Roast Herald Sun | Paywall starts here

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Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

If the club sanction the players, the are going to receive the biggest spray in history from a fan (me) :p

I guess the club is not looking to be on the defensive again, particularly at a time when we are trying to attract good sponsors and the best available coach (who can focus on the game plan and not the sideshow).

For me, the irritation is just the hypocritical rubbernecking from some and another attempt by the Daily Filth at being the moral arbiter.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

I'm just going to simplify what I was said in the other thread... this was a moronic move by all involved. Can't these guys just grow up and stay out of the spotlight for a few days?
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

Who gives a crap, the most embarrassing thing to come out of all this is the fact the StKilda Football CLub has shown its run by a bunch of amatuers after they apologized and tried to claim they had no idea of what was going on.. They were promoting it and as if they didnt ask quesitons. What all sudden we allow our players to do media and they dont ask questions??

Ive defended this club so many times but not any more. There was nothing wrong with what they did last night, it was imo a massive F-You to the media saying we have moved on and dont care, then the club bows to public pressure to release the most over reactive media statement... Why not come out and back our own players and say we fully support them....

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I agree that the players involved haven't done anything wrong but part of me can't help agreeing with BrianSpeaking here.

Whether we like it or not sometimes things like this need to be thought through a little more. We know the players have done nothing wrong but it was always going to lumped in with Duthie, especially with the focus on her during the show.

I do agree with the earlier point made that this drama is not going to encourage any anybody at the club to make us more media friendly.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

Just headed down to Linen House Centre and managed to snap this picture of the people running our club ;)

Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

Given that someone at the club new what was going on a minimum of 8 hours before the performance, to allow them to partcipate in a routine arranged by TFS (until I stopped watching the show, pretty much everything TFS does is cringeworthy or smutty) does put as much of a spotlight on the club as it does the players involved.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

I'm not reading anything into it at all. St Kilda has been trying to wipe the huge target off it's backside all year despite the best efforts of Kim Duthie et al to ensure that the Saints stay in the news for the wrong reasons. Then out of the blue, Fisher goes and kicks an own goal against the club by being a party to the schlock of TFS - the skit in itself wasn't much to behold, but taking into account every little thing that has been brought to light, whether right or not, St Kilda want to be another face in the crowd right now, not the one in the middle. Between Lovett, Duthie, Riewoldt and Dal Santo's genitals, the poor first half of St Kilda's season and finally Ross abdicating after pleasantly knifing 3 of the 4 players he announced were "retiring", St Kilda has had more than enough negative ink this year without adding to it with a gesture that could be interpreted as being both disrespectful to women (2010/2011's social catchphrase - don't shoot the messenger!) AND trivialising the issues that St Kilda's PR people have gone to great pains to amend this year. Fisher might as well have taken to the Seaford complex with a can of spray paint and written "KICK ME" in 30 foot high letters.

Contrary to poplar belief, by the networks contact player managers in order to secure players they thereby enter into contracts to appear on said network. Contrary to popular belief this is done primarily because the networks know that if they deal with the clubs they will be shown the same paranoia and immediate distrust they are always dealt with and would need to divulge a complete assessment as to what they require said player(s) for, so they are bypassed as much as possible. Contrary to popular belief, player managers don;t really need to tell their players the details of what they signed up for just that "do you want to appear on TFS in a performance role for their end of season revue?"

The smart player will question, the player who trusts his management will not question as will the idiot boy.

This is highlighted by the situation you brought up (Ross) who went through 3 managers and then went stag in his decision, he's a smart man who didn't trust his management to make decisions on his behalf looking out entirely for him so he didn't use them. Chips is not in said same position.

The only thing the players have done is allowed themselves to be used as a tool in the ongoing media obsession to bring up controversy and tie it into past controversies to prolong a story. A slow trainwreck is much more "entertaining" than a scrolling bar of "5 soldiers injured by IED" followed by "ASX down 2 points at close" because you see the bodies, you smell the smoke, you feel the heat of the flames and the memories stay with you long after it's all been cleaned up and regular service has resumed.

It reflects on the individual that they are buying into it as soon as it happened, it reflects on the industry as a whole that this even passed quality control to begin with.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

Just headed down to Linen House Centre and managed to snap this picture of the people running our club


Is it just not possible for the St Kilda football Club to be able to get it right when it comes to some form of "media management"?

Frankly, the "apology" issued today makes things worse because it now creates a perceived "conflict" between the club and the players and continues to feed the story.

Plus - rightly or wrongly - it creates the impression that the club "does not know" what the players are doing when it comes to a TV show. Whether we as supporters think that is harsh or unfair is irrelevant. This is media 101 stuff, guys.

