Rd 1 2010

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There are a few players that I must admit i am surprised are still on our list and IMO at the very least need to be eased out OR given their last chance.

Ablett and Richards really has no upside - They are not going to get better and there best is only average at the moment. They can do a job and fill a gap but we should be looking to others.

The jury is out whether malceski can ever play good footy again. I wouldnt be relying on him cracking our best 22 this year and if he cant then his career is over.

Bevan to a permanent move to the forward line is a last ditch effort to save his career. BTW, I think he would be fantastic in forward line but I dont think Roosy agrees.
Bevan to a permanent move to the forward line is a last ditch effort to save his career. BTW, I think he would be fantastic in forward line but I dont think Roosy agrees.

What makes you think Roos doesn't agree?
Hasn't Bevo been played numerous times in the front half? Maybe not the majority of his games, but more than you may realise.
I think this is Jack's position now though. Jack and maybe McGlynn.
Ablett and Richards really has no upside - They are not going to get better and there best is only average at the moment. They can do a job and fill a gap but we should be looking to others.

Am I the only one who rates Richards on here?

True he can stuff up a disposal occasionally but he nearly won us the 2006 GF of his own boot, his courage is second to pretty much on Kirk (And even then he may be on level pegging I mean look at how he threw himself in front of Fevola when there was literally 40 seconds left and the game was done)

He adds allot of versatility to our side, And I am looking forward to him playing forward next year as he is a very strong mark has bucket loads of courage and times his leads very well.

Ablett on the other hand has been pretty hard done by with off season surgery's and lack of pre-seasons recently lets see how he holds up before we make a final judgement (He would be on his last chance though)

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Am I the only one who rates Richards on here?

Not at all. I love Teddy. True, he is somewhat limited. He doesn't have the physical presence to hold down a true key position (though he's not bad in a pinch). He's a third tall, both forward and back, but he's bloody good in that role. He's great at reading the play and positioning himself to cut off opposition forays inside 50, he's got great courage, great hands, and better than average speed for his size. His disposal isn't always fantastic, though it's far from terrible usually, and as I said, he just doesn't have the frame to take on the really big men of the competition. But he's certainly a useful and important member of the team when fit.
Am I the only one who rates Richards on here?

Not at all, I think he's a great player.

Whipped out our Round 4 match against Carlton yesterday as a study break, and you know what happened near the end of the match? He went back with the flight of the ball and got crunched by Fev. A bit ominous about their meeting later in the season, but shows that his rib-breaking crunch in Round 14 (?) was no fluke, and he's as brave as they come.
I love Teddy. Ive been putting on the bench in my teams cause LRT, Craig and Reg are ahead of him and more effective imo as tall defenders and Teddy can be good value as a utility on the bench to just come on whereever needed, forward, back, even ruck or even on the wing i reckon he could have some value.
Am I the only one who rates Richards on here?

Ablett on the other hand has been pretty hard done by with off season surgery's and lack of pre-seasons recently lets see how he holds up before we make a final judgement (He would be on his last chance though)

I rate Teddy and NOG. Both are hard gutsy players who can be relied on to stand up in the tough games. Watch the work that they put in, the 1%'ers, the body work, the hard running and the way they bring others into the game. Both refuse to give up and can turn a game on their own efforts (eg, Ablett taking down 3 cats to allow the ball to spill free and get us a goal) Both have copped, and been hampered by, more than their fair share of injuries due to the way they play. The coaches love players like that and their team respects them for it.

I hope they both have a solid pre-season this year.
I love Teddy. Ive been putting on the bench in my teams cause LRT, Craig and Reg are ahead of him and more effective imo as tall defenders and Teddy can be good value as a utility on the bench to just come on whereever needed, forward, back, even ruck or even on the wing i reckon he could have some value.

You know what, that's actually my sneaky tip for next year. Grundy, LRT and of course Bolton are our settled key defenders, and Smith has found a niche (for the moment) down back on the smaller blokes. While no doubt Teddy will spend some time down back, I reckon he'll be utilised a lot more on the wing next year. He's got a bit of toe, and since Goodes has moved on from the position, we have tended to lack the big, strong marking winger. He doesn't have the physical presence to play as a true KPP, but as a winger, he could definitely use his height and hands to advantage. Only problem is his disposal, but it's not that bad.
^^^ Yeh that's what ive been thinking. It would make sense but who knows if Roosy thinks the same, i would doubt it. I would love Teddy to be used as a utility off the bench and Bevo to be converted into a permanent forward, but i doubt either will happen.

with Tadgh in:

