Doggies seek legal advice re Akker

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It'll be interesting to find out what the Dogs are getting in a tiz about.

Aker stated this morning that the book has been fully checked over in the legal sense and is now at the printers so are the Dogs just trying to hassle him out of spite?
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

I guess I was just a little surprised that somebody who has no legal exptertise and has limited understanding of the reasons why Aker was sacked (other than of course, the purely objective version events Aker has sprayed all over the media and the two or so vague statements released by the Bulldogs) would suggest that Aker should sue for the big bucks. Kind of seemed a little bit silly, that's all.

Fair enough. It may be a fairly long bow to draw but our lawyer at work (building contract specialist) made the statement after aker went on the footy show. There are two sides to every story.

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If the Bulldogs are smart they will let this go and ignore Aker at all costs. Ignore him and he will go away eventually.

Your just giving him the attention that he craves by looking into legal stuff etc. Just let it go and never comment on him again. Eventually he will give up and move on.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

Can anyone at all tell me that if a player on their list revealed info from team meetings to media identities, blatantly lied to the club about whether an article had been doctored or not to try and save his own bacon, ridiculed VFL footballers and slagged off current team mates in a book they wouldn't have a problem with it and would side with the player and not the club?

So you reckon he slagged off his current teammates in his book ay ... what did he say exactly? Your narrative of the situation has an apparent slant to the WB side of things; perhaps an alternative version might yield you another answer.

Has anyone here actually played any type of sport? Would you be happy playing with someone who did the same things?

Regarding individuals, it's not such a big deal at a footy team IMO; not that I've played at a level with anything beyond cursory media exposure. However, I wouldn't and couldn't be happy playing for an anal bunch of teammates (3-5 would do the trick) who took offense at what otherwise are benign actions.
The Dogs have acted very strategically by putting Akermanis on notice that he now cannot shoot his gob off in any forum with lies, half truths, innuendo or gossip.

The man is a cancer. He has a exceptional track record of deceit, lies, burning bridges and making a fool of himself. The pity is that people listen to him and he is supported by the likes of Steve Price, Sam Newman and Andrew Bolt. If Piers Akerman was in Melbourne, he'd also be in Aker's corner.
The Dogs have acted very strategically by putting Akermanis on notice that he now cannot shoot his gob off in any forum with lies, half truths, innuendo or gossip.

The man is a cancer. He has a exceptional track record of deceit, lies, burning bridges and making a fool of himself. The pity is that people listen to him and he is supported by the likes of Steve Price, Sam Newman and Andrew Bolt. If Piers Akerman was in Melbourne, he'd also be in Aker's corner.

re what you typed re Aker can you tell us " all " the deceits , lies, etc Aker has done / been involved with please ? ty .
Post in in this thread as i am sure we would all like to read what he has done .Make sure its 100% proof so you cant be sued .
He has a exceptional track record of deceit, lies, burning bridges and making a fool of himself.

This is the WB spin on things and I don't think it is doing Doggies any good. The answer to Akermanis is not to try and reinvent the public image of him, it is to ignore him. No one from Doggy land should have said a single thing until the year was over.

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The Dogs have acted very strategically by putting Akermanis on notice that he now cannot shoot his gob off in any forum with lies, half truths, innuendo or gossip.
If you are pleased with the complete mismanagement of this situation...

He can still say whatever he wants. Defamation claims relate to loss of income in broad capacities through mistruths. These things need to be proven as untrue first and foremost.
The man is a cancer. He has a exceptional track record of deceit, lies, burning bridges and making a fool of himself.
Do explain these lies and the deceitfulness.

He has made your club look like more foolish than he has himself.
The pity is that people listen to him and he is supported by the likes of Steve Price, Sam Newman and Andrew Bolt. If Piers Akerman was in Melbourne, he'd also be in Aker's corner.
We knew how big of a mouth he had. Your club actually said 'We want you in the media' by not paying him through the salary cap. You cannot have it both ways.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

I can see how having a player that was clearly on the nose and not wanted amongst a large portion of senior players and basically the clubs entire management structure would have been a lot less harmful than getting rid of him.

Particularly if he had to play in the two's at Willy every week because he wasn't in good enough form at the highest level because he was past it and nobody wanted to play with him. No way would he be shooting his gob off on the radio and in the papers on a daily basis. That would have been great for the club, what were they thinking.

Think before you post.

