Training 2024 training updates.

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Different roles. If we want to replace Markov's pace and run off half back it's going to be TJ (or possibly Allan, as previously).
Obviously he doesn't have the pace - but could easily be Sidey back to half back if Markov is out - so wouldn't necessarily mean TJ in. I'd like to see him though.
Obviously he doesn't have the pace - but could easily be Sidey back to half back if Markov is out - so wouldn't necessarily mean TJ in. I'd like to see him though.
Definitely an option. Or Hosk to defence and Reef forward.

TJ being the holdover last week does point his way. Think we might look to give him a taste, even if it's as sub.
Nah, he was saying “See these? These are the calves that are going to win me the Coleman in 2024, mofos!”

He had a momentary horror when he thought he might have jathanas calves and was too embarassed to be seen in public.

A quick check of the dimensions and his fears were allayed.

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Hopefully that includes some physics - could tutor some new team mates on benefits of kicking in a straight line wherever possible instead of fancy footwork around the corner and the bend for visual (?) impact

Newtonian physics is so 17 century.
Just dropped on FB

The sky was a chessboard as the players were about to enter the arena – cloudy white squares alternated with grey-blue traces of sky. The air was chilly but a hardy bunch of the faithful had turned up. The grass was dewy but the sometimes-maligned surface looked in mint condition.

Jeff Farmer was in the area from where the players emerge when I arrived and when they ran out to train, a lot of them stopped to greet him, sign a Collingwood jumper and pose with him for photos. No surprises that the likes of Hill and Ash particularly relished his presence at training and they enjoyed conversing with him and were enveloped in friendly hugs before they joined their teammates to go through their paces. Howe was the first greet the former Demon star.
Tom Mitchell was sighted walking freely and wearing a broad smile as he engaged with his teammates near the pavilion.

For the record here is the roll call for the day and their appointed ‘colour’.

Allan – first to grace the track today


The most notable absentee was Markov who appears likely to be deleted from last Monday’s team, while Carmichael is still in concussion protocols.

Cox was spotted again striding across the ground prior to training as he arrived much later than the rest of his colleagues.
Richards made his first appearance of the track following his foot diagnosis and he ran at full speed, completing sprints and more endurance-based running.

Nick initially joined the rehab mob and did some running and evasive work around cones but later joined in main training.
JDG and Pendles again worked through rehab together, with the former disappearing for a period before returning. Both of them partook of some agility work. The good news for Long was that he was able to join some of the main drills, including a match play activity which focussed on a bit of contest and ball movement. Jamie outran and outsprinted the Pendles and JDG and belied Tom Morris’s premature pronouncement regarding his football mortality.
As per usual the players limbered up independently according to their order of arrival on the track – negotiating the mini hurdles, enjoying kick to kick with their mates, with some joining a drill overseen by coaches which was based around the retrieval of ground balls, clearly aimed to honing the players’ skills below their knees.

There was excellent camaraderie between them as the shadow boxed, nudged one another with the cheerful bantering evident from the sidelines.

When a symphony of coaches’ whistles summoned them into action, the whole cohort cleaved

As per usual, some continued their warming up with high knee lifts and aggressive forward kicks to sharpen their leg movement.

The other group at the John Cain Arena end did some contest work with a number of the coaches who stood on the mark and called stand to ensure that the players practised match day routines. Brendan McCartney was especially vocal here, while Selwood who told the others he would set up the drill was effusive in his praise after the first group’s rotation. He was heard bellowing “Well done boys – great drill!” Both groups then changed places.
Kreuger sent some alarm bells ringing when he went to a trainer, pointed to his foot and left the arena. Fortunately, it may have been a footwear issue as he returned shortly thereafter and resumed running around in energetic fashion.

Smit and Cameron worked under the tutelage of Josh Fraser in the middle, while the forwards, notably Kreuger and Schultz spent some time on their goalkicking. The putative midfield, with defensive reinforcements IQ and Noble engaged in contesting drills which partly involved bunching and then spreading after a ball was kicked by the female coach into space.

The tall defenders worked together on the pavilion side.

The rucks then joined the mids for a lively contesting drill with some of the players sporting lime green vests.

After a rehydration break there was a long contesting/ball movement mini match simulation with the green vests opposed to those wearing the black tops, though there was swapping occurring with the top half attire. The players were briefed by the coaches while quenching their thirst.

The final item on the agenda was match simulation proper using the middle of the ground in an elongated set-up – wing to wing.

There were three teams – the green vests, black tops and those wearing white.

Each team played two games so that all combinations of games were played out.

It transpired that the mixing of the teams ensured that we had orthodox forwards on regular backs with the mids all allocated to a range of the teams.

This meant that we saw match-ups such as:

Dean/Frampton (who played forward again?
There were some willing contests, plenty of goals and some standouts among the competitors.

Random observation of players:

Tew – really impressed the onlookers with his toolkit – he is majorly elusive, dodging around players of assorted sizes. He intercepted, looked springy and speedy, while doing the basics such as chasing. He’s oozing confidence and I find it hard to resile from my gut feeling that he has the most upside among our youngsters.

Reef – seemed to be playing with a dormant, or perhaps latent anger – he was leaping for marks exhibiting sure hands, moving with alacrity and he drilled a Daicosian goal as he guided it in with soccer style touch.

Smit – showed he has some speed and athleticism when he did some sprinting earlier in the session but also moved well as he trailed Darcy Cameron around the ground. He wasn’t averse to stretching below his knees to fetch a ground ball. While there is so much scope for development, the raw materials are there to utilise.

WHE – think he’s so under-appreciated. He stood out for his ability to pop up, nail a goal and lose his opponent. He runs tirelessly.

IQ whose form has not peaked at the level of previous seasons was lively, effecting spoils and being used as the outlet option for the black team which allowed him to propel attacks.

Harrison – showed again that he knows how to split the big sticks – his footy nous augurs well for his further development

Bytel is bland and vanilla but doesn’t even do this well. He managed to get caught and be dispossessed of the ball when there was apparently clear space surrounding him.’’

Dean is looking more assuredly solid as his confidence grows and is apt to spoil the ball which means he may become the lock-down option we have been trying to source.

Kreuger was energetic and his body remained intact despite his loose-limbed enthusiasm.

Eyre played forward for the green team and got a bit of the ball thus was able to showcase his penetrating left boot.

Parker - he is a compact looking type whose traits don't appear to be outstanding but he does everything neatly and precisely.

Long had a run around and may well be someone who challenges Sullivan’s position while Mitch is sidelined. He has more toe, is an impressive height and is five years younger.

Allan did some impressive things and his physique stands out among is younger peers. It’s good to see his name at least among those on the selection fringes as he may well have his development expedited at the higher level surrounded by more accomplished players.

Macrae - looked more comfortable in his skin perhaps by dint of gaining more acceptance within the group. His hands are elite and his footy nous is obvious.

Following these matches, players drifted to finish the session with their choice of activity, while a few left the arena. Some of the spectators milled around the press conference area.

The best news emanating from training was the likelihood that Nick would take on Norf’s vaunted talented and deep midfield, headlined by LDU and his band of neophytes.

BTW, I wasn't truanting today as it was report writing and exam correction day and fortunately I've completed everything.

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