :rolleyes:
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    I suspect the word "knew" is a tad strong but most probably suspected it. The point being that it says nothing about whether or not he was injured.
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    Can't recall suggesting that actually but thanks for the good wishes anyway. :confused:
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    Oh yes, clearly the voice of reason here. Couldn't possibly have been injured without you noticing it could he? This is precisely the point I was making. Morons on BF suggesting crap does not make it true. As I've said, it might be but the more trolls tell me it is so the more I am happy to...
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    Happy to acknowledge that at times the feelings of a player are put ahead of the truth no matter what team he plays for. That doesn't mean that is necessarily what happened here. My point is that to say he wasn't going to get a game because of poor form in his previous game does not prove...
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    Looking for omens...anything

    ha ha. I love your optimism. For the record we are having a footy colours day at work too. I am all decked out in my members polo and everything else black. (Black and white underwear too if you must know.) I have my Side by Side Scarf and my normal striped one as well as my cap adorning my...
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    Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

    Of course most Pies supporters are pragmatic enough to know that this may well be a face saving exercise for Beams but then it's not particularly surprising that some people cannot possibly concede that poor performance in previous finals may well be the result of injury. No, that would be way...
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    Did the Pies players get it wrong??

    Clearly you're not reading these posts correctly. Many Pies fans on this board have stated categorically that they believe the Brownlow is a crock by comparison with the MVP. That isn't to say that they wouldn't take the brownlow given the false aura in which it is held by the media and those...
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    MEGA THREAD***** Hawthorn vs Collingwood + umpires

    No I can't but making an observation with the full agreement of the AFL umpiring director is a far cry from the bad sportsmanship displayed by the cry babies in this thread. :o:o:o Add to that the fact that I qualified it by saying that I accepted the result because I accept that umpires make...
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    News Friday Training Session.

    Thanks for that. Business as usual then! :thumbsu:
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    Preview How to beat Geelong

    lol. Fair enough. It will be interesting to see what happens but the psychological battle is such a huge factor in GF's.