Drug innuendo: Post all comments here. Previous threads merged.

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Re: Level the playing field!

I wasnt at home last night, did they name Hawthorn? What the hell is goin on. I read the paper it said 'melbourne club'..
I agree that channel 7 should review their sources before broadcasting. The "I found it down the street" sounds a little dodgy. But if it is legit ( and the reaction from the club indicates it most likely is) I don't think anbody did anything wrong.

Great, if you'd like to email me your confidential medical and police records and any information relevant to anything you have done wrong during your life I will be most pleased to publish them so you can be held up to public ridicule.

The only difference between that and what that loose ho has done is at least I asked you.

How many people with a public profile will be keeping their appointments at clinics today I ask? Public interest my arse.

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Re: Level the playing field!

With the leaking of these documents, and all the allegations that are going around, the only way the AFL can level the playing field so Hawthorn isn't the ONLY CLUB whose players are suffering is to release the names of all players from all clubs who have tested positive.

I presume seven know the papers are authentic.

It's a sad day for us, and will probably effect our performance this week, but it's not an insurmountable problem. We are still a great club.
I agree with you about a level playing field.......since all the drama over Akers article, I have realised that this is obviously a far greater problem than the AFL is either acknowledging or even know about...and that its been going on for years, if we go back to Dale Lewis and his statements about drugs in our sport......the AFL really do appear not to want to know about it all, or to deal with it correctly when the subject does come up....they seem to have no idea at all on how to handle it, except to kill the messengers, then, in their eyes, they have dealt with the problem and it will go away.............No,..Vlad,you must bring it all out into the open, change your drug policies, clean it up, and start again...AND if it means shaming some big names to achieve a clean sport, so be it!!.....JUST DO IT!!
Re: Level the playing field!

F*CK. Who leaked it was us? SEN? 7?

haha let me quickly catch you up. Channel 7 broke the story when a female found doctor doccuments ditched in a gutter out the front of a medical complex. She tried to return them but the venue was locked, she then thought it was right to sell it to channel 7.

There is an injuction in place, where the club, and the players names can not be named at all untll 1230pm today.
Re: What this all means....

My observation of the many posts about this issue seem to indicate many people would like there to be some negative consequence of a positive test.

Some sort of punishment of the player seems to be required to satisfy people that something is being done to make players conform. The "Stick" approach if you please.
Caring people seem to realise that the player needs to be shown the way and helped through their foolishness or addiction, not just thrown to the wolves.
Fans seem to want the club more involved but I don't know haw this could happen without the players privacy being compromised. Simply the more people know the bigger the source of the leak. Come trading time would a club have to inform all interested parties of player X's number of strikes. Can't see it working.

As much as some find it difficult to cope with, drugs are used by many young people in all walks of life. As a caring society we need to support them in making better decissions I also agree that most idividuals respond to the idea of avoiding punishment. Perhaps if a player on their second strike has a large monetary penalty imposed by the AFL which is held in Trust by the AFL for the player until their time in the game is over. If they make it through without further transgressions they get the money back with interest.

Carrots and Sticks for all.
your internets should be revoked, guy.

I wanna know.. what are peoples thoughts on what will happen when the induction is down at 12:00?

Well surely the AFL, the Hawthorn FC, and the medical institute will probably try extend the injuction if that is legally possible? I am sure if the names are to come out the club would rather announce them, then be once again shamed by the media.

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i have heard from a very reliable source who the players are, and i can assure you one is a top player and the other is nothing too special...
I left for work at 6:05 last night so I am assuming that some people may not have heard at all what actually did happen yesterday or were in other states or overseas and missed it. So I will explain what the story said basically for those who missed it although players and clubs can't be mentioned at all in any way as is said by the court injunction which I understand was at 6:06 (surely about 6 minutes too late).

In the actual story, the club was named (although it can't be named any more, well at the moment), no players were named or implied at all in the report and were reffered to as player X.

Dylan Howard (the reporter who named Braun) broke a story on channel 7. That he had recieved documents from a woman that she illegadly found outside an ivanhoe clinic. These documents pertained to 2 players from the same AFL club who had sought some sort of councelling/rehab at this clinic. In this document apart from the 2 players it also contained information about what the patient/doctor had discussed. It said that up to 7 players engaged in illicit drug use as well as these 2 players. The club in question has denied knowledge of the incident and any drug problems or positive tests. The report tended to suggest that the 2 players had tested positive under the AFL drug tests.

This report was apparently found in the gutter outside the clinic. The woman claims to have tried to hand it back to the clinic due to the sensative nature of the documents and that she couldn't because it was locked, then after days of apparentley grappling with the ethical issues she offered it to channel 7 for a price. The woman said she realised the nature of the document because the 2 players named were known to her and were well known names. The document has been verified because of the players names not only but the fact that the club doctor of the club in question has also been named in the document. Also channel 7 and its lawyers would have made sure the document was near concrete in its claims before it was released in a major news bulletein.

