Autopsy Geelong defeated by Tigers by 31 points.

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I think 2020 was satisfactory result when you look at it at the end of the day.
I didn't even expect us to win a single final let alone two of them so that's a pass mark for sure.

Unfortunately, I also believe the shorter 17 round season favored us a great deal.
We were beginning to plateau by seasons end so had it gone to the usual 22 rounds (tough ask next year with the age of our list), we probably miss top four and it could have been a little bit different.

I hope the club looks at shaking things up in 2021.
If Cameron signs, we will always be playing two KPF's no matter what.
Tonight illustrated why you simply can't rely on one tall and a batch of medium-smalls.
I also think the club has to look at moving on Rhys Stanley, Harry Taylor, Luke Dahlhaus and Gary Rohan. Henderson is another that should not be playing next year.
Mark Blicavs and Jake Kolodjashnij are always a worry when they get isolated.
We have a whole lot of players who are flaky under intense pressure. Sadly, this will be the make up of the team for the remainder of Scott's tenure as coach.

Just be nice to see a bit of change next season.
No more Rohan, Dahlhaus, Stanley, Taylor, Henderson. Play Clark, Stephens, Kreuger, De Koning, Narkle.
He mentioned in an interview years back that 'splitting packs' isn't the way key forwards work these days.

Unfortunately Tom, they do in every other team

And adding Jeremy Cameron won't fix this either.
This is a very weird take given how ordinary Hawkins, Danger and Blicavs were.
Hawkins and Danger failed as how disgraceful our forward entries were. Absolute butchering of it. Pretty hard to mark the ball when its entering so poorly. Hawkins and Danger would have been lucky to have five entries kicked towards them the whole match.

Blicavs didn't have his best game but far from the worst.

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Similar to last year's Prelim, but worse. Good they made the GF regardless. Many of the same choices of game plan though. Very strange to only kick a goal per qtr again in the second half. Was danger in the midfield at all, prior to the last qtr?
With a few minutes left on the clock I just couldn't bear to watch anymore. Locked myself inside my room and couldn't bear to hear/watch any images of the Richmond celebrations whatsoever. Deleted all social media. Then I decided to go for a run.

Cool night, virtually zero traffic. Ran by a train with literally two people on it. Love night runs for having a think when you need it.

It was probably my best ever run - would've gone 6 or 7kms without stopping. I came back to hear my Richmond neighbours blaring out music and screaming, and walked up my front stairs to see the celebrations on TV.

And I realised, it's not so bad.

I turned around and smashed out another 2-3kms. Absolute bull. And while charging up a hill, feeling a million dollars, I realised something.

It's only footy.

Sure, it would've been nice to win. But with all that's going on and the circumstances - what really would've changed in my life had we won anyway? I'd still be in my living room, and we'd still be in lockdown.

Don't let it ruin your week guys.
Tom Stewart played a cracking game tonight for your mob, I'd hate to think what may have happened if he wasn't out there.

It's been a long time since I've seen a defender who is week after week, just very composed under pressure and always makes the right decisions. Reminds me of the great Bruce Doull in some ways.

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This was definitely a game of 2 halves, unfortunately for Cats they did not capitalise on scoreboard in their half of dominance.

1st half Cats dominated the contest and played in their half for majority of game. Repeat entries led to goal scoring opportunities and while a couple were squandered the game was in control.

Geelong were manic in their attack on ball and player and caused Richmond into many kicking errors that led to turnovers. Vlastin going down meant that intercept marks wasn't a problem as Cats took multiple marks in forward 50. It was looking a game well within Geelong's reach at half time.

Selwood, Duncan and Guthrie were carving Tigers up in middle and Ablett with broken shoulder was sublime in setting up goal scoring opportunities.

2nd half was reverse of first. Tigers continued to pump the ball forward with their unique forward surge (any method possible is OK!!!) football that has so perplexed the completion over past 4 years.

Love it or hate it their ground ball swarm was troubling the Cats and the 3rd quarter was a forebarer in what was to come in the 4th quarter.

Geelong kept Danger forward in 3rd quarter that was coaching error and when Cats steadied late in quarter they scored points and not goals squandering chances that with more composure could have resulted in goals.

The forth was a procession for Tigers that had their confidence bouyed and the ball mainly played in their forward half. Cats players dropped their bundle unfortunately with Rowan, Blicavs and Stanley lacking composure at key times. The midfield panicked and kicked long to Richmond's outnumber and game was done.

If I was Geelong I would be filthy with virtual 30 min break at half time. I mean WTF AFL, in a compromised 16 min qtr game who comes up with this crap. Break was way too long, my brother mentioned despite Cats 15pt lead at half time virtually a second game starts again. The elongated break killed all of Geelong's momentum and the story in 2nd half was a stark difference to first.

Ultimately D Martin wrote his name in history as one of the greatest finals players ever and that is all she wrote.

Geelong will be bitterly disappointed with second half as only Selwood, Stewart and Ablett stood up as team mates wilted under the Saturday night Gabba lights.

Chin up lads, the sun comes up tomorrow and believe me no one can celebrate in Victoria anyway, Gestapo Dan has ruined it for everyone, even believe it or not Richmond.
A grand final is an opportunity to win a flag. Win the flag and great. Don't win it and... all sorts of things can happen. GWS didn't make finals and are facing a mass exodus. Adelaide a few years on are a bottom side.

