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  1. J

    Rumour Adelaide Crows camp

    I’m a supporter and I agree, especially with the systemic cover up that occurred. That’s a club not just individual issue. It could also be argued the club as done as much if not more damage to individual players then what Essendon did. I don’t think the situation can be resolved with out...
  2. J

    Preview Changes: R10 vs St Kilda, Saturday May 21, 7.00pm ACST @ Adelaide Oval

    With the reserve’s side having the Bye and the firsts playing on a Saturday night, my guess is someone’s got a bit too carried away with a night on the town. Only question is if the trouble involves cars,girls or drugs or all of the above? Or simply not turning up to recovery in a satisfactory...
  3. J

    Preview Changes: R3 vs Port Adelaide

    Murphy in for Rachele would improve the melts!
  4. J

    Analysis Player development

    Going further back, which players that we have drafted have improved significantly under our current SANFL model? Butts, ROB & Doedee, Any others? Maybe Cameron? In the past we seemed to be good at developing players but poor at retaining them. I think we all rightly assumed that having...
  5. J

    Analysis Player development

    I did say maybe and I think they will both still be good players, but how much of that is due to natural talent, compared to their development? TT was taking contested marks and crashing packs in his first few games, seems to be doing less of that now. Maybe it’s instruction.
  6. J

    Analysis Player development

    Looks a good appointment. Will take more than one pre-season to see it pay off, hopefully we start to see some improvement in this area.
  7. J

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach

    It’s a bit of both I think. Plenty of times a player down field would get the ball look up see and stagnant forward line and proceed to chip sidesways,run around in circles or just bomb it to no one in particular. No doubt we have a lot of average balls users atm, but the structure ahead of...
  8. J

    Analysis Player development

    I know there’s has been a lot posted about our recruiting, but I really think a spotlight needs to be shone on our player development, which I think is just as big if not bigger issue than our drafting. I know improvement in young players will rarely be linear, but how many times do we see...
  9. J

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach

    I’d love to know what we did over the pre-season. Our basic skills and structures seemed to have relapsed massively compared to the end of last season. I’m hoping it was the late covid that went through most of the list…..but that seems to be a pretty poor excuse. I live interstate so I...
  10. J

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach

    Nicks will probably escape a lot of attention/criticism if the mob down the road continue to implode. The noise to “sack Ken” will be a lot louder for now, allowing Nicks to escape a lot of the pressure. Once Kenny goes though, it could change pretty quick. For what it’s worth I’d be happy...
  11. J

    Rumour AFLW player refuses to wear pride jumper

    But it looks like there is a place in the AFLW ATM.
  12. J

    Rumour AFLW player refuses to wear pride jumper

    Actually according to the AFL/AFLW/society he is. As long as a person doesn’t voice or act on homophobic views, there perfectly entitled to have them. And their perfectly entitled not to celebrate and advocate for the rights LGBTIQ people.
  13. J

    Rumour AFLW player refuses to wear pride jumper

    Its certainly an interesting question. I kind of wish, it had occurred during the mens season, with a more high profile player/team. To see where people sit. I don’t believe religion should come into it either. Yours views are your views regardless of the reasons behind them. And I dare say...
  14. J

    Rumour AFLW player refuses to wear pride jumper

    And she hasn’t been sacked, has been allowed not to wear it and I dare say will play next week. Which to me means the AFL/AFLW are okay with someone not promoting it. If she come out and said I’m not wearing the jumper because all LGBTIQ are going to hell, the response would be different. Are...
  15. J

    Rumour AFLW player refuses to wear pride jumper

    I don’t think we are quite at that point yet. like I said, if I posted a rasicist or homophobic tirade on one of my social media channels, I dare say my employer would find out about it and I’d be sacked. But if I decided to sit in my office, perform my duties, but not partake in whatever...
  16. J

    Rumour AFLW player refuses to wear pride jumper

    I agree. And like I said in an earlier post, the question is are we at a point as a society we’re not actively celebrating or promoting something is considered the same as not supporting it or even condemning it? I really don’t know the answer.
  17. J

    Rumour AFLW player refuses to wear pride jumper

    Then the question turns to what if a player decides they don’t feel comfortable wearing an indigenous top? They don’t sprout hate, they don’t openly berate indigenous players. They just feel uncomfortable wearing the top? I mean there’s notihing illegal about having racist views and if you...
  18. J

    Rumour AFLW player refuses to wear pride jumper

    It would be more, if you went to work on that day, performed your normal duties, but didn’t partake in the celebrations? The player in questions only gripe is wearing the top. As I understand she’s quite happy to play in a pride round and has done so before. I mean if I posted a homephobic...
  19. J

    Rumour AFLW player refuses to wear pride jumper

    It’s a tough one. Until now someone’s private views have largely not carried any consequences, unless they have publicly expressed those views or acted upon them. We probably all work and associate with people who are privately homephobic,bigots or racist. But because their not openly asked...
  20. J

    AFLW AFLW 2022 - Round 4

    I’ve got no problem, with what Haneen’s done, as long as she doesn’t openly slander anyone. I do wonder however if it was for example Taylor walker or an other high profile player who decided to sit out of a pride round (didn’t say anything, just didn’t participate) if it would be swept under...
  21. J

    Opinion 2021 Non-Crows AFL 3: Things Fall Apart!

    Melbourne needed the ultimate anti Craig in Choco Williams do de Craig Goodwin. Must admit I never thought a Neil Craig Disciple would ever win a flag. Still removing that cancer from our club.
  22. J

    Rumour Neil Balme is not the Head of Football

    I heard that Kelly refused to change the office biscuit supply from his preferred scotch finger to Monte Carlo which are Balme’s biscuit of choice. Richmond also upped their supply of Monte Carlo’s.
  23. J

    Rumour Neil Balme is not the Head of Football

    is Shuttleworth still our media guy? I wouldn’t mind Olsen giving “ambassadors” Rowe, KG and Cornes senior a good clip behind the ears. Preferably publicl. Surely it’s now obvious that Roo needs to decide between his Media and club roles their clearly not compatible.
  24. J

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    Got my first AZ jab last Friday. Was pretty groggy on Saturday, but after that fine. I’m 32. I’d definitely recommend getting it, when you have a day or so to recover before going back to work etc. I live in regional NSW. I called up one of the local GP clinics to ask if I could book into see...
  25. J

    Play Nice Post sanction: Taylor Walker publically apologises for his racial slur

    If what is being reported is true the AFL need to come down hard. He should be degregistered and banned from playing and attending football fullstop. If a fan yelled similar over the fence they would have there membership cancelled, be banned and possibly be charged by police. This can’t be...
  26. J

    Certified Legendary Thread David Mackay PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE

    Pretty obvious listening to the coaches on 360 that they have been told the position they are expected to take. The AFL is going to make an example here. Ricciuto will be interesting in the morning, reckon the AFL has already told the AFC, what their position should be as well. Will they...
  27. J

    Certified Legendary Thread The Medical Sub blunder - What the hell?

    Might as well make Gibbs sub, he’s still on the list after all, doesn’t even rob from our SANFL side😂! Can earn his retirement money.
  28. J

    Review Good/Bad vs Hawthorn

    The one time, we should have legitimately used Mackay. If we wanted to ensure all the youngsters played a game. Sure it may have caused a few melts on here, but surely it was the obvious choice. Bewildering!
  29. J

    Preview Changes: R2 2021 vs Sydney

    We’ve got a Butt for that!
  30. J

    Preview Practice Match: Crows vs Port, Saturday Feb 27/2/21 @ 11am

    Patella tendon, likely season