Roast Media Shakes Head, Part 8

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Camporeale brought up a good point while Tredders was on. Did Rachelle's team mates support him in his/actions? If they didn't, that could easily result in a fracturing of the playing group.
Nick's was on air defending Rachelle and saying that the players simply sit down for 20mins for a chat and things get taken out of context.

What I find remarkable is that the crows let a 21 year old, in piss poor form that has shown some less than desirable qualities in a player, front up to a radio show during showdown week.

Forget his comments, I think the bigger concern for the crows is that they seem to lack leadership.
A caller to 5AA this morning said that Warren Tredrea should apologise to the whole of South Australia for his reaction to the Rankine bump (I think he said "oh yeah", or something similar). We all say things in the heat of the moment: I'm certain that Tredders wasn't delighted to see Rankine get injured.
He said "you beauty". It was definitely in the heat of the moment.
Modern day society is just looking for things to be outraged over. I mean, I don't think I'd do it, mainly because I simply couldn't be bothered booing. But really, who cares if people boo an injured player? It's just a noise coming from someones mouth. No one died.

I just said the same thing to my son.

The faux sensibilities from people like EyeBrows Penberthy sickens me.

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I just said the same thing to my son.

The faux sensibilities from people like EyeBrows Penberthy sickens me.
Freakonomics podcast did a whole segment on supporting booing.

Includes transcript
“Is booing an act of verbal vandalism—or the last true expression of democracy?”
All this outrage over booing and Port fans etc is just part of the post showdown let down. It's pretty much running exactly to the formula:

If the crows win, then Port are crap and what a great showdown it is.

If Port win then we hear about all the crowd issues.

Always the the same.
Spot on.

It sounded like an absolute cauldron on the tv. The supporters desire for success is palpable, hopefully the boys can harness it.
All this outrage over booing and Port fans etc is just part of the post showdown let down. It's pretty much running exactly to the formula:

If the crows win, then Port are crap and what a great showdown it is.

If Port win then we hear about all the crowd issues.

Always the the same.
Another benefit of Port winning the flag is that the Port hating media would be forced to refer to us as the reigning premiers for the next 12 months - I'm sure they'd do so through gritted teeth :).
I feel if anything, I'm more stunned that the reports of Thunda being physically abused and the Racial abuse of Rioli are being seemingly glossed over - whist the media seem to be doubling down on attacking Port supporters over the apparent booing of Rankine and continuing the character assasination of Houston for an entirely uncharacteristic bump. It really highlights the difference between the media's attitude on both clubs.

It's okay to make fun and vilify Port supporters, Racheles comments has made that crystal clear. How his act of doubling down on it by taunting the crowd was lauded with applause by both the commentators and wider community is baffling considering the AFL's prerogative of making the game more inclusive and stamping out unsportsmanlike behaviour.

You've given the greenlight to attack a fan base and their players, but can't even muster some surprise and outrage when actual violence and racial vilification occurs when it happens to people whe simply support a specific football team!?

Look what happens when you chum the waters, you get sharks.

It should be the AFL and media's job to highlight and call out the actual harm that came from this game. But it isn't. Because it wouldn't sell as many papers, wouldn't help them flog as many magazines and getting them get as many clicks on some half rate podcasts instead of attacking Port Adelaide.

Because it's okay, it's just Port Adelaide and just their feral supporters, they deserve it - because I'm never told it's not okay.

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A couple of things.

1. Houston's bump on Rankine was text book. He kept his elbow in, got low and hit his body. No contact with the head, nose, chin. Rankine hit his head on landing which is not Houston's fault. 9 out of 10 times, that bump would have resulted in the opponent being winded.

