Doggies seek legal advice re Akker

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true that.

A strange thing that the doggies seem to be the ones continually fuelling this fire.

why are they not closing shop, and concentrating on their finals campaign.
Perhaps because, like Carey suggested, the leadership group at the club has maintained that egotistical nature from when the Duck played and can't realise how petty they are coming off.

Members / Supporters are owed an apology for the way the club has handled this whole saga.
true that.

A strange thing that the doggies seem to be the ones continually fuelling this fire.

why are they not closing shop, and concentrating on their finals campaign. Why allow this to leak to the media. I also thought it was only aka who leaked stuff from that club. odd goings on, bring on the footy.

I'm getting the impression that some of senior players at WB are whiny and soft. I'm not sure that this doesn't reflect in their performances when the pressure is on. They're great against weaker opposition, but when it gets mentally and physically hard they bottle it. It's not all of them but Murphy, Gia, Gilbee esp strike me as lacking when it actually counts.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

You're selling Danny Southern a bit short there mate. He was a freak show!

As for the 2010 Doggies, they would be a 20% better side this weekend if Aker was playing. Hindsight is a bitch.
I was thinking this the other day. Did they shoot themselves in the foot by sacking him so close to finals? Perhaps they thought they didn't need him, but I'm not so sure they're thinking that way now. Of course it's all hindsight, but since sacking him things have gone from bad to worse, not just with injuries, but also with increased pressure on the club to succeed without him, like they had to prove something?

They could've left him on the list, kept in the twos until they thought it was time they needed him, then got rid of him at the end of the year...anyway it was his last year...Instead the club sucked up to the captain, who is now well and truly ready for the scrapheap, and they are short a very valuable (fit) player in Aker.

If I was a Doggie's fan I'd be well and truly pissed off with how the club managed the whole affair.

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All the poodles are doing is handing him a bigger stick to whack em with.

Trying to gag him from doing his job aint a good idea. Stupid public threats like this are for the weak.

All Aker needs to do to avoid any problem is simply tell the truth about anything...and he's ok. Good for the profile being sued when u know u are right.

What it means is that anything even mildly controversial that he writes from now on i'd pretty much believe isnt bullshit.

Soft as butter...he's done nothing bad nor even worthy of a threat.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

Maybe you should take your own advise. There was no "external" problems from Aker for the previous few weeks before his sacking, well not compared to what has happened since where every comment he makes is magnified because of the sacking.

I firmly believe it would have been much better to keep him there and have some sort of control than let him loose and have none.

Well its worked out pretty cr.p for you guys letting him go in terms of disruption so it couldn't have been any worse keeping him there.

Wrong. We didn't sack him for nothing. The difference is that back then he was a Bulldog's player and we had to be accountable for his crap as an entire club. We couldn't control him then we certainly can't control him now I agree, but at least we're not accountable for him. Apart from the last two weeks our performance as a club post Aker's sacking was superior to when he was on the list and he's been shooting his mouth off ever since we got rid of him. However, if you think the last two weeks form slump has been been due to Akers big mouth rather than illness, injury and increased training loads then that's your perogative.

Just because the media blows every comment Aker makes out of proportion it doesn't mean the Bulldogs do. Since the sacking our coach has once responded to Akers comments and defended the club captain, and rightly so considering that particular players form and how it was misrepresented. There has also been reports that some players and officials have asked a solicitor to look at some transcripts of Aker's comments over the last few weeks. That's all. Pretty sure our club is focused on other things, time will tell I guess.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

I was thinking this the other day. Did they shoot themselves in the foot by sacking him so close to finals? Perhaps they thought they didn't need him, but I'm not so sure they're thinking that way now. Of course it's all hindsight, but since sacking him things have gone from bad to worse, not just with injuries, but also with increased pressure on the club to succeed without him, like they had to prove something?

They could've left him on the list, kept in the twos until they thought it was time they needed him, then got rid of him at the end of the year...anyway it was his last year...Instead the club sucked up to the captain, who is now well and truly ready for the scrapheap, and they are short a very valuable (fit) player in Aker.

