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I reckon they did background check Thorburn.
They just didnt see any alarm bells in the cv.
When you don't have a conscience no shady dealings are highlighted.
I'm not totally convinced.
Their backgrounds checks seem to amount to, do you know anyone else that connected to the club or barracks for Essendon? If the answer is yes, that enough of a background check for them.
I'm pretty sure a decade ago during their drug taking denials I remarked that until they admitted they *ed up and cleaned house, they would never recover. That the endless denials and cover ups were in fact going to be worse than the drug taking for the club in the long run.

Since then they have continued to lean into the cult, the lies that went with it, ostracising anyone speaking out against the club all backed by cheerleading sycophants in the media helping them invent a new reality about their club. Guess what/who that leaves to look after your club...

You're seeing it. Just gross incompetence and all those wonderful mates of ineptitude who fall up in life despite their lack of ability all the while decrying they are the real victims of persecution from enemies unknown and unsighted every single day of their lives.

Like I said back then should have just admitted, yes we took drugs, we're going to show those responsible to door. However, that would take actual self reflection and understanding of wrong doing. Hard to do when you convince a horde of people they are the real victims.

Instead they still thought interviewing James Hird as their coach was good for the club. Its 2022 and they still don't get it, never will. Employing morally bankrupt CEO's without checking his background just another road marker down the highway of, well its not even mediocrity any more, absolute odious excrement.

I once thought that the only thing I truly hated on earth was the EFC, not even a sports hatred, it was real. They are so pathetic a decade on, I just pity them. Like watching a dinosaur slowly sink into the tar pit. They will soon be the fossil record of a once feared football club. Absolutely pathetic organisation.

* 'em.
You perfectly summed up my feelings, *em
I reckon they did background check Thorburn.
They just didnt see any alarm bells in the cv.
When you don't have a conscience no shady dealings are highlighted.

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Hi Lily

Totally agree.

* did background checks, both soft and in depth. They then failed to understand and/or act on the findings.

Any organisation offering $800k+++ p.a. to an employee is well aware of what’s happening in the broader world of commerce and especially at that level of seniority. The stench wasn’t simply from church connections, it emanated from prior NAB failings.

The banking Royal Commission and its findings were broadly published and more than well known to all and sundry at the * board table.

Employing Thorburn was like putting lipstick on a pig.

He was admonished by Hayne QC for his evidence at the Royal Commission & as a direct consequence lost his role as CEO of NAB. When asked about the ethics of charging fees to dead people AND taking money from their bank accounts his response was along the lines of “it depends how you define ethics…”

This stain of a club has failed repeatedly in regards to ethics and governance for in excess of 10 years, why would we expect anything more….

Barham’s protestations reminds me of the words of the counsel assisting the ASADA doping enquiry, it is just, “non-sense on stilts”.
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All for a bit of schadenfreude, but kind of cringy that this thread remains as popular as it does...

Will be a good day when we don't need the 'least we're bot as s**t as the bombers' defense.
This is going to be as good as the last time you tried to close down this thread :D

If you don't like the thread, don't read it...

Also... we have never been as shit as the drug cheats.
All for a bit of schadenfreude, but kind of cringy that this thread remains as popular as it does...

Will be a good day when we don't need the 'least we're bot as s**t as the bombers' defense.

Off to the I love Essendon thread you go then….

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Brendan Goddard was right, they DID make movies and books about *



He was admonished by Hayne QC for his evidence at the Royal Commission & as a direct consequence lost his role as CEO of NAB. When asked about the ethics of charging fees to dead people AND taking money from their bank accounts his response was along the lines of “it depends how you define ethics…

James Hird held his big TV interview at The Ethics Centre. I think that says a lot about how * defines ethics...
Geez, I'd hope not...



View attachment 1528262


Honestly when I first saw the first photo on my mobile phone browser, I immediately thought Emperor Palpatine haha

Palps however is too ethical to ever work for *, got better things to do with his time (like making more Clones that are more likely to win finals:) )

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Slobbo's back!

