List Mgmt. 2024 List Management 📃

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They were never that bad, their impact was limited by low frequency & quality looks.
I'm not so sure about that.
It's part of the equation, but only part. I think a lot of the criticism of our smalls has been the lack of crumbing, and nailing 'small-forward goals'.

Take Fog for example, someone who I think we can all agree has been really good and was missed when he was out with the wrist. The aspect of his game that has been lacking is his kicking, which I think seems to have been more about confidence than skill level. Against the Tiges he took the snaps and nailed 3.

Owies has been getting his goals playing more like a medium forward than a small. But crumbing (and better tackling and pressure) has come into his game in the last couple of months.

I think the move of Williams forward has been a bit of a catalyst for this.
The way he has gotten his goals has both bumped the other smalls down the pecking order in terms of oppo defensive focus, but also shown an example of ways we can score.

Small forwards can't be reliant on 'quality looks', they need to be able to create goals from poor looks and chaos, and that has certainly improved recently.
Would gladly let Owies go if he could fetch us a pretty early pick.
How high are you thinking? And what would you be aiming to do with it?

My hesitance to do this would be that Owies is a valuable member of the 22/squad and the pick we get for him would most likely be eaten up by Campo bids. So unless we are certain that we can use that pick in a trade to get someone who is an upgrade on him, I wouldn't do it. Owies might not be the flashiest small forward in the game, but he is by far our best (not necessarily our most talented) right now.

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Nobody's paying any more than a second rounder for Owies, we're better off keeping him.
How high are you thinking? And what would you be aiming to do with it?

My hesitance to do this would be that Owies is a valuable member of the 22/squad and the pick we get for him would most likely be eaten up by Campo bids. So unless we are certain that we can use that pick in a trade to get someone who is an upgrade on him, I wouldn't do it. Owies might not be the flashiest small forward in the game, but he is by far our best (not necessarily our most talented) right now.
Never say never…

If Ainsworth signs, Owies is the best small forward on the market and may already be let’s be honest.

Averaging a goal and a half in 2024 and I’d say players that have averaged similar have been offered up 1st round picks.

I’m not saying he’s worth a top 10 pick, but if the demand is high and we have the best of the crop available, why wouldn’t we expect something pretty good for Owies.
We've got to let at least 3 go from the senior list. Carroll, Cunners and....Pitto??? ...Owies???.
Unless we somehow manufacture to transfer a player to the rookie list.
West Coast will come for Carroll on the cheap. We may take the high road and let him go cheap as well, because we can't really guarantee him a spot in the midfield for the foreseeable future.

Wouldn't be shocked if someone makes a pretty decent offer for Pitto out of left field. He'd be a very handy starting ruck in half the teams in the league.
The talent/skills of our small forwards and some other players haven't changed a great deal really....

The main change is the way we play as a team and in particular the forward pressure and turnover game really allows the smaller/more mobile players to shine

For example fog is not playing that differently to how he played when we first got him - watch his highlight reel from the cats days and early on as a blue is very similar to how he plays now - like a weapon

Owies was always good and even better now with our improved game style/systems

I cant wait for Motlop to return either - I think he is going to be even more electric.

Durdin dtill young and developing.

The change in our game style and renewed energy after the Curnow camp and in recent weeks this year has been amazingly good and it is making good use of the role players.

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Never say never…

If Ainsworth signs, Owies is the best small forward on the market and may already be let’s be honest.

Averaging a goal and a half in 2024 and I’d say players that have averaged similar have been offered up 1st round picks.

I’m not saying he’s worth a top 10 pick, but if the demand is high and we have the best of the crop available, why wouldn’t we expect something pretty good for Owies.
Let’s be real for a second. The two clubs most likely chasing Owies are St. Kilda and Essendon.

Do you really think SOS or Dodo would give us a first round pick for him?

At best we could get a second which would be eliminated by Campo bids or we ask for their future 2 which they would be less likely to hand over.

I just think Owies is more value to us on the list than in trading him out. There are other players on our list that I would be trading out before him, but that’s another discussion for later in the year. So much to play out yet.
Rosas would be a player I would consider getting, I was a Jeffrey fan as well, but he's getting a game these days.
Indeed. The Gold Coast shop may not be open for much longer, as they finally get some success, so picking up a good player relatively cheaply would be an excellent idea. Rosas is certainly one that would be in the mix. He's not getting game time and has some attributes.
Let’s be real for a second. The two clubs most likely chasing Owies are St. Kilda and Essendon.

Do you really think SOS or Dodo would give us a first round pick for him?

At best we could get a second which would be eliminated by Campo bids or we ask for their future 2 which they would be less likely to hand over.