Later I heard Dylan Howard on 3aw say that as soon as the woman picked up the document that she knew the players because they were household names. There was some reference about 2004, although I'm not sure where that came in exactly if it was in reference to the 2 senior players or the 7 illeged younger group.
Re: We are the Family Club

Well, Sheedy did, and he's a simpleton.

That aside, I am devastated by this. Without know the facts, I am very annoyed that players would be so stupid as to take drugs.

Secondly, I am extremely annoyed (as usual) with the AFLs attitude in this matter. Apparently we have a player who has tested positive to drugs late last year, and again early this year, and yet our club knows nothing about it because the AFL don't pass on the information.

How in hell is a club supposed to support their players if they don't even know they have a problem.

The only think that puts me at ease is knowing Hawthorn have been set up here with someone "leaking" the information. This proves what some people have been saying, that the drug problem is far more wide spread than the AFL would have us believe.

I believe as this is investigated, many more players from all 16 clubs will be found out, so all those morons having a go at the Hawks at present will have egg all over their face. I also feel the AFL will be found to be negligent in their attitude towards drugs (and alcoholism) and may be facing a charge or two of their own.
Those comments are simply perfectly correct A.H. I believe the AFL ,s approach to drugs and alchohol is flawed and they may find themselves
looking stupid when this large problem really explodes and every team may have things to answer for.But as you correctly say clubs are always going to have a hard time beating this and helping their players if they damn well don't know until NO.3 test comes along. I have to confess to being a very big critic of the Eagles and B. Cousins over this period of drug troubles and very critical of Cousins himself, so, I will not be hipocritical here, if one of ours is a user of this filth then he should cop just what I said Cousins should cop and be removed from our club.Ice is a killer as is heroin, crack /cocaine
extascy and the abuse of alchohol and any other drug that is so called
New rule use rugs football carreer OVER WHOEVER YOU ARE.
In a nutshell Vlad said:

The Professor, HFC, AFLPA & AFL are behind the injunction.

Vlad wants the medical records to never see the light of day and the injunction to be permanent.

Would not elaborate on his relationship or feelings re: Channel 7.

'Missing' documents will be refered to Victoria Police for investigation.

Vlad's daughter is not very happy.

Also Damien Barrett (who has seen the documents) said that he didn't think the documents looked as if they had been laying in the gutter.

Triple M team agree this has been an absolute disgrace for this to be made into a story.

Gary Lyon believes that Dylan Howard, if he is to be consistant, now has to come out and name every player who has tested positive for drugs.

Me, I just think there will be no winners out of this whatsoever. Dylan Howard should rethink his career - perhaps rent boy or streetsweeper would suit his personality a bit better.
No worries. What I find most amusing is the crap that Hawthorn is copping from other clubs supporters like none of their players would take drugs:rolleyes: I don't condone it and if this story is true (I am still suspicious of this) then the players in question should be suspended for quite a lengthy period without pay!
Re: To the woman who sold the story...

Grow up!

Look at the source of the problem. If anything how did the file get in the street? So much for confidentiality....

But still, saying she is no better than a drug dealer is childish and disgraceful.

Your club and it's players should take a hard look, not the girl that brought it to light.

The woman allegedly found some sensitive documentation in the gutter. She then, instead of handing the documentation to it's rightful owner sees a money making opportunity because of this documents delicate nature, She then runs off to Channel 7 with her purse open and receives her payday knowing fully the consequences of what she is doing. She then, under the gutless veil of anonymity tells the world that she is doing it for the common good. Give me and the intelligent public a break. If she was the crusader that she put herself up to be, why did she request her identity be kept anonymous and demand payment for her story?

Notwithstanding any of the drug issues with the players involved, this woman is a disgrace. She is a dispicable human being, the lowest form of human garbage, a person that has profiteered off the social problems of others. She is a pathetic little parasite and a person to be despised.

I can only look upon this person with contempt and hope that she has a long-suffering existence.
No worries. What I find most amusing is the crap that Hawthorn is copping from other clubs supporters like none of their players would take drugs:rolleyes: I don't condone it and if this story is true (I am still suspicious of this) then the players in question should be suspended for quite a lengthy period without pay!

You can not do this. As the rules stand they have infringed and been dealt with according to the rules. This didn't just happen this week.

It has come to light because of sleazy, gutter journalism that has been of no benefit to anybody. Honestly, there are no winners from this and never would have been. How anyone can even think there was ever going to be a positive outcome out of this is beyond me.

Boycotting Channel 7 for the week - suggest others do likewise to express your disgust.

No worries. What I find most amusing is the crap that Hawthorn is copping from other clubs supporters like none of their players would take drugs:rolleyes:

Personally I think most of the replies in this thread have been quite level headed, of course we should expect to cop a fair bit from this, but on the whole I have been impressed with the comments made from opposition supporters :thumbsu:
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