Phar Ace
Brownlow Medallist
Yeah, it was Hicks manning up Gee and with Graham manning Toogood a little too wide. This probably proved her undoingThe Georgia Gee goal in the third. Graham followed her on a lead too the pocket 25 out and ran on boundary side of her and behind.
Gee turned inside and ran back Graham didn’t m go with her because it was dumb to play a mtr off her and boundary side,Gee ran in and had an easy uncontested shot and goaled.
Not all of it was televised so she didn’t get any criticism but you can work it out watching it.
It’s happened 3 outve the last 4 games and last night it cost us a goal.
Really poor basic mistake and keeps on happening which is worse.
Amber Clarke (who cut us up) who had just marked unopposed after Conti let a tackle slip on Cain, waited for Toogood to lead laterally with Gee a couple of metres up the ground.
The problem was Hicks lost touch on Gee when she turned to look at the ball in flight, Gee had slipped back a couple metres and managed to put a block on Graham still trying to get to Toogood for the marking contest that ironically never came.

As the kick was short, Hicks actually had a chance to mark it but she had come forward just a little too much, and Gee's pushing block on Graham meant her momentum was the opposite to Gee, and this put Gee metres clear running to goal getting the bobbling ball - end of story for Graham who was then the player well off Toogood and Hicks tried to get back was too far forward to get near gee for a tackle.
The mistake really was more in the beginning with her playing too wide of Toogood, who lets face it, is a bloody smart player. Gee cleverly used Graham!
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