Milne investigated over taunt

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Why are people blaming Harry for this?

It's a Collingwood thing

Was ok for Milne to tell every body on an interview how offended he is by insulting comments towards him

But it's all ok for him to do it and will have everybody on BigFooty back him up because people hate Harry for being more then your standard robot footballer he has a different personality which we all know if your different your hated in this country
I think most people have grown up using it as a generic insult, doesnt mean anything more than that

Perhaps, but impact and perception is given much more weight than intention in these matters. I suppose part of the argument for taking it so seriously is that people will get the message that it's not okay to use as a generic insult.

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It's a Collingwood thing

Was ok for Milne to tell every body on an interview how offended he is by insulting comments towards him

But it's all ok for him to do it and will have everybody on BigFooty back him up because people hate Harry for being more then your standard robot footballer he has a different personality which we all know if your different your hated in this country

the blokes a pretentious w***er who doesn't do what he preaches. "do as i say, dont do as i do"
From a saints fan site. Decide for yourself.

"Milne was asked to go to mediation with Harry O. Milne was more than happy to do so. Milne was told he was not allowed to release to the public what he called Harry O which was HOMO. Milne refused and said that if he didnt he would be labelled a racist if the media and public werent to know the truth. Collingwood came back and said it must be kept in house and would Milne reconsider his stance. Again Milne said he wouldnt as he wasnt prepared to take the added heat that would generate. Collingwood then withdrew the complaint."
I have lived in Fitzroy my whole life. Straight as they come but know dozens of gay people. The vast majority of gay people i know call each other "***", "******", "girl", "****", "queen" etc etc. They don't take offence to it.
And yet the "PC brigade" want the rest of us to all change the way we go about things, so that the small number who would be offended by it don't get their feelings hurt, instead of just helping to build up the self esteem of those few who are really sensitive about what others, who may or may not want to offend them, have to say. Seems like they're going about things the very, very long way.
It's a Collingwood thing

Was ok for Milne to tell every body on an interview how offended he is by insulting comments towards him

But it's all ok for him to do it and will have everybody on BigFooty back him up because people hate Harry for being more then your standard robot footballer he has a different personality which we all know if your different your hated in this country
Milne should STFU. If he's going to give it out he can't complain when it comes back his way. I don't have a problem with what he said just have an issue with him as a person.
I know I am arguing the PC side of the case in this thread, not to have a shot at Milne as such though. However, I really hope the media go after the AFL over this. They are deliberately bringing heat on to an issue needlessly, probably to show how progressive they are. Milne was always going to be fined after the AFL released the information. They had already decided they were going to manipulate the situation to their advantage. They sold Milne down the river instead of having a quiet word about appropriateness.

The AFL no longer represent the clubs or the game IMO, they have placed themselves above both, like a corporate entity eager to show off to the world.
Two words : maximising revenue

Everything they do is based around that mantra - by their own admission.

They are unashamedly in the Sports Entertainment business.

The so-called 'Independent' Commission now even openly fields it's own teams. Even rule changes like the introduction of free-agency (ha ha) was done to make it easier to move marquee players to their franchises.

The AFL was created to remove what was mostly the perception of club bias. They are supposed to be an arbitrator in the interests of the game and ALL clubs. They are now more manipulative & biased and less interested in a level playing field than the system they replaced. Problem is they are now bigger than the clubs. They have created mechanisms where they effectively control every team in the comp. Look at what they did to your club when they wouldn't remove the embarrassment Elliott had become.

People need to vote with their feet and stop buying season tickets . . . sorry 'memeberships' . . . and stop turning up to games.
Or no different to calling someone a girl then yeah?

Are girls a persecuted minority? Despite that not being the case (at least in modern times), you will find feminists would object to the terminology and the context.

I have lived in Fitzroy my whole life. Straight as they come but know dozens of gay people. The vast majority of gay people i know call each other "***", "******", "girl", "****", "queen" etc etc. They don't take offence to it.

I've used the same argument myself. I always found it hypocritical, but then I am not in their shoes so don't have the same perspective. The obvious argument is how a lot of African American males call each other the 'n' word in general conversation. They call each other that so why can't we call them that right? I guess not. Why are they so offended when a white person calls them what they call each other?

If I call you a prick while angry, why would you take more exception to it, than if your best mate called you it while you are standing around shooting the breeze? It has to be worse when you are applying their minority status, that you do not share, to them.
Does a ***, a **** or homo actually refer to a homosexual or bisexual anymore?

I dont think it does. It more refers to a gentlemen without courage,strength and integrity.

Cant say ive ever called anyone those names and meant that they have a sexual preference for men.
Yeah it does. That I'm not an ignorant homophobic bigot.

If you're insinuating that I or other people that are defending Milne and saying this is a ridiculous overreaction are ignorant homophobic bigots then I'm afraid you are ignorant and stupid.

You should work in customer service with that attitude.

So, using your precedent if someone went up to your mum and called her a fat slag then that's ok too. You wouldn't mind because it's just sledging and banter. Happens all the time?