2. I heard the call on double cow and I wanted to throw me Sanyo trani through the window. I didn't see the bump (I saw it later) but bloody Tredrea, he is an office holder at Port Adelaide but he was carrying on like a multi-media megastar! He said words to the effect that Houston had lined him up from x amount of meters away and just laid him out. He said Houston will get at least 5 games wah, wah, wah ..... The f****ng anti-vax moron doesn't even understand what being a Port Adelaide Board member entails. If he is going to be a commentator on Port games, then he must, he must be circumspect. His first loyalty must be to Port Adelaide, not his media career. I don't care if Houston or any other Port player knocks the head of an opponent clear off (I do really) but Tredrea must not proffer an opinion as to the rights or wrongs of an action by a Port player.

For what it's worth, people that know me know that I am quite zealous about protecting sportspeople's heads, whether it be Aussie Rules, soccer, whatever sport but I am not blind to the fact that in body contact sports, people will suffer head knocks. If Houston hit Rankine in the head with his shoulder or elbow, then Houston deserves a lengthy suspension. Unfortunately, the shrill, lurid, controversy seeking media "experts", have sentenced Houston without looking at the bump and realising that Rankine's concussion came from his head hitting the ground. His head wasn't driven into the ground, he wasn't slung to the ground. If a player is going to be suspended for an opponent hitting their head on the ground, then when a bloke flies for a mark and falls and hits huis head on the ground, the "step ladder" should be suspended for not making an effort to break the high flyers fall or, when a player gets a legal bump to the side and falls and hits his head, then the "bumper" should go for weeks.
I feel if anything, I'm more stunned that the reports of Thunda being physically abused and the Racial abuse of Rioli are being seemingly glossed over - whist the media seem to be doubling down on attacking Port supporters over the apparent booing of Rankine and continuing the character assasination of Houston for an entirely uncharacteristic bump. It really highlights the difference between the media's attitude on both clubs.

It's okay to make fun and vilify Port supporters, Racheles comments has made that crystal clear. How his act of doubling down on it by taunting the crowd was lauded with applause by both the commentators and wider community is baffling considering the AFL's prerogative of making the game more inclusive and stamping out unsportsmanlike behaviour.

You've given the greenlight to attack a fan base and their players, but can't even muster some surprise and outrage when actual violence and racial vilification occurs when it happens to people whe simply support a specific football team!?

Look what happens when you chum the waters, you get sharks.

It should be the AFL and media's job to highlight and call out the actual harm that came from this game. But it isn't. Because it wouldn't sell as many papers, wouldn't help them flog as many magazines and getting them get as many clicks on some half rate podcasts instead of attacking Port Adelaide.

Because it's okay, it's just Port Adelaide and just their feral supporters, they deserve it - because I'm never told it's not okay.
At times like this, I love being a Port supporter.

There are only two types of supporters: Port supporters and those that hate them.
A couple of things.

1. Houston's bump on Rankine was text book. He kept his elbow in, got low and hit his body. No contact with the head, nose, chin. Rankine hit his head on landing which is not Houston's fault. 9 out of 10 times, that bump would have resulted in the opponent being winded.

2. I heard the call on double cow and I wanted to throw me Sanyo trani through the window. I didn't see the bump (I saw it later) but bloody Tredrea, he is an office holder at Port Adelaide but he was carrying on like a multi-media megastar! He said words to the effect that Houston had lined him up from x amount of meters away and just laid him out. He said Houston will get at least 5 games wah, wah, wah ..... The f****ng anti-vax moron doesn't even understand what being a Port Adelaide Board member entails. If he is going to be a commentator on Port games, then he must, he must be circumspect. His first loyalty must be to Port Adelaide, not his media career. I don't care if Houston or any other Port player knocks the head of an opponent clear off (I do really) but Tredrea must not proffer an opinion as to the rights or wrongs of an action by a Port player.

