Coach Alastair Clarkson IV - HFC Racism Investigation Discussion

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šŸ˜‚ opened it up, went in a couple of pages and bang. First post I read is South of the yarra fella. Trying to link Humphry with a racism. FMD
South Of The Yarra is fine, good poster. Brad Sue Well is a galactic cockterpus though

The Humphrey thing is pretty much the same as the designer torn jeans thing from Kennett. In essence, the "joke" is not racist because the internal logic of the joke doesn't depend on the target of the joke to be any specific race. However, when you examine it from the perspective of the aggrieved, you step back and think yeah maybe that wasn't ideal. Litigation lawyers will take things out of context to prove their case, that's their job, but when they are left out of the room, sensible people can explain their perceptions and their intentions, apologies can be offered, and everyone goes their separate ways with matters resolved. That seems to be where Clarko is coming from. He's willing to acknowledge that there were misunderstandings and to take responsibility where it is warranted. Kennett on the other hand has that narcissistic Trumpian trait of refusing to accept blame or own a mistake. And he is holding Andy Gowers to ransom and forcing the Hawthorn lawyers to defend their position rather than accept their right whack.
I find it very interesting that Jed Anderson has been dragged into by Rioli despite never joining the case and from what I know, being supportive of Clarko privately.

It's quite possible that Anderson, Burgoyne and Hill don't see the benefit in going through all of this for the result.

Which is perfectly reasonable. It's something I've repeatedly said. What are they getting out of it if not money? Closure and an admission of guilt? It's some sort of masochistic way of achieving it.

In being named in these reports, they will get dragged into it as Hawthorn witness' though and will have to answer that question directly.

They have a job to do, they have ego's, they have career reputation's themselves.

There's considerations like not hanging out the coaches to dry, as they could face a rival suit with thousands of pages of evidence at the end of it.

The players have taken them to Federal Court, it will be open season, as it should be imo.

Was always what I've written these past 6 months, the mental health toll this will play on the players should have been front an center. It might be seen as heartless or racist, but $$$ seems to have been the motivation from the start and I think it's ultimately what it is. Who knows Rioli's situation, he may be broke for all we know. Their best chance of winning in this aspect was always weight of numbers. Egans involvement was always super dodgy, particularly with the initial suggested outcome of the report being a financial payout before even seeking evidence or confirming guilt was proven.

A silk and a federal court judge will have absolutely no sympathy once this gets started. They will find the weakest link and drill them. Which appears to be Peterson, I hope he is prepared in his private life for what he is about to face.

A silk will spend an hour on just those direct quotes in that one article mentioned a few pages back.

Pretty much all the players in question will be on the stand for a couple of days each more than likely.

Yeah, he's in for a caning and tbh deserves it given he keeps going with the abortion stuff despite his story on it changing a fair bit.

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That seems to be where Clarko is coming from. He's willing to acknowledge that there were misunderstandings and to take responsibility where it is warranted. Kennett on the other hand has that narcissistic Trumpian trait of refusing to accept blame or own a mistake. And he is holding Andy Gowers to ransom and forcing the Hawthorn lawyers to defend their position rather than accept their right whack.

Yes, this is it. And given Clarko's richly deserved dislike of Jeff, there's every incentive for his putting his hand up to seriously damage the club and by extension Kennett.
Yeah, he's in for a caning and tbh deserves it given he keeps going with the abortion stuff despite his story on it changing a fair bit.
I have a feeling that if these allegations are persisted with at the hearing that Peterson will be eviscerated. His whole life at the time will be under the microscope, if he chooses to take the stand heā€™ll be ripped to shreds by a competent silk.
It's quite possible that Anderson, Burgoyne and Hill don't see the benefit in going through all of this for the result.

Yes, very much. Also, its far more likely they just don't see him as racist and don't buy lots of what is being alleged by certain types.

Jed is a mature bloke with head well screwed on, it'd be interesting to know what he thought of Peterson for example.

Which is perfectly reasonable. It's something I've repeatedly said. What are they getting out of it if not money? Closure and an admission of guilt? It's some sort of masochistic way of achieving it.