F: Veszpremi White Bevan
HF: Jack Goodes McGlynn
C: ROK McVeigh Shaw
HB: Kennelly LRT Mattner
B: Smith C.Bolton Grundy
R: Seaby J.Bolton Kirk

I/C from: Mumford, Richards, Bird, Malceski, Meredith, Hannebery, Kennedy

That is not a bad team at all. Looks better with Bradshaw in. If we dont get Bradshaw i wouldnt be surprised if Currie of Johnston got a spot in the forward line early in the year. Whoever plays better during the NAB.
Yeh i hope he gets game time, i said it a page or so ago. In a completely full strength squad he will probs struggle to make the 22 and emergencies cause we have actually got quite a strong list now with some very good players and up and comers, but as there are always injuries, i really hope he gets more opportunities, cause as you say he really gave us something towards the end of the year.

His disposal is better than i thought it would be as well. Hit targets with many of his possies as i remember it. And he is so quick which is great.
Yeah just remember the Seven team absolutely gobsmacked that here was a young Sydney player actually PLAYING WELL and they didn't know who he was. :p

I remember thinking he was a KPF last year for some reason... :eek:

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B: Smith C.Bolton Grundy
HB: Shaw LRT Mattner
C: ROK McVeigh Hannebery
HF: Jack Goodes McGlynn
F: Veszpremi Bradshaw White
R: Seaby J.Bolton Kirk
I/C from: Mumford, Bird, Meredith, Kennedy

Do these guys make it in our best 22?

***When do they play? Only when someone is injured?
B: Smith C.Bolton Grundy
HB: Shaw LRT Mattner
C: ROK McVeigh Hannebery
HF: Jack Goodes McGlynn
F: Veszpremi Bradshaw White
R: Seaby J.Bolton Kirk
I/C from: Mumford, Bird, Meredith, Kennedy

Do these guys make it in our best 22?

***When do they play? Only when someone is injured?

Richards is easily in our best 22 and would start ahead of someone like Mattner or even a developing Smith every day of the week.

A fully fit Ablett makes the team ahead of Hannebery, McGlynn & Meredith.

You can expect at least 2-3 regular senior players to be injured every week so the likes of Malceski, Bevan etc will still get their chances.
B: Smith C.Bolton Grundy
HB: Shaw LRT Mattner
C: ROK McVeigh Hannebery
HF: Jack Goodes McGlynn
F: Veszpremi Bradshaw White
R: Seaby J.Bolton Kirk
I/C from: Mumford, Bird, Meredith, Kennedy

Do these guys make it in our best 22?

***When do they play? Only when someone is injured?

Vespa and B-Mer are the future stars of our club

but they haven't proven enough to be the instant walk ups of our starting 22, they've still got more to prove

also Richards deserves more repect
also Richards deserves more repect
I hightly rate Richards. I think he will always be in best 22. He is the hardworking unsung hero of the backline but, according to this thread nearly everyone sees him as useless or not ever getting better.
I'll give this a go

B: Smith Bolton Grundy

HB: Richards LRT Shaw

C: Bolton Kirk Kennedy

HF: O'Keefe Goodes Mattner

F: White Bradshaw Veszpremi

Followers: Seaby Jack McVeigh

Int: Mumford Hannebery McGlynn Meredith
I knew I forgot someone. When I was thinking of followers Bird's name came to mind and I made a mental note to put him on the bench. I need a new mental notebook :thumbsdown:

Having said that, I really like Meredith!
I think Moore may well struggle to find a spot in the 22 especially if Roosy insists on playing him as a small forward.

Bevo i think will struggle if he is maintained as a small defender cause Smith has overtaken him for that role. If Roosy plays him as a tackling, pressuring forward he has a lot of value imo.

Malceski if he plays off HB could get back to his 07 form but yeh in any other position there are others ahead of him based on last year. If Tadgh comes back, Rhyce can move into the middle and Tadgh and Mal can be the rebounding defenders like they were in 06 and 07.
Like previous years, I suspect Roosy will go with the benefit of the doubt, so we'll see a line-up look like:

B: Mattner Bolton Grundy
HB: Malceski LRT Shaw
C: O'Keefe McVeigh Kennedy
HF: Bevan Goodes McGlynn
FF: J. Bolton Bradshaw White
Foll.: Seaby Kirk Jack
Int.: Mumford Bird Richards Smith

Double EDIT: The fact that I first forgot Bradshaw, then I forgot O'Keefe demonstrates just how much depth we have. Though I suspect vew quickly if guys like Bevan and Malceski don't perform, Moore, Veszpremi, Meredith, Hannebery etc. will be pushing for selection.

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Rd 1 2010

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