If I was a Doggie's fan I'd be well and truly pissed off with how the club managed the whole affair.

So you missed the improved performance of the senior team after we sacked Aker? We were flying until two weeks ago, where after a tough game against the Crows and a poor run with illness and injury saw us suffer poundings from the Cats and the Swans. If you think Aker would have made a difference in those games then you're kidding yourself.

When are you boofheads going to learn that Akers form was terrible this year, and his form in the finals he has played for the Bulldogs hasn't been any better.
:)What astounds me is how precious the Bulldogs and their supporters are.

They were lapping this sort of rubbish from Aker up - and let's face it loved the guy - when he arrived at the club and continually shot his mouth off about Lethal Leigh, Vossy, Brown, the Lions hieracrchy and whoever else.

He banged on about it for two or more years and continued to bring it up at the most inopportune times.

Yet the Dogs fans lapped it up and defended him ... while he was kicking goals.

Double standard, or what???

A leopard don't change its spots - Aker has always been Aker - outrageous statements and claims and all.

He's just taken aim elsewhere this time round.

To think, Bulldogs fans were naive to enteratin the idea that it would end any other way than it did at Brisbane!!!
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

So you missed the improved performance of the senior team after we sacked Aker? We were flying until two weeks ago, where after a tough game against the Crows and a poor run with illness and injury saw us suffer poundings from the Cats and the Swans. If you think Aker would have made a difference in those games then you're kidding yourself.

When are you boofheads going to learn that Akers form was terrible this year, and his form in the finals he has played for the Bulldogs hasn't been any better.
We'll never know whether having Aker in those recent games would've mattered, or if he would've performed come finals time. As for his form being "terrible", well, that's debatable. He certainly wasn't kicking goals, but a player's impact has to be measured not just in these terms...

Don't play the injury card, all clubs (including us for most of the season!) can pull that one out. The real point is whether the Doggies went too hard too early getting rid of Aker, given that they did it largely on the say so of the captain. If he had still been at the club he would definitely be in your best 22 now...
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

If he's a "slow dwarf" who wins a Brownlow and places in the Best and Fairest 6 or 7 times I think we'd be pretty happy

Your reports are pretty switched on :rolleyes:

The very mention of that Brownlow "win" discredits everything you say, that a hoax like that could "win" a brownlow almost made the whole thing a joke & proved that in most cases umpires know sweet FA about football.

If there ever was a year were he was the Fairest & Best footballer in the AFL then it is a miracle the code survived as they must of have some rubbish footballers running around. Thankfully the football public realise that every 10 years or so the umps throw up an absolute joke (B Hardie, S Woewoden) & libba would be the biggest disgrace I can remember.

Wouldn't you rather your club win something rather than have a very average footballer win a load of B & F's at a club that is rubbish.

Hope the kid goes well & is nothing like his grub of a father as far as football goes, just wait though as from memory if libba doesn't think his boy is getting a fair crack he may not be afraid to spray the club in media could be fun.

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Re: Doggies Sue Akker

The very mention of that Brownlow "win" discredits everything you say, that a hoax like that could "win" a brownlow almost made the whole thing a joke & proved that in most cases umpires know sweet FA about football.

If there ever was a year were he was the Fairest & Best footballer in the AFL then it is a miracle the code survived as they must of have some rubbish footballers running around. Thankfully the football public realise that every 10 years or so the umps throw up an absolute joke (B Hardie, S Woewoden) & libba would be the biggest disgrace I can remember.

Wouldn't you rather your club win something rather than have a very average footballer win a load of B & F's at a club that is rubbish.

Hope the kid goes well & is nothing like his grub of a father as far as football goes, just wait though as from memory if libba doesn't think his boy is getting a fair crack he may not be afraid to spray the club in media could be fun.

Lulz ur just mad because he exposed carltons tanking.