In being named in these reports, they will get dragged into it as Hawthorn witness' though and will have to answer that question directly.

Jed on the stand will be interesting aye
I have a feeling that if these allegations are persisted with at the hearing that Peterson will be eviscerated. His whole life at the time will be under the microscope, if he chooses to take the stand heā€™ll be ripped to shreds by a competent silk.

Yeah it'll be brutal, the failed drug test alone is a small indication of where it could head
I have a feeling that if these allegations are persisted with at the hearing that Peterson will be eviscerated. His whole life at the time will be under the microscope, if he chooses to take the stand heā€™ll be ripped to shreds by a competent silk.
Yeah it'll be brutal, the failed drug test alone is a small indication of where it could head
It would be unfair to directly incriminate anyone specifically, and especially his partner, but in light of the failed drug test, I'm recalling what someone pointed out in this thread well over a year ago - that the actions of Hawthorn people in swapping out his sim card to change his phone number and cut access were consistent with best practice drug intervention treatment to remove a vulnerable person from particularly toxic influences who are providing access to the gear.

And just on that score, we are celebrating Dustin Martin this week of his retirement and giving credit to Damian Hardwick for his tough love treatment of Dusty way back when he was at his wild worst. And what specifically did Dimma and co do? Cut Dusty off from the toxic bad influences. Same play book.
South Of The Yarra is fine, good poster. Brad Sue Well is a galactic cockterpus though
Stephen King Clown GIF by Maudit

Stay away from the main board less you fall prey to monsters
Iā€™m not the least bit well-versed in the legal process here (thank ****) but I just canā€™t get my head around how this court proceeding is meant to workā€¦

So the players make accusations against Hawthorn, specifically Clarkson/Burt /Fagan, to which Hawthorn has to deny because if they (Hawthorn) try to shift blame to the Coaches, they (Hawthorn) are in essence admitting guilt to the charges?

The coaches arenā€™t named so canā€™t give evidence, therefore Hawthorn can claim ignorance to what was going on. But if Hawthorn do claim to not know what was happening they canā€™t then say the accusations are false because theyā€™ve already admitted to not knowing what occurred.

So Hawthornā€™s only course of defense is to provide evidence through club records and/or attack the playersā€™ credibility to the point where any accusations just canā€™t be believed?

Clarko has talked about providing context, but how does that even happen if the only people able to provide it arenā€™t giving evidence?

It would be unfair to directly incriminate anyone specifically, and especially his partner, but in light of the failed drug test, I'm recalling what someone pointed out in this thread well over a year ago - that the actions of Hawthorn people in swapping out his sim card to change his phone number and cut access were consistent with best practice drug intervention treatment to remove a vulnerable person from particularly toxic influences who are providing access to the gear.

Yep, this will almost certainly be brought up.

And just on that score, we are celebrating Dustin Martin this week of his retirement and giving credit to Damian Hardwick for his tough love treatment of Dusty way back when he was at his wild worst. And what specifically did Dimma and co do? Cut Dusty off from the toxic bad influences. Same play book.

Dimma who is named in the Statement of Claim, along with Mark Evans.

This is an element that doesn't get mentioned much imo, AFL will be desperate to keep their failing Gold Coast franchise's key staff out of this.
Stephen King Clown GIF by Maudit

Stay away from the main board less you fall prey to monsters

I have been confined to this board because the main board couldn't handle hearing some home trutrhs.

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Iā€™m not the least bit well-versed in the legal process here (thank ****) but I just canā€™t get my head around how this court proceeding is meant to workā€¦

So the players make accusations against Hawthorn, specifically Clarkson/Burt /Fagan, to which Hawthorn has to deny because if they (Hawthorn) try to shift blame to the Coaches, they (Hawthorn) are in essence admitting guilt to the charges?

The coaches arenā€™t named so canā€™t give evidence, therefore Hawthorn can claim ignorance to what was going on. But if Hawthorn do claim to not know what was happening they canā€™t then say the accusations are false because theyā€™ve already admitted to not knowing what occurred.