I just think Owies is more value to us on the list than in trading him out. There are other players on our list that I would be trading out before him, but that’s another discussion for later in the year. So much to play out yet.
If I were Owies, I wouldn't want a bar of either St. Kilda or the Drug Cheats; they're going nowhere, no matter how much money they offer. Owies has gone through the bad times and now reaping the reward. I'd be keeping him, offering him what we need to. It might not be as much the 'Aints can offer, but we're playing finals and they're looking ... ordinary.
Besides, St. Kilda have small forwards: they lack midfield talent.
If I were Owies, I wouldn't want a bar of either St. Kilda or the Drug Cheats; they're going nowhere, no matter how much money they offer. Owies has gone through the bad times and now reaping the reward. I'd be keeping him, offering him what we need to. It might not be as much the 'Aints can offer, but we're playing finals and they're looking ... ordinary.
Besides, St. Kilda have small forwards: they lack midfield talent.
No doubt. I’m sure he would understand how valuable being a Carlton premiership player would be post-playing career as well. It would more than make up for the monetary difference between our offer and that of his other suitors.
West Coast will come for Carroll on the cheap. We may take the high road and let him go cheap as well, because we can't really guarantee him a spot in the midfield for the foreseeable future.

Wouldn't be shocked if someone makes a pretty decent offer for Pitto out of left field. He'd be a very handy starting ruck in half the teams in the league.

And they just re-signed Hudson didn't they so see him as the future.
Personally I’d be more inclined to trade Durdin who recently signed a 2 year deal and as we know in off seasons things can change very quickly and he’s just got injured again so a retain home could appeal. If port or crows were interested and offered us a future 2nd I think we’d be all in we it would be help us A) bring in a quality future pick and B) assist in retaining Owies. I like Durds, but of the current crop he’s the one I’d be open to losing. I’d have Carroll in the same bracket.
We've got to let at least 3 go from the senior list. Carroll, Cunners and....Pitto??? ...Owies???.
Unless we somehow manufacture to transfer a player to the rookie list.

Think the club would sooner delist Marchbank than trade Owies if we need to free up a list spot.

Martin also more appealing as trade bait.

Trade Carroll.
Trade Martin.
Delist Cuningham.
Delist or rookie Marchbank.

That's four spots.

Draft one ourselves, match bids for both Campo's, elevate Boyd to the senior list.

Also a slim chance someone gets in the ear of forgotten man Lewis Young, would be a few sides who might actually have a spot for him in their starting side.

Next year gets bloody hard though, out of contract:

Cerra - required, you'd assume, probably something like a moderate money 4-year deal
Saad - short term extension (1-2 years)
Cincotta - extension (2-3 years)
Wilson - at risk by virtue of age, but showing enough
Kemp - extension (2-3 years my guess, breakout year or oppo interest could push that to 4)
Hewett - established but could be squeezed for list rejuvenation
Lemmey - at risk, needs to lift intensity
Silvagni - free agent, his call
Weiters - probably takes unders for 5 years and commits to being a one club player
Motlop - extension, but maybe some small chance he gets offers elsewhere that interest him
Kennedy - free agent, his call
McGovern - short term extension (1 year plus triggers for second?)
Newman - short term extension (1-2 years)
Fantasia - short term extension (1-2 years my guess, maybe triggers for a third)
Monahan - who knows, does he stay Cat B?
Docherty - all down to how he comes back from this ACL
TDK - priority A signing, will probably take 7 years at very very good money

2025 could see us cut Lemmey despite being a developing young KPP, lose Silvagni if he can't break back into the seniors, need to choose only one of Hewett and Kennedy, or trade away a promising youngster like Motlop or Wilson.
I think their strategy was off.
They needed a few more years down the bottom, but you're right they didn't make the most of the picks either (McCartin instead of Petracca was an awful decision - even before the benefit of hindsight)

They were down as long as we were but they just didn’t get the top end talent we did.

So they have been topping up on a not overly elite base.
I did think we needed another tall defender but, this crew seems to be lighting it up. Speed and cohesion is first class and Number 1 in the comp over the last 6 weeks. Marchbank is nice depth but, I can see him wanting to play at some stage.

Weitering every gets a long term injury and we are in serious trouble.

I can see Carroll seeking greener pastures, maybe wanting to go home.

Campo brothers mitigate any fringe players cutting bait and running.

Owies isn’t going anywhere. He knows that there is plenty of food at the Charlie and Harry trough. Imagine the X factor Williams and Martin would provide forward! We can but dream. To me, Martin has one more year to keep his body right then…

Love our list!

For Jack Carroll, has he actually shown anything that indicates he will be a longer term afl player? People keep mentioning him going back to WA, would either club want him?

I think he might be offered a 1 year minimum contract with us at most, and 50/50 chance to not be on an afl list next year.
Personally I’d be more inclined to trade Durdin who recently signed a 2 year deal and as we know in off seasons things can change very quickly and he’s just got injured again so a retain home could appeal. If port or crows were interested and offered us a future 2nd I think we’d be all in we it would be help us A) bring in a quality future pick and B) assist in retaining Owies. I like Durds, but of the current crop he’s the one I’d be open to losing. I’d have Carroll in the same bracket.
So what your telling us is because Durds re-injured his shoulder again, we should trade him back to SA....
It sounds like the AFL is going to allow players to stay on the rookie list for 5 years (previously 3) the proviso might be that it is done to develop rucks, key positions etc so their might be a games limit imposed so that regular senior players aren't just hidden there. Apparently the clubs are in agreement.

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