Sheedy's been on the Slobbo phone to air more dirty laundry and to ensure Barham gets the flick now that he didn't fulfill his promise of selecting Hird as coach.

  • Sheedy had the belief that he and the new president David Barham — a go-getter type for sure — would have the final say on who be the new coach of Essendon.
  • in the end it would be Sheedy and Barham to make the ultimate call
  • “It’s so political, it’s unbelievable,” said one former staff member, who’d come from another AFL club, of the goings on at the club’s Tullamarine headquarters.
  • In many respects, Barham was only president because of Sheedy. And Sheedy wanted Hird as coach. And Barham knew Sheedy wanted Hird as coach.
  • “You look at the way they treated Truck (Rutten), regardless if he can coach or not, you don’t treat people like that,” one former Essendon great said.
  • “If the president does that then anybody else at the club thinks they can do the same thing and get away with it. There’s your culture problem.”
  • Sheedy was quickly in his court, believing his premiership captain was exactly the man to pull his old club together again. Hird believed it, too.
  • Further, it’s understood Hird and Barham had spoken several weeks previously and that Hird was assured he would be legitimately considered for the job.

    No promises from Barham, but an assurance that he and Sheedy would be picking the coach.

    So, Hird went for an interview.

    And Sheedy went to New York.

    The cunning old bugger’s plan was in train.

    Already, whatever hope Barham had of landing Clarkson was scuppered when Sheedy suggested in a radio interview that Clarkson would be better suited at the Kangaroos.

    In Sheedy’s mind, everything was in order.
  • The so-called plan of Barham and Sheedy selecting the coach, presumably after considering recommendations from the selection panel, was ditched, which blindsided Sheedy.
  • Sheedy, who was in California, was shocked and disappointed. He called the Herald Sun, wanting the world to know he voted for Hird
  • He’d (Thorburn) been in charge of the external review and as part of that review, he had spoken to dozens of staff, urging them to tell him everything as he was an impartial observer.
  • “He ran the review, the staff were honest with him, he was saying, ‘I’m impartial, tell me all your secrets’. Then suddenly it was like, ‘Oh by the way now all those things you said, I remember them and I’m now your CEO’.”
  • And Hird? He probably thinks he was strung along, and if that is the truth, he will never have anything to do with the Essendon Football Club again.
Slobbo's back!

Sheedy's been on the Slobbo phone to air more dirty laundry and to ensure Barham gets the flick now that he didn't fulfill his promise of selecting Hird as coach.

  • Sheedy had the belief that he and the new president David Barham — a go-getter type for sure — would have the final say on who be the new coach of Essendon.
  • in the end it would be Sheedy and Barham to make the ultimate call
  • “It’s so political, it’s unbelievable,” said one former staff member, who’d come from another AFL club, of the goings on at the club’s Tullamarine headquarters.
  • In many respects, Barham was only president because of Sheedy. And Sheedy wanted Hird as coach. And Barham knew Sheedy wanted Hird as coach.
  • “You look at the way they treated Truck (Rutten), regardless if he can coach or not, you don’t treat people like that,” one former Essendon great said.
  • “If the president does that then anybody else at the club thinks they can do the same thing and get away with it. There’s your culture problem.”
  • Sheedy was quickly in his court, believing his premiership captain was exactly the man to pull his old club together again. Hird believed it, too.
  • Further, it’s understood Hird and Barham had spoken several weeks previously and that Hird was assured he would be legitimately considered for the job.

    No promises from Barham, but an assurance that he and Sheedy would be picking the coach.

    So, Hird went for an interview.

    And Sheedy went to New York.

    The cunning old bugger’s plan was in train.

    Already, whatever hope Barham had of landing Clarkson was scuppered when Sheedy suggested in a radio interview that Clarkson would be better suited at the Kangaroos.

