Mate he is still a kid….Absolute garbage sorry, he did a few media focused little snaps, none of it was genuine and the bloke is a total shitbag.
Reid is scum, never shows any true respect to anyone, legitamtely reckons he has already won a Brownlow, and has multiple off field issues already as not even a 24 year old.
Reid lives for himself, always has and shows nothing but derision and deliberate soft off the ball hits and whinges when he doesn't get his way. He's scum morally, could win 27 Brownlows and will still be the same morally repugnant scum he was at victorian school level.
Bloody good footballer and plays for those caaarnts up the road.
Yeah, I don’t like what lots of players do in a game - because they don’t play for us - this is a bit much - sorry mate.
It’s happened his massive competitiveness that’s got him to where he is ….
Spewing he doesn’t play for us, that’s all I can say…. He’s a flipping jet, albeit a bit petulant and arrogant- typical 19 year old who is shit hot at his trade.