That's a completely different situation, sledging someone in a tough contact sport in the heat of battle isn't the same as walking up to someone in the street and sledging them.

Pretty obvious I would have thought to anyone with half a brain.

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Milne should STFU. If he's going to give it out he can't complain when it comes back his way. I don't have a problem with what he said just have an issue with him as a person.

That's it I don't have a problem with giving crap out but don't whinge in interviews about copping it because this stuff will come back to bite you on the ass hope Harry does not accept his apology like he didn't accept MM

Wonder what the response would be like with the BF faithful if it was Didak saying this to Hayes


Haters gonna Hate
Milne should STFU. If he's going to give it out he can't complain when it comes back his way. I don't have a problem with what he said just have an issue with him as a person.

I think Milne of all people has taken far more than he's given, from players and fans. When did he complain?

What's the point of your post btw? Why bother writing so much just the say. You don't like him. Thanks. Now bugger off.
You are missing the point.

If that comment was directed at me, I couldn't care less. If it is directed at someone else, I am not offended. I don't make a habit of getting offended on behalf of minorities either. Your predictable HTFU type comment is ignorant.

I have played football, another irrelevant thought.

In this day and age, if people still think that any type of insult is fine as long as it happens on the sporting field, they are missing how far things have evolved. If O'Brien isn't a 'homo', then there is no issue right? It's just a meaningless sledge. Let's go another way though, what if Milne turned around and called Heath Shaw a black silly. He's not though right? Would that be an acceptable sledge then? The point isn't whether somebody is or isn't. The point is that being gay or being black or being mentally disabled is often reduced to a crude insult, not just to those who it might be applicable to, but to others who it isn't applicable to, because the user thinks it is belittling.

In fact in this case, the fact that O'Brien didn't seem phased by the personal reference, suggests that he maybe he is enlightened enough that he doesn't see being a 'homo' as a bad thing, even if he isn't gay.

Milne also called O'Brien a ****head. I don't have a problem with it other than me forming a judgment that Milne is not exactly a classy individual. I'm just amazed in this day and age and with the vilification laws around, that players lack the ability to understand the issue.

In my job, we deal with discrimination and harassment issues amongst others, and although I have often thought it is PC gone mad in some situations, it is very clear that we have to choose our words carefully. I feel for some like Dipper for example, who did not use his words in a derogatory fashion. In fact he used it while expressing his affection for indigenous people he was working with, but while the context was not derogatory, the word was.

I'm sure most players abuse each other on the field. I have no issue with it. I'm not sure this type of sledge is used a lot though, as we should have been hearing something every week.

This is PC taken to a ridiculous level. Sit at any AFL game and witness much, much worse. Every club is the same. We all have our share of ferals..... But instead of worrying about real issues, you worry about a private conversation between two AFL players, which can only be described as hearsay.

You also judge Milne on his level of class. How would you react in a high stress environment with a critical decision going against you. Would you show no passion or anger? Don't worry, I doubt you will ever be faced with this.
Does a ***, a **** or homo actually refer to a homosexual or bisexual anymore?

I dont think it does. It more refers to a gentlemen without courage,strength and integrity.

Cant say ive ever called anyone those names and meant that they have a sexual preference for men.

Of course that is how it is intended in most cases. The premise of it though orginally comes from the notions that gays are less masculine, prissy, weak etc. Granted most are not thinking of homosexuals when they use it this day because the word is starting to evolve because it was allowed to stand as a gay slur for so long that it has lost all meaning. The thing is though that it still exists as a deliberate gay slur so can't really run parallel to a slur about being weak that comes from the gay slur originally. It is too hard to know the intention and too easy to make excuses for a potential hate comment.
It sounds rather Orwellian. Reprogrammed to be a fit member of society...

Milne will soon be an unperson, and not before time.

The conduct of the AFL has been nothing short of doubleplusgood.
From a saints fan site. Decide for yourself.

"Milne was asked to go to mediation with Harry O. Milne was more than happy to do so. Milne was told he was not allowed to release to the public what he called Harry O which was HOMO. Milne refused and said that if he didnt he would be labelled a racist if the media and public werent to know the truth. Collingwood came back and said it must be kept in house and would Milne reconsider his stance. Again Milne said he wouldnt as he wasnt prepared to take the added heat that would generate. Collingwood then withdrew the complaint."

So Milne says "lets just tell the world what was said - I'll live with that"

and Collingwood withdraw the complaint???
It's actually looking more and more like the pies were trying to stitch up Milne.
Trying to keep the actual insult secret so that the inference would be much worse. Dropped the complaint when Milne refused to keep it quiet. No doubt the afl then brought pressure to bear on st kilda and the club has fined him $3000.
The thing is, just like racism, insults about homosexuals have a history/baggage of persecution, violence and opression associated with them. They are not empty words, and to argue 'what's next... no ranga comments' entirely misses the point in my view. But, I will say, context and delivery of the insult plays a part.

I saw this on Buzzfeed today, Very sad. Sort of gives you an insight into the hate and persecution facing homosexuals, least of all by their own parents.

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