Doggies seek legal advice re Akker

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Club Legend
Aug 29, 2007
AFL Club
This is getting out of control, Akker has a vendetta against the dogs and their captain.

Johno is Australia's biggest sook, so around they go, Akker is on a winner..

He maybe a unique individual, however the fact remains he is no fool and knows exactly how the play the media game. He just wants to sell his stupid book, its in the dogs best interest to stop talking about him..

Link the HS article.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

Akker can get sued all he wants now. With all the pretty much free publicity the book is getting he is going to make a stack of cash from it. Although I can bet you that the publisher would have done some research into the more questionable chapters of the book and seeked legal advice.

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Re: Doggies Sue Akker

WESTERN Bulldogs players and officials have sought legal advice about possible defamatory action against sacked star Jason Akermanis.

High-profile solicitor and former Footscray president Peter Gordon confirmed the move on Wednesday night.

Possible means they have?
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

How about the dogs worry more about their own backyard.
Maybe an injunction to make Gianseracusa, Gilbee, Higgins and Griffin go hard at the ball or lay a tackle might be a start.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

I personally can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Akker's book.

He's a far more interesting chap than anyone else to play at Footscray in living memory

You're selling Danny Southern a bit short there mate. He was a freak show!

As for the 2010 Doggies, they would be a 20% better side this weekend if Aker was playing. Hindsight is a bitch.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

Akker can get sued all he wants now. With all the pretty much free publicity the book is getting he is going to make a stack of cash from it. Although I can bet you that the publisher would have done some research into the more questionable chapters of the book and seeked legal advice.

absolutely 100% they would have
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

As for the 2010 Doggies, they would be a 20% better side this weekend if Aker was playing. Hindsight is a bitch.

Haha yeah cos Aker was playing so well. Willy would be a better side if Aker was still playing

Every day, with every dumb thing Aker does, I'm becoming more convinced the Dogs did the right thing
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

So you're saying that clubs that take legal action to address allegations of drug taking by their players are jokes?

And I quote

"A member of the Johnson camp said last night: "He will have to be incredibly careful. He can have opinions, but as soon as he starts alleging different versions of events, he would want to have a big bank.""

Nothing to do with drug allegations mate. Brad Johnson doesn't want Jason Akermanis to make public his opinion on him.

Like DapperDon said before, loks like they have something to hide

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Re: Doggies Sue Akker

Haha yeah cos Aker was playing so well. Willy would be a better side if Aker was still playing

Every day, with every dumb thing Aker does, I'm becoming more convinced the Dogs did the right thing

Initially I thought Doggies had been smart and decisive. In hindsight I think they should have kept him in the fold and down at Williamstown till the season was over.

I think this crap and the whole Wallace/Darcy thing is proving a massive distraction for the club.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

And I quote

"A member of the Johnson camp said last night: "He will have to be incredibly careful. He can have opinions, but as soon as he starts alleging different versions of events, he would want to have a big bank.""

Nothing to do with drug allegations mate. Brad Johnson doesn't want Jason Akermanis to make public his opinion on him.

Like DapperDon said before, loks like they have something to hide

Read your own quote mate - "he can have opinions".

Anyway, I reckon the book will be a let down. It will probably just be a collection of bitchy comments about ex-teammates.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

Looks like they have something to hide.


Story 1 - Aker makes comments about illicit drug use by players at a sportsman's night.

Story 2 - Bulldogs seeks lawyer to act of defamtory comments at sportsman's night

Not hard to put 2 and 2 together to see which club the illicit drug use took place at.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

They are an old side who have at best one year left in their premiership window. And they want further Aker-related distractions? Forget about him. It's going to be almost impossible for them to win the thing without Cooney and Morris. It will be impossible if their minds are anywhere near Aker.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker


Story 1 - Aker makes comments about illicit drug use by players at a sportsman's night.

Story 2 - Bulldogs seeks lawyer to act of defamtory comments at sportsman's night

Not hard to put 2 and 2 together to see which club the illicit drug use took place at.

Your English sucks so it's kinda hard to make sense of what you're saying here, but I think you misunderstand defamation law. The club seeking legal advice as a result of what Aker said doesn't imply that his comments were truthful, rather the opposite.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker


Story 1 - Aker makes comments about illicit drug use by players at a sportsman's night.

Story 2 - Bulldogs seeks lawyer to act of defamtory comments at sportsman's night

Not hard to put 2 and 2 together to see which club the illicit drug use took place at.

You're assuming they are the only comments he made on the night.

Does anyone else find it a little bizarre that an eagles supporter is commenting on illicit drug use? I guess they have some level of expertise.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

I personally can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Akker's book.

He's a far more interesting chap than anyone else to play at Footscray in living memory and although there's no doubting he has a big mouth its surprising how many insightful comments emerge from it.

After the way they dealt with Akker I think Johnno and the entire Bulldogs organization could do with a good kick in the pants and hopefully Akker's book will deliver the goods. If they have any spine down at Western Oval it could give them extra motivation to succeed in 2011.

Can't wait to read your response when you get to the part of the book where Aker talks about Buddy and drugs.:rolleyes:
Re: Doggies Sue Akker


Story 1 - Aker makes comments about illicit drug use by players at a sportsman's night.

Story 2 - Bulldogs seeks lawyer to act of defamtory comments at sportsman's night

Not hard to put 2 and 2 together to see which club the illicit drug use took place at.

If Aker's accusations are true about who he thinks are on drugs then Braun is guilty of taking performance enhancing drugs.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

If Aker's accusations are true about who he thinks are on drugs then Braun is guilty of taking performance enhancing drugs.

One is aker's thoughts - the other is his direct experience.

So unless he's been out with Braun and seen him consume performance enhancing drugs - i don't see the connection.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

One is aker's thoughts - the other is his direct experience.

So unless he's been out with Braun and seen him consume performance enhancing drugs - i don't see the connection.

Aker doesn't know the difference. That's the problem.

As far as we are aware Akermanis hasn't implicated any Dog players with drugs. In fact, the only names that have been leaked so far have been players from other clubs.

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Doggies seek legal advice re Akker

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