    In Sheedy’s mind, everything was in order.
  • The so-called plan of Barham and Sheedy selecting the coach, presumably after considering recommendations from the selection panel, was ditched, which blindsided Sheedy.
  • Sheedy, who was in California, was shocked and disappointed. He called the Herald Sun, wanting the world to know he voted for Hird
  • He’d (Thorburn) been in charge of the external review and as part of that review, he had spoken to dozens of staff, urging them to tell him everything as he was an impartial observer.
  • “He ran the review, the staff were honest with him, he was saying, ‘I’m impartial, tell me all your secrets’. Then suddenly it was like, ‘Oh by the way now all those things you said, I remember them and I’m now your CEO’.”
  • And Hird? He probably thinks he was strung along, and if that is the truth, he will never have anything to do with the Essendon Football Club again.

The funniest thing is Sheedy going on radio and backing Clarkson to North at the same time that * were looking at him. Sheedy is a psychopath but aren’t we glad that he’s *’s psychopath? 😂
Perhaps hird can now sympathise with all the candidates who wasted their time when his M* mates shoe horned him in the first time…then again.
Slobbo's back!

Sheedy's been on the Slobbo phone to air more dirty laundry and to ensure Barham gets the flick now that he didn't fulfill his promise of selecting Hird as coach.

  • Sheedy had the belief that he and the new president David Barham — a go-getter type for sure — would have the final say on who be the new coach of Essendon.
  • in the end it would be Sheedy and Barham to make the ultimate call
  • “It’s so political, it’s unbelievable,” said one former staff member, who’d come from another AFL club, of the goings on at the club’s Tullamarine headquarters.
  • In many respects, Barham was only president because of Sheedy. And Sheedy wanted Hird as coach. And Barham knew Sheedy wanted Hird as coach.
  • “You look at the way they treated Truck (Rutten), regardless if he can coach or not, you don’t treat people like that,” one former Essendon great said.
  • “If the president does that then anybody else at the club thinks they can do the same thing and get away with it. There’s your culture problem.”
  • Sheedy was quickly in his court, believing his premiership captain was exactly the man to pull his old club together again. Hird believed it, too.
  • Further, it’s understood Hird and Barham had spoken several weeks previously and that Hird was assured he would be legitimately considered for the job.

    No promises from Barham, but an assurance that he and Sheedy would be picking the coach.

    So, Hird went for an interview.

    And Sheedy went to New York.

    The cunning old bugger’s plan was in train.

    Already, whatever hope Barham had of landing Clarkson was scuppered when Sheedy suggested in a radio interview that Clarkson would be better suited at the Kangaroos.

    In Sheedy’s mind, everything was in order.
  • The so-called plan of Barham and Sheedy selecting the coach, presumably after considering recommendations from the selection panel, was ditched, which blindsided Sheedy.
  • Sheedy, who was in California, was shocked and disappointed. He called the Herald Sun, wanting the world to know he voted for Hird
  • He’d (Thorburn) been in charge of the external review and as part of that review, he had spoken to dozens of staff, urging them to tell him everything as he was an impartial observer.
  • “He ran the review, the staff were honest with him, he was saying, ‘I’m impartial, tell me all your secrets’. Then suddenly it was like, ‘Oh by the way now all those things you said, I remember them and I’m now your CEO’.”
  • And Hird? He probably thinks he was strung along, and if that is the truth, he will never have anything to do with the Essendon Football Club again.
It's like they are on a footy trip and there is some sort of competition involving everyone in the whole club to see who can cause the club the most embarrassment.

Sheedy and Barham are the clubhouse leaders. Thorburn has probably blown up any chance that he had of getting a half pie decent plum job. Rutten will probably never get a senior gig again. Hird poked his head above the parapet only to be sent back to the twilight zone again.

Probably the only winners are the previous committee who bailed out like Madden. If I was Brad Scott I would be checking the fine print to see if there was a cooling off period.
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