Maybe you should take your own advise. There was no "external" problems from Aker for the previous few weeks before his sacking, well not compared to what has happened since where every comment he makes is magnified because of the sacking.

I firmly believe it would have been much better to keep him there and have some sort of control than let him loose and have none.

Well its worked out pretty cr.p for you guys letting him go in terms of disruption so it couldn't have been any worse keeping him there.
:thumbsu:OKAY boys and girls, as a Mildura person, let's get certain facts straight...
No player was publicly named by Akermanis at the luncheon: FACT!!
What took place in private conversations, who knows.
There was never any public naming of players - four fifths of his talk wa sdevoted to his fallout at the Bulldogs and his book.
I can't speak for what may have been said to individuals, though it would be pretty clear who has leaked any alleged details to The Age.

Secondly, If the contents of private conversations are the basis for defamation – which by the way, they are – there would be 160 footballers a week found guilty.
What, you don’t think they are capable of gossiping and rumuoring equally as much as the rest of the population.
Dangerous ground and a danagerous precendent being set by the Bulldogs!
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

Maybe you should take your own advise. There was no "external" problems from Aker for the previous few weeks before his sacking, well not compared to what has happened since where every comment he makes is magnified because of the sacking.

I firmly believe it would have been much better to keep him there and have some sort of control than let him loose and have none.

Well its worked out pretty cr.p for you guys letting him go in terms of disruption so it couldn't have been any worse keeping him there.

Exactly. Not only would WB have still been the "employer" but there would have been zero public sympathy for Aker if he was still at the club and tearing down his teammates in public.

He may have been pissed off but no way would he be making the trouble he is creating now.
The Dogs have acted very strategically by putting Akermanis on notice that he now cannot shoot his gob off in any forum with lies, half truths, innuendo or gossip.

The man is a cancer. He has a exceptional track record of deceit, lies, burning bridges and making a fool of himself. The pity is that people listen to him and he is supported by the likes of Steve Price, Sam Newman and Andrew Bolt. If Piers Akerman was in Melbourne, he'd also be in Aker's corner.

AKer is like the ex GF that goes around telling everyone how you suck in bed and yet screamed "OMG your the best" every time.

The problem is the more strongly you deny it the more true it looks. Any legal action is going to go on for years (he's not gpnna back down) and probably end with not much happening. Thats means years of Aker v Dogs in the media causing shit. Just say nothing and he'll have nowhere to go.

THe Dogs dont have to justify themselves, they didnt want him anymore they paid his contract out, end of story.
A man in the street shouting at the sky and people avert their eyes and give him a wide berth.

Two men in the street shouting at each other and a crowd gathers.

Western Bulldogs continue to tip fuel on the fire and whoever is advising them to fight back in public should be fired.
AKer is like the ex GF that goes around telling everyone how you suck in bed and yet screamed "OMG your the best" every time.

The problem is the more strongly you deny it the more true it looks. Any legal action is going to go on for years (he's not gpnna back down) and probably end with not much happening. Thats means years of Aker v Dogs in the media causing shit. Just say nothing and he'll have nowhere to go.

THe Dogs dont have to justify themselves, they didnt want him anymore they paid his contract out, end of story.

OMG, that post was the best!
The Dogs have acted very strategically by putting on notice that he now cannot shoot his gob off in any forum with lies, half truths, innuendo or gossip.

The man is a cancer. He has a exceptional track record of deceit, lies, burning bridges and making a fool of himself. The pity is that people listen to him and he is supported by the likes of Steve Price, Sam Newman and Andrew Bolt. If Piers Akerman was in Melbourne, he'd also be in Aker's corner.

Well no. As i understand it some people from the club have retained a solicitor to advise them if Akermanis has said anything defamatory.
The rest of your statement ... read it for yourself (it's quoted)
Since Aker was sacked by the Dogs " not much " has gone right for them.

So is Aker a " witch doctor " ?:D

or is it Karma ?:rolleyes:
AS opposed to any player who speaks at a sports night or function?????

true that.

A strange thing that the doggies seem to be the ones continually fuelling this fire.

why are they not closing shop, and concentrating on their finals campaign. Why allow this to leak to the media. I also thought it was only aka who leaked stuff from that club. odd goings on, bring on the footy.
If the rumours I've heard of what he said (or confirmed) in Mildura are true... utterly not news, very tired stale old gossip that you've probably all heard a dozen times.
Must be something he's said separately about WB, there seems to be no love lost b/w BJ & Aker.

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Doggies seek legal advice re Akker

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