Autopsy Positives and Negatives v Adelaide RND 6 2020

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Humble pie? Wrong?
You've got a bloody good memory if you can remember me writing Ainsworth off, because I certainly can't.

The game I watched I saw:
-He was scared to kick it. Wasn't even a subtle reluctance, he always looked for a handball give.
-His handballs were limp wristed and not very
-He was slow around the contest

Do you disagree with any of those observations?
You're a liar if you say yes. And delusional if you think those aren't serious barriers to a meaningful career.
I disagree with all of them. Very servicable game from the young bloke. Hope he makes it.
- Won
- Cameron got some fitness
- Redden was good again
- Kelly best game for the team
- Defense looked solid

- no % boost
- horrible officiating with extreme bias towards Adelaide
- Kennedy again can't kick. One more chance next week I think or Allen takes his spot and he's out
- Forward line not functioning great. Getting in each others way often
*Alls well that ends well - in a Hub! (now lets see how the Vic teams handle it)
*Funny old game, but 3-3 is not a bad result and off home to consolidate hopefully.
*Them beds be rocking tonight all over Perth!!

*TK is lifting, Oscar solid as was Nelson and Duggan - love his new Dirk Diggler look!!!
*Cameron barely sighted, finding his wheels and blowing out the rust?
*Ryan tagged and scragged again.
*Ainsworth played okay, didn't lower his colours. Was willing that goal through for his confidence.
*Sweet goal from AhChee, but I think he pops outside for a smoke too often during the game...goes missing.
*Urghh - all those nowhere bombs inside 50 - often they have more time for creative play but it seems a reflex action or habit from pressure and perceived pressure. Surely gets addressed by coaches?
*Waterman not so much after last week..
*Redden nice goal from out front, should be more of that, back yourself to take a ping.
*Thought there was more intent and aggro in the tackling, bringing the pressure back..
* JK+JD = I rarely criticise JK (unlike JD who frustrates the hell out of me) because either can find form, turn it on and bag a bunch from one game to the next..might happen soon?
*NN, Shep, Gov, Barrass, all class!

- Darling, almost looks disinterested. Didn’t like him not getting straight to Flyin’ afterthat tap back on the goal line which led to Darlings goal.

Totally agree with you here. The effort & smarts of Ryan deserved acknowledgement particularly by the person who benefited, really really poor by Darling I thought.
Not only did he tweet the rubbish, he then went on to say it was an accident.

Embarrassing yourself further: just own your stupidity next time.

I thought ROB handled the situation post tweet pretty well - it clearly was an accident (why on earth would he do that on purpose jeez) and he put his hand up, apologized, and did pretty much what he actually said he'd do in the notes - get around the ground and take marks. Got slaughtered in the actual ruck taps and ground contests though but outread NN in the air a few times.

Plenty of rucks make notes on their opponents (NN does) and if I was going up against Nic that's pretty much what you would write, albeit lazy being a bit harsh. Nic isn't the fittest, that's not his style, and working around the ground to provide contests is probably the best way to go against him. You're not going to write down "just outjump him and win all the hitouts"

The whole situation for me was a positive - good sportsmanship from both players and in an age where one on one matchups in any other position are fairly extinct was nice to add another little story to the game, good entertainment

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Totally agree with you here. The effort & smarts of Ryan deserved acknowledgement particularly by the person who benefited, really really poor by Darling I thought.
Darling had given up on the contest IMO. He was surprised as shit when the ball came rocketing back in his direction from the Ryan tap.
Doubt she'll come here. Crowd would give her hell. Not the first time she's ****ed us in a game.

Anyway glad the hub is over. Longest five weeks for the team. I'm sure a lot of players will improve once they get home. Darling and jets looked really down from the hub from get go.
JK and JD both good i thought.

possible big plus if eleni stays in the queensland hub.
Oh absolute wank. Ainsworth played a good game. Looks every bit an AFL player. What game were you watching? Matey, it’s ok to be wrong, and ok to eat a bit of humble pie.

Not sure what they’re doing with Ainsworth tbh. He was an inside midfielder and he hasn’t really added any bulk since coming onto the list. Finger problem or not he should have added more mass.

I’d rather Ainsworth was played on a wing than Brander. Was his first real hit out in a while, he’s a natural accumulator of the ball, not a bad mark both are handy traits if played off a wing.

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The JD and JK criticism is harsh in my opinion. Both took on big defenders and allowed the others and midfield to take it on. 3/3 is nothing to get excited about post hub but they're on a roll for an extended WA hub to a mostly fuct season.
Good win. Nice percentage boost.
Gaff tagged outing the game, so no snaps around the body and allowed the more skilled mids in Kelly and Yeo to shine
JK and JD were better
Defence was rock solid. Some better umpiring and we keep them to two goals.
Leaving the hub all square was almost unthinkable a couple of weeks ago.

Cameron didn't provide much, Ryan quieter

Not much else.

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Autopsy Positives and Negatives v Adelaide RND 6 2020

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