So Hawthornā€™s only course of defense is to provide evidence through club records and/or attack the playersā€™ credibility to the point where any accusations just canā€™t be believed?

Clarko has talked about providing context, but how does that even happen if the only people able to provide it arenā€™t giving evidence?

I have a feeling that if these allegations are persisted with at the hearing that Peterson will be eviscerated. His whole life at the time will be under the microscope, if he chooses to take the stand heā€™ll be ripped to shreds by a competent silk.

What do you mean choses?

I don't believe he has the choice if this progresses past mediation, Hawthorn's team will call him to the stand, he will be the top of their list.

Hawthorn are the defendants are they not, they can call anyone, correct me if I'm wrong? This isn't a Bruce Lehrman situation where they are proecting themselves. Hawthorn won't call Kennett for instance.

Which is where the Clarko stuff might come in. Hawthorn may elect not to call Clarko if it is viewed as too risky, that would mean death from media fire though imo after all of this to not let him defend himself and hear the truth under oath.

You would think Hawthorn's silks will call all of the players, all of the players partners individually, the other indigenous players who didn't file the suit who have shown public support for Hawthorn (Burgoyne, Hill, Anderson etc).

Given the accusations they have broadly levelled against Clarko/Hawthorn in regards to assaulting the child, the child may even be called to give evidence by "alternative means", like a video deposition is done in the US.

They will protect Kennett, their former board members and senior exec's imo.
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What do you mean choses?

I don't believe he has the choice if this progresses past mediation, Hawthorn's team will call him to the stand, he will be the top of their list.

His allegation is the true headliner of the whole thing
Okay, Chairman Ichiro, with his superior legal mind, didnā€™t realize that of course Hawthorn will be calling Clarkson et al as a defense witness.

I donā€™t get the adversarial aspect between Clarko and Hawthorn. Is it not a case of M.A.D? Theyā€™re compelled to prove innocence of each other to prove innocence of themselves?
Okay, Chairman Ichiro, with his superior legal mind, didnā€™t realize that of course Hawthorn will be calling Clarkson et al as a defense witness.

I donā€™t get the adversarial aspect between Clarko and Hawthorn. Is it not a case of M.A.D? Theyā€™re compelled to prove innocence of each other to prove innocence of themselves?
Not quite MAD. Clarko's interest is in exonerating and explaining his own actions. He has **** all reason not to dump the executives in the shit if the appropriate questions are asked of him on cross examination.
Not quite MAD. Clarko's interest is in exonerating and explaining his own actions. He has **** all reason not to dump the executives in the shit if the appropriate questions are asked of him on cross examination.
Man, thatā€™s going to be a very fine line to tread.
The Humphrey thing is pretty much the same as the designer torn jeans thing from Kennett. In essence, the "joke" is not racist because the internal logic of the joke doesn't depend on the target of the joke to be any specific race. However, when you examine it from the perspective of the aggrieved, you step back and think yeah maybe that wasn't ideal. Litigation lawyers will take things out of context to prove their case, that's their job, but when they are left out of the room, sensible people can explain their perceptions and their intentions, apologies can be offered, and everyone goes their separate ways with matters resolved. That seems to be where Clarko is coming from. He's willing to acknowledge that there were misunderstandings and to take responsibility where it is warranted. Kennett on the other hand has that narcissistic Trumpian trait of refusing to accept blame or own a mistake. And he is holding Andy Gowers to ransom and forcing the Hawthorn lawyers to defend their position rather than accept their right whack.

Then it's essential to drag kennet's name through the mud weather all the way to the end.
Okay, Chairman Ichiro, with his superior legal mind, didnā€™t realize that of course Hawthorn will be calling Clarkson et al as a defense witness.

I donā€™t get the adversarial aspect between Clarko and Hawthorn. Is it not a case of M.A.D? Theyā€™re compelled to prove innocence of each other to prove innocence of themselves?

Clarkson isn't required to prove anything, even if found to be the second coming of Hitler, the case isn't against him.

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Coach Alastair Clarkson IV - HFC Racism Investigation Discussion

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