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Should Channel 7 run the story?

I don't want to talk about the story and its details but the fundamental question of should ethically channel 7 run the story. I've had a few disagreements with people over this.

I personally think that Channel 7 had every right to run the story, they absolutley had no ethical or legal right to name any players and I'm not really sure if they should have named the club?

What are others thoughts? I know this exact same question was thrown up after the Braun story so I thought i'd just put it out there for discussion. So again don't mention the club involved or any players names or imply any of that because thats not what this thread is about.
Re: What this all means....

personally i dont think it has gone. everytime he gets the ball he is booed.

As for your situation i think you will have to expect a similar crowd reaction from naive opposition supporters when/if these players are named.

I really don't see this as a problem, i know when i was kicking the leather around everytime i got booed which was about 78 times a game (slight exaggeration) , it made me more determined to get the pill...

i mean the footy...ooops
Re: My fellow Hawthorn fans, how do you feel? ...

Nah, You'll cop it for being a hawks supporter for well..ever, Caro will make herself wet (ugh.. Mod's should proberly ban me for saying that) thinking of new bollocks to write every week, same with Walls (maybe you guys are also evil). However, if it's like us (and there's no reason why it won't be) your on field performances shouldn't suffer, and it may even galvanise the club short term (ala us vs sydney rd1). You're not going anywhere soon...

we'll be fine as long as it is dealt with well...

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Re: Should Channel 7 run the story?

Persoanlly i hope that channel 7 does run with the story and name names....

what wonderful amunition coming into finals...then again i react quite positively when the chips are down and you need to stand up and all that stuff...

Hopefully the players are made of similar stuff and you know what , if they're not ....we may aswell get rid of them..

This is the best test we've had all year, you win flags with warriors who fight and stand up and can handle pressure...if the boys fall apart over this then they will not take us to the promised land and we may aswell start rebuilding....

i'm of the belief we have the goods ...
Re: My fellow Hawthorn fans, how do you feel? ...

I don't have any idea how to explain how I'm feeling.

I can see myself sitting there on Sunday completely disinterested in the game *sigh*

I never expected that a situation as large, well, with such a large number of players involved, would arise, and possibly involve our great club :(


I'm certainly no religous man but thought I might consult my scripture - 'The Hard Way' by Harry Gordon and have a read of a few things in our history that make this a storm in a teacup really.

Chapter 12 'For the little feller'

.....Crimmins did it by the manner of his playing, and the manner of his dying. Hardly a daunting looking bundle, just 177cm tall (actually only said 77cm in the book) and 60.5kg, he possessed a dynamic presence on the field, and not an ounce of fear. He was also irrepressible, filled with a confident and glowing spirit, and it was hard for his team-mates and others at the club to come to terms in 1974 with the knowledge that he was a prisoner of cancer. He refused to give in, fought the disease all the way, and played for Hawthorn even as he did so. When he died, on the third morning after a premiership that was dedicated to him, the void was huge. Some small measure of it was the decision - the only one of it's kind in the club's history - to take out of circulation the number 5 guernsey he used to wear. One day, maybe, it was reasoned, one of his two sons would earn a place at the Hawks....or someone would arrive who possessed the kind of qualities that made Crimmins so special.....

We might of found that man at least once, maybe twice.

I am certainly not comparing todays fiasco with Peter Crimmin's death, just asking my fellow Hawk supporter's to keep a bit of focus and levity. If it is true that the players who have been named are guilty of using recreational drugs - well, no one has died and I think we just get bloody well on with it. For 20 bloody hard weeks we have proven everyone else in the footy world wrong. Now we stick together and work our arse off to prove them totally wrong.
Re: What this all means....

One thing's for definite. If there are Hawk players using, you can be certain other teams' players are as well. You can bet everything you own that if they scrutinised every other club in the league, many many more users would be found. We're just unlucky on this occasion.....
Re: What this all means....

personally i dont think it has gone. everytime he gets the ball he is booed.

As for your situation i think you will have to expect a similar crowd reaction from naive opposition supporters when/if these players are named.

From what I can see the booing just revs him up a bit - stupid thing to do.
Hawk fans, Have several pinches of salt ready

Everyone will have 'stories' from a 'friend' about the 'culture' at hawthorn.

Take them all with a pinch of salt.

Remember there was some troll who posted all sorts of crap about Jon Hay - turned out to be a very sick stalker.

If the 'documents in the gutter' are true then the players involved are already in rehab, whether off their own bat, or by AFL or club initiative.

A bit different from being found in various places around the world stoned out of their minds while a blind eye is turned....
Re: Hawk fans, Have several pinches of salt ready

the only story i'm interested in is the one that starts at 1.00pm on sundy and finishes a couple of hours later with a Hawthorn win..Period.

I'm looking forward to the remaining 10 hours of football the hawks will play and will be there to watch them raise the Premiership Cup.
Re: Should Channel 7 run the story?

Seven has broken every rule in the journalistic code of ethics.

The sooner they are stripped of the rights to telecast football for bringing the game into disrepute the better.

The maggot behind this and the Braun story is unemployable, and should spend at least 30 years having to suck on his own bile.
Re: My fellow Hawthorn fans, how do you feel? ...

As an Eagles supporter I can understand how you guys might be feeling right about now.

Angry that is your club that has been singled out.
Frustrated and perhaps disappointed that some of your players have indulged in recreational drugs.
Worried about what sanctions the AFL might impose, warranted or not.
Concerned that there may be more bad news to come.
Tired of defending your club for activities that probably exist to some extent at all AFL clubs. And that the use of recreational drugs somehow equates to cheating.