Re: Doggies Sue Akker

We'll never know whether having Aker in those recent games would've mattered, or if he would've performed come finals time. As for his form being "terrible", well, that's debatable. He certainly wasn't kicking goals, but a player's impact has to be measured not just in these terms....
He's a player that relied heavily on his pace and athleticism to get around the field. When he lost both of these precious assets prior to the start of this season he was cooked. He would be completely useless on the field for us today - we're not talking Aker circa 2003. It was a mistake in more ways than one to give him another season in 2010 and the club needs to wear that significant error of judgement. We drafted Aker at the end of 2006 specifically to have an impact in September and when he comprehensively failed to do so in both the 2008 and 2009 finals series, both parties should have cut their losses there and then.

And yes his form was sub-par in his 9 matches this season. He was frankly being carried, and furthermore he didn't like seeing question marks about his dreadful form in the media so he made up a story about having sore hammies (another lie that was later exposed to add to the list). Brad Johnson has been potted left, right and centre by the BF ignoramuses but by contrast he a) actually stood up in the finals last season and b) has genuinely been injured throughout 2010. In hindsight he stayed on a season too long as well.

For those idiots saying that we are fanning the flames of the Aker issue, we have said and done nothing since the Footy Show episode over a month ago. I would have preferred the club to keep any legal discussions on the quiet but I don't blame any player or official from the club for assessing their basic legal rights and entitlements if they feel they are being wronged. Akermanis has multiple forums to air his factually bereft views and opinions, and has chosen to do so almost every day since his sacking. Presumably the individuals exploring their legal position are throwing a shot over the bows just to redress the imbalance of the current discussion and to keep motor mouth honest.

All this karma talk is also jibberish. We won 3 games in a row and were absolutely flying chop. Our current malaise is all to do with the health or otherwise of our list - crap happens to every team and we have to roll the sleeves up and get on with it.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

Lulz ur just mad because he exposed carltons tanking.


No mate couldn't give a rats about him "exposing" us as I figure everyone in footy knew what had gone on without his input.

Just never liked him as a footballer & was dirty on CFC for giving the grub a coaching spot believe it was as bad a decission as bombers hiring M Knights to S*## footballers from rubbish clubs, if looking for coaches you should try to get quality people from successful clubs which footscray is far from being.

Bet Malthouse is glad he left that joint as quickly as he did.
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

Wrong. We didn't sack him for nothing. The difference is that back then he was a Bulldog's player and we had to be accountable for his crap as an entire club. We couldn't control him then we certainly can't control him now I agree, but at least we're not accountable for him. Apart from the last two weeks our performance as a club post Aker's sacking was superior to when he was on the list and he's been shooting his mouth off ever since we got rid of him. However, if you think the last two weeks form slump has been been due to Akers big mouth rather than illness, injury and increased training loads then that's your perogative.

Just because the media blows every comment Aker makes out of proportion it doesn't mean the Bulldogs do. Since the sacking our coach has once responded to Akers comments and defended the club captain, and rightly so considering that particular players form and how it was misrepresented. There has also been reports that some players and officials have asked a solicitor to look at some transcripts of Aker's comments over the last few weeks. That's all. Pretty sure our club is focused on other things, time will tell I guess.

A few points.

1. Learn to read properly before you so dogmatically categorise my post as wrong. Nowhere did I say you sacked him for nothing. Even Smorgan and Rose said it was for a cumulation of events over time. None of which happenned in the public eye in the 2-3 weeks preceeding his sacking, reread my post to confirm this is what I was saying.

2. "Apart from the last 2 weeks", so these last 2 weeks don't mean anything is that what your saying, not important, somehow not relevant to the conversation, idiot.

3. You had far more control of him when he was still employed than you do now, that is fact, you just didn't know how to deal with him.

4. "Just because the media blows every comment Aker makes out of proportion it doesn't mean the Bulldogs do", another idiotic comment, what did you honestly expect, of coarse he was going to say more when he left and of coarse the media was going to blow it all out of proportion. If your administration didn't anticipate this they are incompetant.

