Let's talk Ports! Part 3

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aah it's common for thinkers... as we write/talk we think...and pause...
and reflect...and trust we are not over the top or offending anyone...
Tredders is similar in the media when he stops...and is quiet...
most people just ramble on...thanks for your input...this is a true story...

Hahahaha!! I can confirm this.

But in writing. I can talk nonstop. 😬

I know it was posted before but this came up while scrolling shorts.

Didn't Bergman say in the lead up to the last game where we commemorated the 2004 flag that he had never actually watched the game? In the video he talks about Carr kicking the opening goal.

Players would probably tell San Diego to go **** themselves.
I'm not surprised if it includes all the sprayed snaps, the one where he burnt a teammate over the top today for one of his around the body sprays was as selfish as it gets.

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"Why only Tredrea?"
(Lockhart Road)


This question has bothered me ever since LR posted it.

I can add Tim Ginever to the list, despite his own reservations. We know Darren Cahill is quiet, but also in the camp. Still, that would be about it. Who else is there?

Where are all the others? Are there more? Why are they all quiet, if so?

Why aren't there more people supporting Tredrea?
"Why only Tredrea?"
(Lockhart Road)


This question has bothered me ever since LR posted it.

I can add Tim Ginever to the list, despite his own reservations. We know Darren Cahill is quiet, but also in the camp. Still, that would be about it. Who else is there?

Where are all the others? Are there more? Why are they all quiet, if so?

Why aren't there more people supporting Tredrea?

Indeed. Why?
Indeed. Why?

It's the most terrifying question we currently face, tbh. Hence, it's also the most important one.

Have we become a club of no-hopers? Where are the people supposed to properly lead the club?
"Why only Tredrea?"
(Lockhart Road)


This question has bothered me ever since LR posted it.

I can add Tim Ginever to the list, despite his own reservations. We know Darren Cahill is quiet, but also in the camp. Still, that would be about it. Who else is there?

Where are all the others? Are there more? Why are they all quiet, if so?

Why aren't there more people supporting Tredrea?
I think part of it is people don’t go public because they don’t want to be seen as a disruptor. Or don’t want to publicly declare their true feelings. It’s like the surprise when Trump was elected or the powerful anti YES vote here in Oz.
Even Tredders toned it back after the first untenable comment. I mean listening recently to a recording of that comment now I’m surprised how big it became because it was almost said in an off handed manner in the context of his total review of that game.
I think ex players are still fearful of any real or imaginary repercussions, whether it be unwanted publicity or club involvement, if they came out criticising Hinkley and therefore all the other charlatans.

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