Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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Unfortunately due to the precedent of citizenship revocation we now have this situation where they aren’t citizens of any country. Or one where we can’t deport to face a capital crime (tbh I really don’t give a toss for that exemption to deportation for the crime described in someone else’s post re the Malaysian - but it should be up to non politicians to examine and decide, not the clueless ones in parliament.)

Non-deportation because of the threat of the death penalty would be a different issue IMO.

The politicians should write the laws, and the public servants should administer and apply the law without fear or favour.
How stupid we are as citizens where we think relaxing fuel "taxes" in a cost of living crisis is a "cost" and that tax bracket creep should never be adjusted. Stage 3 tax "cuts" are no such thing despite how politicians want to misrepresent what they are.
Whether or not you see them as a tax "cut" or not, the reality is that the implementation of the policy is fiscally irresponsible, regardless of the justification.

By the way, Stage 3 cuts aren't simply adjusting the threshold of tax brackets to eliminate bracket creep, The rates being applied in those brackets are also changing, including the removal of an entire bracket.
When these ridiculous tax cuts were legislated by Scummo in 2019, I distinctly remember a journo such as Laura Tingle expressing concern about locking in a big tax change when we don't know what the economic climate will be like so far down the track.

Now that particular chicken is coming home to roost. Thanks for nothing, Morrison you idiot.
That's one part of the equation. The ALP also went to the last election promising to implement the changes in full. The Libs might have introduced the legislation, but the ALP haven't done a single thing to fix the problem.

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Politically though, it's a very good wedge. If Dutton doesn't support the changes he can't go to the next election with any rhetoric about being "touch on borders".
racism sells in this country
Airbus Albo again leaving the country when leadership is required. I thought he said before he was elected he wouldn't go missing when the heat was on
That's one part of the equation. The ALP also went to the last election promising to implement the changes in full. The Libs might have introduced the legislation, but the ALP haven't done a single thing to fix the problem.
I strongly disagree with the tax cuts and Labor supporting them. However sadly I think Labor would not have won a majority at the 2022 election had they not pledged to leave Stage Three alone. The Coalition's media partners would have had a field day.

On that note, **** this country.
Which he has already walked back on by blaming poor modelling….

And if you really believe your bill is going to be $275 cheaper than 2022 levels in 2025 you are easily fooled.

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You DID believe that it's a broken promise, because you ARE easily fooled.

You are spreading the talking points of the Coalition, for free.
While they vote against every attempt to reduce the cost of living for you...
Doesn't that bother you at all??

You DID believe that it's a broken promise, because you ARE easily fooled.

You are spreading the talking points of the Coalition, for free.
While they vote against every attempt to reduce the cost of living for you...
Doesn't that bother you at all??

So it is a broken promise correct?
I think you'll find how far the rule of law applies according to conservatives (though not exclusively) depends on how wealthy and powerful you are, or whether you're part of a powerful institution. If you don't have wealth or power, or powerful friends, or to some, happen to have a minority skin tone, then it's different.

And if a way of increasing your power and wealth is illegal or frowned upon, you can just use your wealth and power to make it legal, or kneecap anyone who would hold you to account.

PS. I know you know this.

Not to mention, while they were making such a big deal of his trip last, most of the opposition front bench was overseas on the request of foreign billionaires.

Shouldn't that be worth at least a 1min story in Australian media? Let alone some questioning??
No journalist is aware of, or concerned about most of the front bench being flown around by rich and powerful foreign interests???
Some do get other control orders due to prior history of recidivism- eg ankle bracelets. But this is a court decision not a political grandstanding decision
Funnily enough Labor's national policy platform agrees with you but here we are anyway


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So it is a broken promise correct?

Wait, do you still not actually understand?

Ok I'll quote it and link it to you.

Releasing the plan and the modelling at a December 3, 2021 press conference, Labor leader Anthony Albanese said it would see "electricity prices fall from the current level by $275 for household by 2025, at the end of our first term, if we are successful".​

Cut power bills for households by $275
I feel like there's things to be frustrated about with this Government (I certainly think there is). Yet some are so focused on this narrow minded 'Airbus Albo' nonsense.
Because I have the audacity of having a different opinion to you I am a bot?
No, it would be great if you had an opinion.

I'm talking about the accounts just like you, that have existed for years with almost no posts.
Who pop into threads, post some random lie or repeat some idiotic talking point, and then disappear again.
Who never actually engage with the things they bring up.
And will pop up again at some later point making a similar post, completely ignoring all of the evidence supplied to them from the replies the last time they said it.
No, it would be great if you had an opinion.

I'm talking about the accounts just like you, that have existed for years with almost no posts.
Who pop into threads, post some random lie or repeat some idiotic talking point, and then disappear again.
Who never actually engage with the things they bring up.
And will pop up again at some later point making a similar post, completely ignoring all of the evidence supplied to them from the replies the last time they said it.
I usually don't post on this board as I have found if you have a different opinion you are derided. Also have a life outside of here so I am often a reader.

Anyway I take back my comments. Albo is a star and is doing an absolutely outstanding job. And take offence at those who accuse him of botching the yes vote campaign. Am I doing ok now and not a bot?
I usually don't post on this board as I have found if you have a different opinion you are derided. Also have a life outside of here so I am often a reader.

Anyway I take back my comments. Albo is a star and is doing an absolutely outstanding job. And take offence at those who accuse him of botching the yes vote campaign. Am I doing ok now and not a bot?
Standard reply with almost no engagement with the post being replied to.

If you had to pick between a purple sock and a yellow Plucka Duck puppet, which would you prefer?
I am towing the party line and saying he is doing an outstanding job.
I'm not sure you've read much of this board if you think there's many people saying this. What is happening, is that there are legitimate criticisms, and then nonsense copied from Coalition playbooks going back decades or the latest meaningless talking points from partisan media outlets.

Wait, do you still not actually understand?

Ok I'll quote it and link it to you.

Releasing the plan and the modelling at a December 3, 2021 press conference, Labor leader Anthony Albanese said it would see "electricity prices fall from the current level by $275 for household by 2025, at the end of our first term, if we are successful".​

Cut power bills for households by $275
a) Do you believe that (based on the definition given in the fact checker article) inflation adjusted average household energy prices will be $275 cheaper in December 2025 than they were in 2021?

b) If not, would you consider (at that time) to be a broken election promise?

Granted, the federal government can't control all the components that go into the cost of providing energy. But, based on the article that you cited, it is highly likely that by the end of this term of parliament, the commitment made by the now Prime Minister will be un-fulfilled. The reasons why don't really matter.
I'm not sure you've read much of this board if you think there's many people saying this. What is happening, is that there are legitimate criticisms, and then nonsense copied from Coalition playbooks going back decades or the latest meaningless talking points from partisan media outlets.
Legitimate criticisms being only those that come from the Left I assume.

I need to see one of these Coalition playbooks too. Seems everyone has read them except for me.

Not as simple as saying those who served their time have been released as the above example demonstrates.
That's a law that we can change, why should we be stuck with violent crims just so they can avoid justice in their home country

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