Opinion Alan Cransberg and Trevor Nisbett

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Yeah. Because we share a city if two million people with one other AFL club.

YEP...and we are recognised as being uber professional, and a leader now in dealing with poor player behaviour....or the best at teaching players a better way to live life.
Thats why Pert called Nisbett end of last yr, to garner advice and opinion on how to manage some of the Pies errant boys.

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Humorously Cransberg uses the "long term thinking" argument IN FAVOUR of Woosh....

Seriously Alan, you were an ordinary conveyance as a player and you are struggling if you believe that shyte as Chairman...

I do like that u said you'd wait til seasons end and he'll be asked a lot of questions but asking them after you've already anointed him is a bit pointless ...
I don't think its the best decision for the club, but at the same time I'm not totally against it...as long as he regains some passion and they make some changes. I have a bit of a problem with the process though, was there any pressure put on Worsfold to determine why we have been terrible all year? Was there some kind of review of our position, and whether we would be better with or without Worsfold? Sounds to me as if we just gave him the job without any of these things happening, which is very disappointing.

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Nooooooo players go out? Nooooooo geez people live under the rock.
Surely we must have the most invisible Chairman and CEO in the competition. Have hardly heard a peep from these two over the last few years. Nothing from them about the direction of the club or seeing them on the TV at games promoting the club. I know we as a club like to shun type of things that most of the other clubs embrace but the only off field people that are visible are Worsfold and Daniher from what I see.

I don't know what you guys think but I'd like to see these guys a bit more visible, Steve Rosich for Fremantle has done a magnificent job since taking over from Cameron Schwab.

He didn't exactly have a hard act to follow!;)
Our drafting hasn't been great, the club doesn't engage with fans well, our gameplan has not held up, we struggle continuously with a large number of injuries, our players aren't strong enough and player skills are below par.

So who is responsible for the appointments of coaching, medical, fitness/conditioning, development and recruitment staff, because to me it seems the club has hit a rut and in more than one area is not making the right decisions.

Likewise, whoever is responsible for appointing the people in charge of communications and forming the strategies for fan engagement. Whilst we have gotten better in some areas we are woefully inadequate in others.

The clubs financial situation is as strong as ever, though with a captive market and some very noticeable players this does not surprise me. Perhaps, the best thing I can say is that the club has really embraced a greater sense of social responsibility.

For a club that is so wealthy, has spent a fortune on coaching staff and was once recognised for it's ability to recruit and develop players, we really have become mediocre in a lot of areas. Does the responsibility for this lie at the top?
Arrogance perhaps?
I think it would be nice to hear some sort of general acknowledgment from the club that things aren't great; that they have underperformed and that we have underperformed in regards to drafting/development and retention after deciding that our strategy was not to trade in but to build via a plethora of high draft picks....

I think the club can honestly engage with its fan base or it can close up shop and issue puff pieces about how "mature and strong" the Sydney midfield was with only Matty standing in their way.

The lack of willingness to acknowledge our shortcomings while being only too happy to talk about Woosh having the job if he wants it regardless of results sends a weird message to fans....

Or it sends a message that we know best and you guys should hand your money over and shut the **** up ...

FWIW despite his football background, Cransberg has been out of the footy loop for years prior to his election and Nisbett (who arguably deserved the sack via the drugs/Cousins saga) was talking 6 years ago about his role being a "younger mans" position these days....

I think the club can honestly confront its failings or it can become insular and spin things. I'm concerned that its doing the latter given that the former will directly impact on its coach, its MC and its CEO...

Freo did this stuff for years under Connolly and Schwab. Delusional bullshit machines.

Rosich and Co have brought an energy; a no bullshit get it done approach to Freo best exemplified by getting Lyon. No matter what.

We wouldn't even dream of such a thing these days and it all feels a bit stale and same old same old to me. When things aren't great you need leadership that's acting purely in the best interests of the Club in the biggest sense of that word, not in the interests of the club from their perspective. There is a difference.
I must be getting soft in my geriatric years to be agreeing with something you've posted but I have to say you are right on the money.
Surely not serious:confused: If that is the worst thing the club is doing then we are absolutley flying!! Who really cares what happens at half time, watch the kids play in the middle, or the auskick kids, they always bring a few laughs. Maybe talk to someone, go have a durrie, take a piss, whatever, you don't have to watch people stack milk cartons. I can see why the club didn't bother replying.

You clearly didn't notice that I gave an "example" of a lack of interaction from the club, not a comprehensive list of each and every issue I may have. Any half decent business person will tell you that you need to get the little things right, to make sure they undermine the big ones. Ignoring the members without even the courtesy of a response is hardly good practice.
Could you please post a copy of this email? I would love to read it.

Here it is, for what it's worth, sent on June 15 2012.

[For many years I've said I'd write this letter, now I'm doing it.

Please abandon all the nonsense that is totally extraneous to the football. I speak of the ridiculous countdown music before the opening bounce and the thoroughly annoying antics during half time.

It seems as though you are convinced that you need to provide a "total entertainment package" when all those attending want is a good game of footy. The Eagles are oversubscribed so there is no need to lure people in with extras. They come for the football. Karl Langdon screeching out over the intercom about a choc milk carton stacking competition is not only lame, but presents the Eagles as a real hick operation. 99% of supporters want to, like the players, have a break at half time, not get their ears blasted. Last night's 3/4 time dance off between Eddie Eagle and some furry character was simply embarrassing.

Eagles fans want good footy and good facilities. That's it, nothing more, certainly not having to shout at half time to discuss the first half's action.

You've got the best entertainment in town, the football, why cheapen it with amateurish theatrics that add nothing to the event?]

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Opinion Alan Cransberg and Trevor Nisbett

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