5. The last couple of weeks would indicate that the club might not have all its focus on these "other things".

Your football department should not have renewed his contract after last year, you have plenty of good young kids that could do his role but your FD didn't have the balls to play the young kids instead and kept an injury riddled older player with a big mouth on instead of giving the younger guys an opportunity.

You reap what you sow and all but Bulldogs supporters in this thread agree that your club has handled this whole situation atrocioulsy.
I will happily admit that I was a big Aker fan - whenever mates of mine had a crack at him I always defended him and after seeing him often thought he was a very smart guy, but after the events of the last 2 weeks I will say I have completely changed side and can't wait for the guy to shut up - but like a child, he will keep being a nuisance until people stop paying attention. However accusing people of taking illicit drugs is not right (regardless of how many of you believe he did or didnt do it)

What amazes me is how many people on here again believe exactly what the media has said? What about the details that aren't "leaked" so to speak??? Those at the Dogs wouldn't be seriously considering this if they didn't have a case.

Still it is amazing that so many feel sorry for him. You don't get sacked in this way from 2 clubs for nothing! Once again, if I was going to release a book bagging my company, colleagues and bosses and told all my company's secrets I would be marched straight out the door - what is the difference here?

Still as a massive Dogs fan, I would never accept this as a distraction, the last 2 weeks have largely been caused by woeful second efforts and to many passengers - plain and simple! Sadly the horrible injuries have been devastating.
I will happily admit that I was a big Aker fan - whenever mates of mine had a crack at him I always defended him and after seeing him often thought he was a very smart guy, but after the events of the last 2 weeks I will say I have completely changed side and can't wait for the guy to shut up - but like a child, he will keep being a nuisance until people stop paying attention. However accusing people of taking illicit drugs is not right (regardless of how many of you believe he did or didnt do it)

What amazes me is how many people on here again believe exactly what the media has said? What about the details that aren't "leaked" so to speak??? Those at the Dogs wouldn't be seriously considering this if they didn't have a case.

Still it is amazing that so many feel sorry for him. You don't get sacked in this way from 2 clubs for nothing! Once again, if I was going to release a book bagging my company, colleagues and bosses and told all my company's secrets I would be marched straight out the door - what is the difference here?

Still as a massive Dogs fan, I would never accept this as a distraction, the last 2 weeks have largely been caused by woeful second efforts and to many passengers - plain and simple! Sadly the horrible injuries have been devastating.
A couple of points. Firstly, I don't feel sorry for Aker at all, and I haven't seen that sentiment expressed in this thread at all. Nobody on here is saying they're sorry for Aker, much the opposite actually. People here accept that Aker is a media whore and attention seeker, but that he may have still been useful for the Dogs had he been retained. Did the Dogs pull the trigger too early on him? A recent run of injuries might suggest so...

Which brings me to my second point: injuries. Stop playing that fiddle, because it sounds like an excuse, which it is. We've had a worse injury run all year than most sides but you don't hear us going on about our "devastating" and "horrible" run of injuries. They happen, if you have the depth to cover, fine...Which is where Aker might have come in handy...
Which brings me to my second point: injuries. Stop playing that fiddle, because it sounds like an excuse, which it is. We've had a worse injury run all year than most sides but you don't hear us going on about our "devastating" and "horrible" run of injuries. They happen, if you have the depth to cover, fine...Which is where Aker might have come in handy...

My apologies...I must've missed the point where I said they were an excuse!?!?! I said devastating, not excuse! If you actually read the bit before you will see I clearly state the last two weeks are a result of very very poor second efforts and passengers - nothing to do with injuries. We have had shocking injuries too so the poor Swannies aren't the only ones...thanks for making the quick judgement.

And to your first point there are posts throughout here and the thread yesterday stating they though Aker was hard done by...
The problem is the more strongly you deny it the more true it looks.
not so sure about this part. If someone was writing a book and they were writing things about you such as you're on drugs, if it wasn't true would you just sit back and let it happen or would you deny it?
Re: Doggies Sue Akker

A few points.

