Autopsy Round 4, 2024: Positives and Negatives vs Sydney

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Duggan is copping it way too harshly for this game. He had about 3 turnovers from 30 disposals, went at 80% disposal efficiency for the match. Yes one of his turnovers cost us a goal but don't forget McGovern stuffed a 15m kick-in that was saved by the Sydney player hitting the post. Harley also gave away 4 frees including the 50m penalty which cost us a goal.

I'd suggest a re-watch of Duggan if you think he was that bad

yeah i agree. duggan did a lot of good. its just some of his turnovers were in your face type ones (story of his career tbh).
he was def a net positive tho. 700m gained btw.

it was a shame about maric, i thought he was building into some form this game. hopefully only a short stint out.

long also finally seemed to hit some form this game.

ginbey showed some real positive signs also. once he brings his game together he will be formidable.
Why all the dumping on her? She is just doing her job. It is tantamount to bullying. Someone doesn't like her voice and everyone jumps on board. Let her do her job!
yeah i dont get it also.

as long at the commentators are not on sided or openly hating on a team (ie. gary lyon) i have no issues.
At least if you’re going to get the date wrong, make sure it’s at least the year before the correct date.

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Duggan is copping it way too harshly for this game. He had about 3 turnovers from 30 disposals, went at 80% disposal efficiency for the match. Yes one of his turnovers cost us a goal but don't forget McGovern stuffed a 15m kick-in that was saved by the Sydney player hitting the post. Harley also gave away 4 frees including the 50m penalty which cost us a goal.

I'd suggest a re-watch of Duggan if you think he was that bad

Didn’t watch the whole thing and agree he was nowhere near as bad as some are making out but his 2nd disposals in those highlights is exactly what he needs to stamp out
People on this board complain more about Dwayne Russell than any other commentator for his shitty cliche based commentary.

And whilst there is no doubt that a small minority whose dislike for Kelli Underwood may be gender based, let's not call everyone that dislikes her commentary sexist please. Both Sarah Jones and Kath Loughnan are fantastic at their jobs.
Kelli is shithouse, but it's not because of her voice or genitals, it's because she seems to have no knowledge of footy, the players or what's happening out there. She fumbles the call more than Cole collecting a loose ball in the back 50.

It's disingenuous to assert fans only come down on her. There's been no shortage of outrage over the likes of BT calling Rioli Ryan and visa versa, or the ex-footy players like Pav and Jobe Watson dishing up garbage special comments and analysis.

I don't think we've had a game without Kelli Underwood so far this season which is probably why it's being focussed on. Doubt it'll change, either.They might have handed her the role of learning our list of kids to call all of our games.
Where’s the massive pile on for all of the other commentators that are terrible at their job and regurgitate cliches
Dwayne is absolutely in the same boat and I’d join that pile just as quickly. 90% of his commentary is reciting play names in order of possession followed by the disposal method then the result. The remaining 10% is saying “that’s as good as it gets”. He should be kicked to the curb in the same swift motion. Having to listen to both of them pretending like they know what they are talking about is horrendous.
James Brayshaw is less offensive but he's ****en terrible.

"Oooof [player x] is a good player."

"Look at the wheels on [player x]."

That is legit the extent of his commentary.

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JB and his "brilliantly well" is so grating 😂

I'm pretty hard pressed to find a commentator I actually like, they all annoy me one way or another and to different extents. The special comments guys are the very definition of jobs for the boys and infuriate me; Hodge, Selwood, Pavlich & Watson make me wanna break stuff. They can barely string a sentence together and offer zero insight.

Next time you're watching a game with Jobe Watson on special comments try and count how many times the drug cheating campaigner says "ability". Making me angry just thinking about it right now.
Some are special comments, generally they have ok microphone voices. May be morons but that's another matter and their is page after page of criticism of them on BF.

Darrcy's voice is ok. Daisy actually makes some good points.
although I think that some of the pile on for Kelli is partly due to her gender, I didn’t think anyone here is saying that they don’t like Kelli because of her gender. If you don’t like them you don’t like them. Us losing consistently probably doesn’t help, either.

I couldn’t stand Bruce McAvaney for example. But quite enjoy Dwayne Russell’s enthusiasm in the game.

In my thoughts though; Guys like Adam Papalia, Jason Bennett and that racing guy though are a bit of a breath of fresh air because they call the game and the moment rather than making it about them by going over the top.
although I think that some of the pile on for Kelli is partly due to her gender, I didn’t think anyone here is saying that they don’t like Kelli because of her gender. If you don’t like them you don’t like them. Us losing consistently probably doesn’t help, either.

I couldn’t stand Bruce McAvaney for example. But quite enjoy Dwayne Russell’s enthusiasm in the game.

In my thoughts though; Guys like Adam Papalia, Jason Bennett and that racing guy though are a bit of a breath of fresh air because they call the game and the moment rather than making it about them by going over the top.
gender is a cheap call. incompetence is just that. The best sports commentator in Australia, by a country mile, is the lady on the test cricket. (spelling aludes me)
gender is a cheap call. incompetence is just that. The best sports commentator in Australia, by a country mile, is the lady on the test cricket. (spelling aludes me)
Agree gender is a smokescreen for an utterly hopeless (AFL commentary) employee. Isha Guha is an outstanding cricket commentator, one of if not the best in the business.
People on this board complain more about Dwayne Russell than any other commentator for his shitty cliche based commentary.

And whilst there is no doubt that a small minority whose dislike for Kelli Underwood may be gender based, let's not call everyone that dislikes her commentary sexist please. Both Sarah Jones and Kath Loughnan are fantastic at their jobs.
Dwayne infuriates me with his calling us The West Coast.

It's either "West Coast" or "the Eagles".

I've never heard him call the Tiges "The Richmond".

Drives me nuts.

Rant over.

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