Autopsy Jesse Hogan - Worth 220 Points

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Are all Freo supporters forgiving of everything we do or just on forums? Half the crap Bennell and hogan get away with doesn’t work in the real life. Is this why our culture has become toxic because we just accept it as the norm, I wish journalists would go to town on us but as soon as you mention “mental health” it becomes a no go zone, fml everyone suffers some form of mental health but you get on with life and do the best you can. Everyone has lost family members from fathers to mothers, to brothers and sisters but they find ways to cope, guess when you’re paid millions a year it’s easier to get the green light to become destructive and work a few years you’re set for life so who gives a shit I guess
Half the crap Bennell and hogan get away with doesn’t work in the real life
Yeah it does.

I've even seen park footballers roll up to the game smashed, play and not hear a word about it.

People show up drunk to work and phone in sick hungover on Mondays all the time.

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Yeah it does.

I've even seen park footballers roll up to the game smashed, play and not hear a word about it.

People show up drunk to work and phone in sick hungover on Mondays all the time.

I work construction no way that shit would fly in this industry
Wtf is his mum doing? Get in your sons ear and full his ****+ head in. I acknowledge he doesn’t have a dad anymore, but his family support needs to give him a once over. This kid is a disgrace off the field and should be embarrassed by what’s happened. He’s not only ignorant, but just dumb if he thought he could come home to WA and escape the scrutiny. Pull your **** head in.

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Someone said on a popular demons forum that his mum wanted him to stay in Melbourne as his Perth mates are ratbags and far from a good influence.
Are all Freo supporters forgiving of everything we do or just on forums? Half the crap Bennell and hogan get away with doesn’t work in the real life. Is this why our culture has become toxic because we just accept it as the norm, I wish journalists would go to town on us but as soon as you mention “mental health” it becomes a no go zone, fml everyone suffers some form of mental health but you get on with life and do the best you can. Everyone has lost family members from fathers to mothers, to brothers and sisters but they find ways to cope, guess when you’re paid millions a year it’s easier to get the green light to become destructive and work a few years you’re set for life so who gives a shit I guess

The hypocrisy is that our supporters have always hung so much shit on West Coast for their culture and issues. Some of the behaviours which posters on here seem to think is normal is actually quite scary. But we live in an odd world nowadays.

FYI, though I think this Hogan situation is very precarious, it could still easily have a happy ending.
I work construction no way that shit would fly in this industry

Won’t work in construction or mining but most other industries are far less intrusive into players’ private lives than AFL.

I agree that AFL players should be held to a high standard because their bodies are their main tools of trade and they are paid very well for the privilege of being a professional athlete. But don’t pretend these issues don’t go on in the rest of the world or that they’d automatically be grounds for termination of employment etc. Havinf worked in law for 20 years, this stuff is dealt with confidentially and in-house by most employers in a sensible and supportive manner until its past the point of no return or the cops need to be involved.
The hypocrisy is that our supporters have always hung so much shit on West Coast for their culture and issues. Some of the behaviours which posters on here seem to think is normal is actually quite scary. But we live in an odd world nowadays.

FYI, though I think this Hogan situation is very precarious, it could still easily have a happy ending.

By no means is Hogan a Bennell, this will still be a fantastic trade for us
The hypocrisy is that our supporters have always hung so much shit on West Coast for their culture and issues. Some of the behaviours which posters on here seem to think is normal is actually quite scary. But we live in an odd world nowadays.

FYI, though I think this Hogan situation is very precarious, it could still easily have a happy ending.
There is one major difference though. The drug use by players at West Coast originated from West Coast itself - their past players have come out saying they were bullied into using from their fellow players. That is not even remotely close to a couple of isolated incidents of players engaging in recreational drinking or drug use. I don't get why people don't see the major ethical difference between people hurting themselves and hurting others? They are vastly different things, one is abhorrent, the other is disappointing.

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Its probably more the fans that hung shit on wc supporters then are defending hogan. But it seems to me like most freo supporters are clearly just as pissed off
I hope that when Hogan is available to play he comes back through Peel. He shouldn't just expect to line up in the firsts when he is available.