As I said going in, we've been in a real window for several years but it took us so long to get our act together and win two finals that this may have been our last shot with this group. Certainly you look at the group. Oldest GF side ever and late in the game they looked it. Ablett and Taylor are gone. Selwood has been fading the last couple of years, now Danger too. A number of others on the wrong side of 30. For how much longer can we steady the ship with trade-ins, FAs and state leaguers without having anything in the way of elite young core talent.

This wasn't a side coming into its prime on the verge of something. You don't come from this saying there'll be next year. It's a very old side which probably had one shot left, because they had missed so many beforehand. And they weren't good enough.
I’m afraid you’re right - I reckon we could be in for some lean years from here....
I think our core stood up tonight, in my mind the three areas of improvement we need to look towards are

1) Being more willing to defend by attacking,
2) Ground ball gets for periphery players, once the contest moved from the initial contested our 2nd tier players panicked while fighting for the ground ball.
3) Flexibility up forward, we're way too reliant on taking marks I50

Some of this will be aided by personnel changes
I think 2020 was satisfactory result when you look at it at the end of the day.
I didn't even expect us to win a single final let alone two of them so that's a pass mark for sure.

Unfortunately, I also believe the shorter 17 round season favored us a great deal.
We were beginning to plateau by seasons end so had it gone to the usual 22 rounds (tough ask next year with the age of our list), we probably miss top four and it could have been a little bit different.

I hope the club looks at shaking things up in 2021.
If Cameron signs, we will always be playing two KPF's no matter what.
Tonight illustrated why you simply can't rely on one tall and a batch of medium-smalls.
I also think the club has to look at moving on Rhys Stanley, Harry Taylor, Luke Dahlhaus and Gary Rohan. Henderson is another that should not be playing next year.
Mark Blicavs and Jake Kolodjashnij are always a worry when they get isolated.
We have a whole lot of players who are flaky under intense pressure. Sadly, this will be the make up of the team for the remainder of Scott's tenure as coach.

Just be nice to see a bit of change next season.
No more Rohan, Dahlhaus, Stanley, Taylor, Henderson. Play Clark, Stephens, Kreuger, De Koning, Narkle.

H is retiring.

No shot we move Stanley, he was good. 14 touches, 4 marks, 29 HO, Nakervis had 8 touches, 0 marks and 25 HO.
With a few minutes left on the clock I just couldn't bear to watch anymore. Locked myself inside my room and couldn't bear to hear/watch any images of the Richmond celebrations whatsoever. Deleted all social media. Then I decided to go for a run.

Cool night, virtually zero traffic. Ran by a train with literally two people on it. Love night runs for having a think when you need it.

It was probably my best ever run - would've gone 6 or 7kms without stopping. I came back to hear my Richmond neighbours blaring out music and screaming, and walked up my front stairs to see the celebrations on TV.

And I realised, it's not so bad.

I turned around and smashed out another 2-3kms. Absolute bull. And while charging up a hill, feeling a million dollars, I realised something.

It's only footy.

Sure, it would've been nice to win. But with all that's going on and the circumstances - what really would've changed in my life had we won anyway? I'd still be in my living room, and we'd still be in lockdown.

Don't let it ruin your week guys.

I decided a number of years ago to not get emotionally invested too much in a game I have no control over. I challenge that decision on occasions but it makes it easier to live 😂
What a load - it was the 1-6 guys, minus Selwood, who threw it in
How many times did Hawk and Danger get the ball put in a reasonable position? They didn't it was pathetic disposal by the midfield.

The 15-22 were pretty much flat all night - we got nothing out of them. Some great efforts in the first half by Stewart, Selwood, Gutherie etc kept us in it. But when their influence was curbed none of the 15-22 could stand up.

It was pathetic. There are no excuses in Grand Finals.
It's a cruel world.

Richmond too good.

We showed in the 2nd quarter that we can briefly upstage their best, but, similarly to the game against Port, once the 3rd quarter started we were unable to reassert the level of intensity we'd shown previously.
It takes our very very best to match it with Richmond, and we have demonstrated that we are only able to sustain that level of intensity for one half of a football match.

I'm gutted of course, but there was a sense of inevitability to the way things unfolded that reminded me of our '92 loss to WCE.

Despite my bone-deep disappointment I find it hard to be to critical of the team or the coach or the club.

But make no mistake; victory here this evening would have completely transformed the legacy of so many of the club's contributors.
It would arguably have been the club's finest moment, and would have pushed our premiership cups into double figures.

I can't fault the effort or commitment of any of our players; though the limitations of some of them were cruelly spotlighted in a way that only GF stakes can.

Harry Taylor has been running on fumes for a long time now; he could not have got more of himself; he is done though, despite a very solid GF effort.
Gary Ablett's injury-affected final game was oddly symbolic of his 2nd coming at the club.

Gary Rohan .......

Patrick Dangerfield's 12 touches (including to be fair one very nice conversion) were just not enough; had to hold onto one or two more marks up forward to make himself a genuine nuisance.

Mark Blicavs was a step off the pace most of the night; more surprisingly Mark O'Connor was too.

There were nearly some heroes; can't ask much more of Gryan Miers (who I was critical of in last year's Prelim); might've kicked two goals instead of one, but apart from that he bodylined the ball when necessary and made good decisions.

Tom Stewart was razor-sharp all night long and has been in red-hot form for at least a month now. He was excellent, no ifs or buts.

Joel Selwood did his reputation no harm; it is even hard to criticize or question Chris Scott's methods.

But we did not win the 2020 premiership, and ''valiant efforts'' are not recorded in the history books.

Can only dip my lid to the Tigers and Dustin Martin.
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