I don't condone the use of drugs but accept that it occurs in our society, why your club should be singled out because some of your players have been identified from documents that should never have seen the light of day is beyond me however.
Re: My fellow Hawthorn fans, how do you feel? ...

It's just before 5am.... I really have not been able to speak. As a member I support and represent this club we all love (some of us live it, it's that important to us).

I am now realising how simple and niave I was to think the old addage of "It will never happen to us" cause deep down I know it was happening at all clubs... yes they are elite high profile athletes, but they are elite high profile athletes witha high salary with large amounts of disposable income and young in age and at times at heart.

I am feeling a little ashamed as I look at my scarf, not because of what it is supposed to represent according to some opposition supporters as of today, but because of the moral high ground I took regarding a few issues this year (not here on BF, but with family and friends).

"We are the family club, we would not do that."

"Hawthorns president is also a chairman for Beyond Blue, andorganisation that would abhor drug use due to the effects it would have on the depressed. Surely the message would be stringest with us."

"When was the last time something shady happened to a Hawk?"

...and so on. Guess I just wanted to believe so much I blinded myself... and thats where the shame begins.

I won't stop loving them any less.... but perhaps a little differently. I now understand why West Coast supporters support Cousins so much.... Why Collingwood Supporters got behind Didak for the couple of weeks after his issues. But perhaps the love I feel for the Brown and gold will be a little different, a bit more mature perhaps?

The supporters and fans were sending a message to them.... Yes you messed up, but we are still here for you and will support you till the bitter end.

Lets do that on Sunday.... Lets cheer when the boys run out, every goal, at the end of the game no matter what the result. Lets cheer so loud that we drown out the inevitable slurs we will have to deal with from the Doggies faithful. Lets inform the 22 guys who wear the Brown and gold for us that we will still be there. But most importantly, lets not stop cheering, they need it from us more than ever, they ned to know we will still be there for the club.

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Re: My fellow Hawthorn fans, how do you feel? ...

I feel a bit gutted by the whole thing. Not a flash thing to happen at all.

Good news is that they were trying to overcome something. Bad news, unfortunately, is going to be huge.

The woman who sold the story - "Instead, she said, she sold the records to Channel Seven because she thought it would help the players involved." Riiiighhhht!
Re: Should Channel 7 run the story?

Course they should run the story. It's a story.... a BIG story.

Don't you just love the story seller "Instead, she said, she sold the records to Channel Seven because she thought it would help the players involved."

She consulted her own doctor, according to Channel 7 reporter, and they advised her it was in the players best interest.

Yeah, Right!

I want to vomit on her and her doctor. :D
Re: Age article on the situation (25/8/07)


That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard in my entire life.

100% Agree with you.

That line about "helping the players" makes me ill. Heard the Channel 7 reporter on SEN say that she consulted her own doctor before releasing documents. They agreed it would "help" the players.

You can just smell a money grubber trying to clear their conscience.

To the woman who sold the story...


Sold it to "help" the players, did you?

Re: What this all means....

perhaps jeff should go on the attack and launch a massive Beyond Blue-style drugs assistance organisation and turn this whole thing into a PR positive...

I agree. Jeff will and MUST transform this into a positive issue for the Club - it's the only way we can move forward!!

I was extremely disappointed with the way the media and the footballing community dealt with Cousins - we missed a golden opportunity to kick-start something constructive. Instead ridiculous parochialism controlled the debate and stifled any possible constructive opportunities. We clearly cannot rely on the media to set the agenda (or even the AFL), Jeff and Hawthorn must take control of the situation and move everyone forward.

On a purely selfish level, we don't need or want negative vibes permeating our Club when we're trying to build a premiership team. If the players feel part of something positive and constructive it will keep them on track.
Re: To the woman who sold the story...

And if it was any other club, other than your own, you wouldn't do the same??

Re: To the woman who sold the story...

Unfortunately thats the way it is in the world.
She saw an opportunity to make some easy money, and she took it.
Whether it is right or wrong, most people would do the same thing.

Hell I'm pretty sure i would. (unless it was about Collingwood, then I'd burn them all)
Re: What this all means....

Zero Tollerance would be an injustice.

Scenario: A franchise player for Club X is in a night club at a reasonable hour just before the final series which his team are likely to win with him playing. Opposition supporter scumbag manages to slip a little speed in to the gun player's drink, only enough to get it into his blood stream without him really knowing he is getting a big buzz.
Scumbag supporter calls media says he saw gun player taking speed at nightclub...........testing is done...........

With no chance to defend himself the players career is destroyed by Zero Tollerance. Don't say it couldn't happen people do crazy stuff, some even kill people.

With the tree strikes ruling there is the oportunity for a player to demonstrate over time that any incident was either an error of judgement, completely out of character or a set-up.

How many of you have whinged about coping a speeding fine from a camera being ~ 3-5km over when going down hill. Zero tollerance sucks.
Re: What this all means....

The drugs listed wasn't a very pleasing list.

I can kind of remember that Jeff Kennett's words on the matter were pretty harsh and all about zero tolerance.

This is going to be one big Schmoozle! Crap!!

If Jeff can't put the future of the club above his personal crusades then he should resign due to conflict of interest.

We don't need his claptrap right now
Re: What this all means....


Ho! Hum!
Re: What this all means....

I am ****** annoyed. How dumb are our guys?

Draw another line in the sand. My first reaction is to get rid of them. I am over supporting a club that supports stupidity.

If they had an actual dependence problem - take them off the list until they have had some treatment. If they are using it cos they like it - axe them.
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