For what it's worth, people that know me know that I am quite zealous about protecting sportspeople's heads, whether it be Aussie Rules, soccer, whatever sport but I am not blind to the fact that in body contact sports, people will suffer head knocks. If Houston hit Rankine in the head with his shoulder or elbow, then Houston deserves a lengthy suspension. Unfortunately, the shrill, lurid, controversy seeking media "experts", have sentenced Houston without looking at the bump and realising that Rankine's concussion came from his head hitting the ground. His head wasn't driven into the ground, he wasn't slung to the ground. If a player is going to be suspended for an opponent hitting their head on the ground, then when a bloke flies for a mark and falls and hits huis head on the ground, the "step ladder" should be suspended for not making an effort to break the high flyers fall or, when a player gets a legal bump to the side and falls and hits his head, then the "bumper" should go for weeks.
When you elect to bump, you are liable for any resulting concussion, even if it’s as a result of hitting the ground. Whether you agree with or not, it’s been that way for a while. Houston deserves a holiday.

Now what will be interesting is how a concussion caused by hitting the ground affects the length of the suspension. Direct shoulder to the head would be 6+ no doubt. Maybe we can argue a bump to the body down to 3, but I think it will end up 4-5.

Note: no one bring up Maynard, everyone knows that was a ****ed up corrupt decision.
Another benefit of Port winning the flag is that the Port hating media would be forced to refer to us as the reigning premiers for the next 12 months - I'm sure they'd do so through gritted teeth :).
You know they won't... they will likely refer to us as 'last team standing' or something ridiculous!
All Crows ever do is is whinge and feel sorry for themselves.
The Trumps of little old Adelaide.


Rachelle sure is copping it in the media.
I wouldn’t normally buy into the w**ker chant after the game, but, for him, I was happy to make an exception.
When you elect to bump, you are liable for any resulting concussion, even if it’s as a result of hitting the ground. Whether you agree with or not, it’s been that way for a while. Houston deserves a holiday.

Now what will be interesting is how a concussion caused by hitting the ground affects the length of the suspension. Direct shoulder to the head would be 6+ no doubt. Maybe we can argue a bump to the body down to 3, but I think it will end up 4-5.

Note: no one bring up Maynard, everyone knows that was a ****ed up corrupt decision.
I know where you are coming from but that's the ridiculous nature of the AFL jumping a shadows. As I said, 9 out of 10 times, Houston's bump would have resulted in an opponent being winded, (probably). No umpire reported him because it was not a reportable offence. The question is, if Rankine was one of the 9 out of 10 that was winded, would Houston still be reported? Another question is, how in the hell are you supposed to play football not knowing that if you execute a particular skill well, you may be liable to get suspended.

I would draw people's attention to Marshall fighting for the ball with McCartin last year and McCartin sustaining concussion which resulted in him missing games. Should Marshall have been suspended because his action lead to a concussion?

I know where you are coming from but that's the ridiculous nature of the AFL jumping a shadows. As I said, 9 out of 10 times, Houston's bump would have resulted in an opponent being winded, (probably). No umpire reported him because it was not a reportable offence. The question is, if Rankine was one of the 9 out of 10 that was winded, would Houston still be reported? Another question is, how in the hell are you supposed to play football not knowing that if you execute a particular skill well, you may be liable to get suspended.

I would draw people's attention to Marshall fighting for the ball with McCartin last year and McCartin sustaining concussion which resulted in him missing games. Should Marshall have been suspended because his action lead to a concussion?

To answer your question, if rankine was only winded, he almost definitely would not have been suspended. Thats the
gamble you run with going with the bump. It could be fine, it could be disastrous. Either way it’s on the bumper. It’s why there is genuine debate on whether it’s even worth it anymore. I’d suggest it isn’t.

I don’t remember the McCartin incident well, but I recall it just being innocuous contact where there was no intent by Marshall.
To answer your question, if rankine was only winded, he almost definitely would not have been suspended. Thats the
gamble you run with going with the bump. It could be fine, it could be disastrous. Either way it’s on the bumper. It’s why there is genuine debate on whether it’s even worth it anymore. I’d suggest it isn’t.

I don’t remember the McCartin incident well, but I recall it just being innocuous contact where there was no intent by Marshall.
Houston's bump had the intention of knocking the ball free and making Rankine fear footsteps from then on. His intention was not to concuss him.

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Roast Media Shakes Head, Part 8

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