Review Round 11, 2023 vs Richmond

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Great to grind out another win in one of our worst performances of the year so far. Alot of players had real sub standard games today, but maybe thats to be a little expected after last Friday.

Thought Jones was great, Butters is just turning into the ultimate player, Lycett has been much better this second stint, not great but competing and halving contests.

We are desperate for Charlie and Marshall to come back though, just to give us some presence. Although Lord has been a find.

Hopefully Boak comes back next week and Duurs manages to get a few games under his belt before the end of the year.

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Another win. Some good things by our young players. Some cringeworthy things too. Looking forward to getting Marshall, Dixon, and Duursma back.
No Dixon
No Marshall
No Duursma
No Jonas
No Fantasia

Edit: and no Love Boak either. (Thanks for the reminders)

That's a worthy grind out win.
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Richmond continually set up three of four loose defenders about 30m out and we condtantly kicked to 2 on 4/5 situations.
We really needed to be smarter going forward.

Good to get win but need to smarter against more experienced teams and their defensive set ups
Warren Tredrea is calling for Josh Sinns inclusion, next week.After his performance vs the Roosters yesterday.
Allir on 5aa radio,atm
We would have dropped that game previously. There’s definitely resolve around this group now. Not pretty but I think Lycett at least brings a contest. Take the four and move on. Hawks next week no pushover but after the Ebert debacle from last year we owe the campaigners.

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