Certified Legendary Thread Corona, Jamaica ooh I wanna take ya (COVID-19 Information & Discussion Here) Part 2 "The Second Wave"

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Why aren’t there trucks or busses fully kitted out ready to roll and set up with little notice. We can get a strawberry truck up from Adelaide to Alice Springs but we’ve not got 20 mobile stations for covid prevention in metropolitan Adelaide. And they knew an outbreak was likely.
Not any more, we’re banned from travel!
I just don't get the long queues. SA Health have been saying for months that this was a possibility I just don't get why they couldn't set more up this time around.

What happens if you are in the line-up and need the Men's? Are there facilities? Do they come and talk to you in the car at all about what is going on?
With a wait like that, surely you would take a six pack 🍺 and just pee in the empties. 🤔

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What is a gapscanner?
Go around first thing in the morning and find every gap in grocery (and in some cases, Dairy - I used to do this, but due to time constraints, have ceased doing Dairy), and scan the ticket.
It compiles a list for me to do, in which I either find the stock out back and fill it, or reset the computer (either due to logistical errors, or inventory drift) to draw more stock coming in (or in some cases, stop stock coming in) and I will continuely send emails up the chain of command when I identify something which was obviously in the wrong pick slot at the distribution centre (ie. I was getting one type of ben and jerrys ice cream, when i was meant to be getting another.)

On a good day, I only have 200 empty lines, in the peak of covid in March, it got to 1000+ empty lines (Was sitting on average around 300-350 the last month or 2 as we still have availability issues. ie. spices come from India, gloves from Sri Lanka and other issues)
I agree, people having to wait 10 hours to have a test today is a massive fail.

All this is going to do is discourage people from getting tested which is counterproductive to what they're trying to achieve.

They were actually turning people away yesterday that were wanting to be tested. Ultimately people's patience can only be stretched so far before they give up and won't bother, so if things happen to go downhill there's going to be some serious questions asked.
Mate not everywhere a 10-hour wait, some area's close to the Parafield site had a lot shorter wait times,
Personally from experience book in a test, bugger all waiting Also there are a few GP's that are doing car park tests via appointments,
was it true that scomo announced that they're building a vaccine making plant in Melbourne.
Construction to begin in Feb 21
Construction finish 2024
Fully operational 2026

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was it true that scomo announced that they're building a vaccine making plant in Melbourne.
Construction to begin in Feb 21
Construction finish 2024
Fully operational 2026


was it true that scomo announced that they're building a vaccine making plant in Melbourne.
Construction to begin in Feb 21
Construction finish 2024
Fully operational 2026
Nothing to do with Covid or any of the vacine that Australia will be getting to combat Covid,
Insert from the Announcement,
"The largest flu vaccine manufacturing plant in the southern hemisphere will be built in Melbourne, in an effort to make sure Australia has stockpiles of critical vaccines and antivenoms in the future"

"It will provide support for pandemic flu, seasonal flu, antivenoms and Q fever," he said.

"It's a five-year process to construct a major new vaccine facility [and] it locks Australia's sovereign vaccine manufacturing capability for the next two decades."

It will be funded through a joint venture between the Federal Government, who are putting $1 billion towards the project, and Seqirus - a subsidiary of biotech company CSL - which will contribute $800 million.

"It's the long term benefit ... we have the capacity with CSL's existing plant in Melbourne, [but] that's an egg-based facility and the world is moving to cellular facilities, so we didn't want to lose that capability."

Also importantly, The new facility will be built in Melbourne's Airport business park.

A heap would’ve been done yesterday already. I’m feeling quite optimistic about this.
Marshall saying there are 5 new cases today. 5000 tests yesterday and expect 6000 today. Doesn't sound like many in a city of Adelaide's size.
4000 in isolation in SA coming across the tv screen
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The LMH drive through clinic last night was quiet...

There is unprecedented demand for tests, so people need to be patient.

There are resources being thrown at testing.

LMH has lost 2 shifts worth of ED staff who are now quarantined.
Where is the drive through clinic at LMH.

No mention of it here

and I did not see this " LMH drive through clinic" when I went there today. Nor yesterday arvo when I drove around LMH to pick my wife up from being tested.

There is one at the Elizabeth Park Surgery on Gould road ran by Clinpath. That shuts at 5pm.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
Where is the drive through clinic at LMH.

No mention of it here

and I did not see this " LMH drive through clinic" when I went there today. Nor yesterday arvo when I drove around LMH to pick my wife up from being tested.

There is one at the Elizabeth Park Surgery on Gould road ran by Clinpath. That shuts at 5pm.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
the clinic is located within the Old Main Entrance off Haydon Road, don't believe its a drive thru.
Sounds like we are still getting very few, if any, cases outside of the close contacts which is great news. 5 new cases from 5000 tests yesterday, one still under investigation but only because Spurrier was made aware in the last hour (sounds likely this is a close contact though). Even the 14 under investigation are all close contacts and in quarantine already. I think if there was significant community spread we would at least see some signs by now.
One particular journo was trying to get a headline from a few asymptomatic cases and how this could be ‘hundreds of people’. If this had spread that far asymptomatically we would be seeing significant community transmission already.
Where is the drive through clinic at LMH.

No mention of it here

and I did not see this " LMH drive through clinic" when I went there today. Nor yesterday arvo when I drove around LMH to pick my wife up from being tested.

There is one at the Elizabeth Park Surgery on Gould road ran by Clinpath. That shuts at 5pm.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
LMH women's health entrance. It's just opened now. Quicker than the walk in clinic.
It is not drive through.

I stood there for four hours today.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
Drive through is only in the evenings not day time. I just walked near it.
LMH women's health entrance. It's just opened now. Quicker than the walk in clinic.
I just rang the LMH

Phone number 8182 9000 to verify. Before I sent someone there on your "advice "

No drive through clinic at the hospital only the walk up is what they said......

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
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