The issue isn't his injury, I think we were well aware of that when we traded for him. (How many people would have melted last October if we didn't get Hogan? How many of those same people are melting now because what was know then has manifested now?)

The issue is that it is totally unprofessional and irresponsible to self-medicate.

We wouldn't accept Tabs or Cox self-treating their leg injuries. So if Jesse is injured then he should follow the advice of whatever medical professional is treating him. And if he doesn't then he shouldn't play.

There are many players who play through injury (depending on severity of course) so there is no reason for him not to play soon--so long as he keeps to what medical program is appropriate.
I don't get why people don't see the major ethical difference between people hurting themselves and hurting others?

You’re publically owned whether you like it or not when you become an athlete, if you damage your clubs reputation and tarnish their names you become a liability, you’re no longer hurting yourself you’re hurting membership, sponsorship etc
You’re publically owned whether you like it or not when you become an athlete, if you damage your clubs reputation and tarnish their names you become a liability, you’re no longer hurting yourself you’re hurting membership, sponsorship etc
Completely agree. But the penalty should fit the crime. I don't think anyone here is saying Jesse should receive the Gaff 'turned into a victim' treatment but based on the facts presented people are completely over reacting to what was just a dumb decision by Jesse.

We have no idea how he rocked up to training - we don't know if he came in an admitted his indiscretion straight away. We have a zero tolerance on drinking (as we showed with Cox and Ryan being suspended for having one drink with family on the wrong day). Jesse was sent home from training and has been suspended as he should have been. What more could be done for a drinking incident?
The definitive link (if it is not already proven) between Ecstasy use and anxiety orders is coming. Have three kids who went raving in their teens early 20's in the family. They were relaxed and confident kids, who now, become blithering messes when the anxiety and panic attacks kick in. Two of them are rational enough to definitively say ecstasy use was the catalyst. This has already become an epidemic. If Hogan is genuine and not hiding behind the AFL's get out of jail free clause I feel for him.
Are all Freo supporters forgiving of everything we do or just on forums? Half the crap Bennell and hogan get away with doesn’t work in the real life. Is this why our culture has become toxic because we just accept it as the norm, I wish journalists would go to town on us but as soon as you mention “mental health” it becomes a no go zone, fml everyone suffers some form of mental health but you get on with life and do the best you can. Everyone has lost family members from fathers to mothers, to brothers and sisters but they find ways to cope, guess when you’re paid millions a year it’s easier to get the green light to become destructive and work a few years you’re set for life so who gives a shit I guess

Firstly, only a very, very small portion of Freo supporters comment on forums, and of those the hypocrisy level is insanely high among some of them. They’re as critical as **** when it doesn’t involve a Freo player but in almost the exact same scenario if a Freo player is involved, they do a 180 degree opinion turn and back said player in. The sad thing is that they don’t even realise it.
The definitive link (if it is not already proven) between Ecstasy use and anxiety orders is coming. Have three kids who went raving in their teens early 20's in the family. They were relaxed and confident kids, who now, become blithering messes when the anxiety and panic attacks kick in. Two of them are rational enough to definitively say ecstasy use was the catalyst. This has already become an epidemic. If Hogan is genuine and not hiding behind the AFL's get out of jail free clause I feel for him.
Of course there are exceptions but it generally it takes constant abuse to cause that
I like Jesse am a cancer survivor and know the mental anguish suffered through the diagnoses, then the treatment and the fear of the treatment not being successful. Then after the all clear the worry of reoccurring and the fear of the regular checkups finding a problem. Jesse has my full sympathy and I hope he manages to get through his demons. I still after years suffer from mine.
There is one major difference though. The drug use by players at West Coast originated from West Coast itself - their past players have come out saying they were bullied into using from their fellow players. That is not even remotely close to a couple of isolated incidents of players engaging in recreational drinking or drug use. I don't get why people don't see the major ethical difference between people hurting themselves and hurting others? They are vastly different things, one is abhorrent, the other is disappointing.
The other difference is that we don't have 3 * flags & 1 legitimate, but Bradbury one

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Autopsy Jesse Hogan - Worth 220 Points

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