I take the point about managers by-passing the club and the players maybe being complicit in that... but given that the "revue" would have involved rehearsals and the like, surely a light bulb might have gone off somewhere - FFS - remember who was in the apartment centred on the Lovett allegations?

Surely after all the events of the last 12 months even the players must understand that the infantile story-chasing bored media is going to draw a link between St Kilda and anything even slightly "sexual"??????:confused:

Put them in a room over the summer and give them some decent media training - not just how to "perform" in front of a camera or in an after match interview. The club needs to start understanding the realities of the internet, twitter, facebook (whatever) and the realities of proper management of the modern media environment!

(Sorry for the last paragraph rant there...)
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

Contrary to poplar belief, by the networks contact player managers in order to secure players they thereby enter into contracts to appear on said network. Contrary to popular belief this is done primarily because the networks know that if they deal with the clubs they will be shown the same paranoia and immediate distrust they are always dealt with and would need to divulge a complete assessment as to what they require said player(s) for, so they are bypassed as much as possible. Contrary to popular belief, player managers don;t really need to tell their players the details of what they signed up for just that "do you want to appear on TFS in a performance role for their end of season revue?"

The smart player will question, the player who trusts his management will not question as will the idiot boy.

I'm sure there was more made known to the players involved than you're suggesting, given that it was a dance routine that no doubt required several rehearsals. The only guy out of those involved who should not have felt the need to at least run it by someone with the club was Eddy, because he doesn't really have anything to lose with St K anymore. Given the newer info that has come to light with St Kilda not doing their due diligence either regarding the performance, it's less damning on the players; but it really wasn't the best move to make for the club, whether the blokey supporters disagree or not. The world we all live in is changing and the boofhead culture is being weeded out, sink or swim.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

I'm sure there was more made known to the players involved than you're suggesting, given that it was a dance routine that no doubt required several rehearsals. The only guy out of those involved who should not have felt the need to at least run it by someone with the club was Eddy, because he doesn't really have anything to lose with St K anymore. Given the newer info that has come to light with St Kilda not doing their due diligence either regarding the performance, it's less damning on the players; but it really wasn't the best move to make for the club, whether the blokey supporters disagree or not. The world we all live in is changing and the boofhead culture is being weeded out, sink or swim.

Surely the club should be aware of what it's players were going to do as they were representing the club

dumb arse thing to do when will they learn!
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

I agree that the club has made this worse now with their statement. All they had to say was that while they didn't agree with what the players did, they understand its all for a bit of fun and that there was no malice involved.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

I agree that the club has made this worse now with their statement. All they had to say was that while they didn't agree with what the players did, they understand its all for a bit of fun and that there was no malice involved.

True but it would be like North players doing one at a chicken farm ,imagine the outcry.

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Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

I'm sure there was more made known to the players involved than you're suggesting, given that it was a dance routine that no doubt required several rehearsals. The only guy out of those involved who should not have felt the need to at least run it by someone with the club was Eddy, because he doesn't really have anything to lose with St K anymore. Given the newer info that has come to light with St Kilda not doing their due diligence either regarding the performance, it's less damning on the players; but it really wasn't the best move to make for the club, whether the blokey supporters disagree or not. The world we all live in is changing and the boofhead culture is being weeded out, sink or swim.

All I am "suggesting" is that people take a step back and wait for more than 24 hours to draw conclusions, I'm purposely playing devils advocate here. The only "entity" of the bunch being on record has been Channel 9 & TFS in a statement that they effectively purposely exclude clubs from the process of requesting players during the off season. On this info alone, I cannot comprehend how people are condemning the club for not knowing especially considering that there is a window where players are "on holiday" and generally unreachable outside of emergencies. (I mean Gardiner was in Germany last year, would be relatively hard to call him back to have words if 24 hours before his flight he did something stupid since he'd still be in transit or close enough to freshly landed)

If anything this would make it more damning on the players involved for putting themselves in that position, but I'm not drawing that bow until the players have their say.

I agree that the club has made this worse now with their statement. All they had to say was that while they didn't agree with what the players did, they understand its all for a bit of fun and that there was no malice involved.

It's damage control, whilst the media basically report that the club was purposely uninvolved by the network they were still listed players (Eddy still considering list lodgement dates) that any questions about the players is a reflection on the club "brand" as the players are representing the club. Think back a little to the RL press conferences and how the media largely thought "the scripts were mixed" considering the "tone" (confrontational v forward planning and "humble") and this is no different, the PR would simply see the negative side of the argument and seek to get in front of it.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

A. After last summer, our players should have had the requisite intelligence to stay a million miles away from this. They are sure not going to win Nobel prizes. However,

B. It's interesting that this was apparently a takeoff of a music video that can be seen during kid-friendly hours on tv any Saturday or Sunday morning, but all of a sudden when footballers do it in the adults-only timeslot of. 9.30pm, it's a scandal.

