Autopsy Geelong defeated by Tigers by 31 points.

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I think our core stood up tonight, in my mind the three areas of improvement we need to look towards are

1) Being more willing to defend by attacking,
2) Ground ball gets for periphery players, once the contest moved from the initial contested our 2nd tier players panicked while fighting for the ground ball.
3) Flexibility up forward, we're way too reliant on taking marks I50

Some of this will be aided by personnel changes

Agree with all three of these, although mainly #2 on your list as that was the most conspicuous failure tonight imo. So many of them looked like they didn't know what to do when the ball was on the deck in the second half; the amount of times we had players standing off the ball expecting others to do the hard work, and/or tentatively tapping it around in a panicked "oh shit wtf do I do" fashion was galling.
No one goes near him, must smell or something.

Seriously though, HT, up by 15pts, everyone and their dog knew Richmond would come hard 3rd quarter, what was the message? Surely you start with our best midfield group and blanket Dusty? This bullshit “we back our system” bullshit kills me, put someone on him to slow his influence ffs, no team does it and it’s mind boggling.


There needs to be a plan for "what do we do when they come". Either we didn't have one or just pulled the trigger way too late.

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I think 2020 was satisfactory result when you look at it at the end of the day.
I didn't even expect us to win a single final let alone two of them so that's a pass mark for sure.

Unfortunately, I also believe the shorter 17 round season favored us a great deal.
We were beginning to plateau by seasons end so had it gone to the usual 22 rounds (tough ask next year with the age of our list), we probably miss top four and it could have been a little bit different.

I hope the club looks at shaking things up in 2021.
If Cameron signs, we will always be playing two KPF's no matter what.
Tonight illustrated why you simply can't rely on one tall and a batch of medium-smalls.
I also think the club has to look at moving on Rhys Stanley, Harry Taylor, Luke Dahlhaus and Gary Rohan. Henderson is another that should not be playing next year.
Mark Blicavs and Jake Kolodjashnij are always a worry when they get isolated.
We have a whole lot of players who are flaky under intense pressure. Sadly, this will be the make up of the team for the remainder of Scott's tenure as coach.

Just be nice to see a bit of change next season.
No more Rohan, Dahlhaus, Stanley, Taylor, Henderson. Play Clark, Stephens, Kreuger, De Koning, Narkle.
Taylor is gone going to retire and actually also was probably in our bottom six still good enough to play though. Stanley, Dahlhaus and Rohan all have been good at times tend to think it is inevitably too early to move them on even though there could be better options we can play. Henderson may go although we may need him in defence for another year. Clark was the big loss this year he had happened to look the good last year and actually am thinking if he wasn’t injured and also actually inexperienced he would have played more this season when available again.

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They lost Floss tone early .
We should of scored more in the second when we were on top.
They adjusted flicked the switch .
Got the game on their terms.
Last Q we needed GF hero's but we were stuffed.

They were too good.
I don't don't know how they do it.
But it shites me.
Richmond are just far to good no team would have defeated them imo! We gave them a really good go maybe with a bit more polish in our disposal we could have taken the game to the wire but just seems they are better and have become somewhat of a bogey team for us right now! Hard to believe I know considering the years of domination we had over them!

Overall proud of the boys this season! hopefully one step further in 2021!

gonna miss the Little Master! :(
Not going to say anything about Scott, well not anymore. But, what do you think he's going to say about Richmond's amazing side now? They really have earned about the same as the 07-11 Cats, with a year up their sleeve. Sorry...
They won back to back, won interstate finals and won during one of the most difficult years in the history of footy, particularly for a Vic side. Relatively one could certainly say they've achieved more. Subjectively I'm sure many on here would say the standard of the comp at least 08-11 was higher and the Geelong side more talented. But such arguments don't really make it to or at least make a resonating impact in the record/history books.
They get ugly ball, they kick, hack and knock it forward. They hit their forward line with a fleet of mobile players knocking the ball amongst themselves to be confronted by Kolo, Henry, O'Connor and Blicavs all under the pump and indecisive.

We fumbled around trying to take possession, and failing and they just knock it on.

We know how they play and still had no answer. Martin slaughtered us. Nankervis killed us in the second half.
They lost Floss tone early .
We should of scored more in the second when we were on top.
They adjusted flicked the switch .
Got the game on their terms.
Last Q we needed GF hero's but we were stuffed.

They were too good.
I don't don't know how they do it.
But it shites me.
They are actually a lot like Geelong 07-11 like that.
2008 was worse.

I consumed literally zero football-related media for the entire post-season after that. I went in to full lockdown and didn't read or watch a single thing to do with AFL until the 2009 season begun, so desperate was I to tune out that result. It worked too to be fair, since getting away from footy entirely for 5 months or whatever it was helped me cope with the disappointment.

This one I feel confident I'll find easier to deal with. I'll probably avoid AFL media for the next week or so but that's about it.
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