Mega Thread Port Forum General AFL Thread Part 27

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Just saw a video of the Sam Taylor KO. That was horrible, hope he is ok.
You see the Giants pack this stadium and wonder why they just didn't base them in Canberra, I can't see Sydney ever embracing a 2nd team they are Swans or nothing theatre goers.
To be fair it is a stunning day here today, about as good for football as you'd get.

Until recently GWS' crowds here averaged more than they got in Sydney, but that's no longer true, I guess as their performance has improved. They do only play 3 games a year here so there's still the novelty factor.

Turn Manuka into a modern 20,000 seat venue though and I reckon you'd have no trouble filling it for a good football game.
oh ****, is that coniglio with a dislocated knee?

Sam taylor in hospital, coniglio with a long term knee, josh kelly ribs - this is bad

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Kelly Underpants doesn't usually bother me THAT much. But holy hell I just turned the tv on and that was atrocious lol
dude, I was just thinking the same thing.

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