As i say, our footballers should have known not to pole dance on national tv after the year they've had, but only becaUse they should have known that the media specialises in storms in teacups.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

Pardon the intrusion but just thought I'd add my two bobs worth. I posted this on the "Fourth Estate" board but Carlton went through a media witchhunt a couple of years ago, so i empathise.

There is obviously blame to be shared amongst players, managers and club officials but lets not forget channel 9.

I know everyone's a grown up but i can't ignore The Footy Show's grubby hands all over this.
Apparently they suggested and chereographed the number. Then StKilda players put on the show.
I don't want to excuse the players' poor judgement but surely the Footy Show has some responsibility to the clubs and their players.

Maybe I'm wrong and true be known i'm still a little bitter the way they hung Fevola out to dry during the Brownlow fiasco.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

A. After last summer, our players should have had the requisite intelligence to stay a million miles away from this. They are sure not going to win Nobel prizes. However,

B. It's interesting that this was apparently a takeoff of a music video that can be seen during kid-friendly hours on tv any Saturday or Sunday morning, but all of a sudden when footballers do it in the adults-only timeslot of. 9.30pm, it's a scandal.

As i say, our footballers should have known not to pole dance on national tv after the year they've had, but only becaUse they should have known that the media specialises in storms in teacups.

Dont hold me to this but i dont think the actual video clip they were doing actually has a stripper pole bit in it.....
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

who gives a shit, reporters need to stop ringing up nunns everytime something happens for comments. Im sick of this nanny state its becoming ridiculous
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

Meh, with the grand final this weekend, the story will blow over by Sunday, if it hasn't already....

Hopefully all saints players can stay out of the media spotlight until round 1 next year...
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

who gives a shit, reporters need to stop ringing up nunns everytime something happens for comments. Im sick of this nanny state its becoming ridiculous

the reporters do it because our club is so easy to take a swing at. if they tried the same crap with collingwood, hawthorn, geelong, essendon, west coast they wouldnt even get the time of day and would probably get a please explain by the club and the reporters boss.

the reality is our club should have ignored the dribble. let the grand final week take the story away. called the papers asking for a please explain. blacklisted these small time journalists from anything to do with the club and then rewarded someone else at the same media organisation to keep them on side.

instead we cave to any media agenda and let them kick us whilst were down.

our PR/media dept needs immediate overhaul. the farewell in the rooms was a perfect example of them having absolutely no clue and their inability to manage the media and keep them onside.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

More biased garbage from the Daily Filth. Not sure what Fotbal is, but evidently it's a bitch. Fairytale ... sounds like fairyfloss to me.

Jon Ralph

Collingwood had so much in its favour: the emotion connected with Mick Malthouse's departure, and the fairytale storylines of Andrew Krakouer, Leon Davis and Chris Tarrant.

It had to be enough, didn't it?


Fotball is a cruel mistress - the script had simply demanded Mick Malthouse going out on top while capping fairytales for those seen as deserving.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

the reporters do it because our club is so easy to take a swing at. if they tried the same crap with collingwood, hawthorn, geelong, essendon, west coast they wouldnt even get the time of day and would probably get a please explain by the club and the reporters boss.

the reality is our club should have ignored the dribble. let the grand final week take the story away. called the papers asking for a please explain. blacklisted these small time journalists from anything to do with the club and then rewarded someone else at the same media organisation to keep them on side.

instead we cave to any media agenda and let them kick us whilst were down.

our PR/media dept needs immediate overhaul. the farewell in the rooms was a perfect example of them having absolutely no clue and their inability to manage the media and keep them onside.

I'm just disgusted by those sick minded perverts in the media who are drawing analogies between a pole dancer and an innocent schoolgirl.
Re: Herald Sun | Stories start here and shit

More biased garbage from the Daily Filth. Not sure what Fotbal is, but evidently it's a bitch. Fairytale ... sounds like fairyfloss to me.

Jon Ralph

Collingwood had so much in its favour: the emotion connected with Mick Malthouse's departure, and the fairytale storylines of Andrew Krakouer, Leon Davis and Chris Tarrant.

It had to be enough, didn't it?


Fotball is a cruel mistress - the script had simply demanded Mick Malthouse going out on top while capping fairytales for those seen as deserving.

No doubt they had much better material prepared for the alternative outcome.

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Roast Herald Sun | Paywall starts here

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