1. Learn to read properly before you so dogmatically categorise my post as wrong. Nowhere did I say you sacked him for nothing. Even Smorgan and Rose said it was for a cumulation of events over time. None of which happenned in the public eye in the 2-3 weeks preceeding his sacking, reread my post to confirm this is what I was saying.

You said "There was no "external" problems from Aker for the previous few weeks before his sacking, well not compared to what has happened since where every comment he makes is magnified because of the sacking." I think you need to go back and have read of the papers leading up to the time he was let go, and perhaps get some transcripts of his radio work to that point. The reason why we sacked him was not because of the way he was behaving amongst the group, it was the way he was behaving away from it.

2. "Apart from the last 2 weeks", so these last 2 weeks don't mean anything is that what your saying, not important, somehow not relevant to the conversation, idiot.

Of course these last two weeks mean something. Our team is in terrible form and in case you haven't noticed copping injuries left right and centre. Leading up to the game against Geelong we played significantly better football than what we did when Aker was playing.

3. You had far more control of him when he was still employed than you do now, that is fact, you just didn't know how to deal with him.

I think after you researched the radio transcripts and read through the papers leading up to his sacking you would agree that lied to the club, let go of club information to his two great mates Sam and Steve, "in confidence" (those bastards betrayed him.....jerks :rolleyes:) and took pot shots at a listed AFL rookie for playing closely to him. Oh, he was also writing "brutally honest" tales about his current team mates. Sure, we didn't know how to handle that. Can you categorically name a club that could have handled him? Arguably the best team of the modern era couldn't handle this twerp.

4. "Just because the media blows every comment Aker makes out of proportion it doesn't mean the Bulldogs do", another idiotic comment, what did you honestly expect, of coarse he was going to say more when he left and of coarse the media was going to blow it all out of proportion. If your administration didn't anticipate this they are incompetant.

The club would have expected him to say a number of things about it and its players, as well as anyone else that he thought could get him a headline. Doesn't mean it affects us, and if you re-read my post you'll realise that the situation where we're not accountable for his crap anymore has to be better than the alternative.

5. The last couple of weeks would indicate that the club might not have all its focus on these "other things".

If you think our current form, recent illness and mounting injury toll is due to Aker's comments then good luck to you.

Your football department should not have renewed his contract after last year, you have plenty of good young kids that could do his role but your FD didn't have the balls to play the young kids instead and kept an injury riddled older player with a big mouth on instead of giving the younger guys an opportunity.

I think if you had a little look at our season you'd realise our young kids, particularly those that could fulfill a forward role have been given extended opportunities. If you didn't think Aker deserved another year after his 2009 season, then fair enough, but you would without the benefit of hindsight be a very lonely figure in the "say no to Aker 2010 column".

You reap what you sow and all but Bulldogs supporters in this thread agree that your club has handled this whole situation atrocioulsy.

Now how about if you choose to reply you do so without the personal insults. It's not very becoming, and anyone with such basic comprehension skills shouldn't be calling another person an idiot.
My apologies...I must've missed the point where I said they were an excuse!?!?! I said devastating, not excuse! If you actually read the bit before you will see I clearly state the last two weeks are a result of very very poor second efforts and passengers - nothing to do with injuries. We have had shocking injuries too so the poor Swannies aren't the only ones...thanks for making the quick judgement.

And to your first point there are posts throughout here and the thread yesterday stating they though Aker was hard done by...
I read your entire post, don't worry.When you use two loaded adjectives like "devastating" and "horrible" in the same sentence when discussing the injuries suffered by your club, you're making excuses. It's the excessive nature of the language. Go back and read the sentence..."Sadly the horrible injuries have been devastating".

Yes, you stated that your problems over the past two weeks were caused by woeful second efforts etc, but you did say "LARGELY", which in my books leaves wriggle room for your next statement: "Sadly the horrible injuries have been devastating". A combination of the two, no doubt. Or three perhaps, if you throw in the Aker issue...

I suggest paring back on the emotive adjectives may help concretize your argument.

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Doggies seek legal advice re Akker

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