Rucci writes for the Melbourne Herald Sun?

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lost_20 said:
No Honey, I'm just sick of you crows supporters and your constant need to whinge & carry on like cry babies! you guys love putting us down but when someone like Rucci comes along and stick up for us you can't handle it! What are you gonna do? Smash my car like a couple of your supporters did to his?

Nomination for tool of the week.
lost_20 said:
No Honey, I'm just sick of you crows supporters and your constant need to whinge & carry on like cry babies! you guys love putting us down but when someone like Rucci comes along and stick up for us you can't handle it! What are you gonna do? Smash my car like a couple of your supporters did to his?

Is yours the Datsun with the "Choccos a hunk of spunk" sticker?? I'll see what I can do.:thumbsu:

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just maybe said:
I like how Rucci hides his lack of genuine sources and contacts by saying stuff like

'Many believe'
'It is thought'
'There is a widely held perception'
'Some say'

When all of those beliefs/thoughts/perceptions/sayings are purely his own...

Pathetic scrag of a journalist. An embarrassment. It is 'TELLING' (as he loves to say) that everyone in the industry hates him.

I've often wondered about that. Surely the real journalists would be astounded with his bias and blatant inaccuracies. You could fill a month of Media Watch just with his errors. I wonder how Ruccis amateurish performance reflects on the real sports journalists at The Advertiser like Roach and co.
Captain Wacky said:
Um, prove it. :rolleyes:

Easy enough to find out, if Rucci is on 5AA tomorrow morning.

Take your own advice. You have no proof that this article was "rejected" by the Advertiser. It is quite a funny claim really, he is the Chief Football Writer for the paper do you really think that if he wants an article to be in there it wont be? If so you are more dellusional than I thought!
Punchy Bassett said:
Take your own advice. You have no proof that this article was "rejected" by the Advertiser.

And you have no proof that it was written especially for the Herald Sun. It was just published in the Herald Sun.

It is quite a funny claim really, he is the Chief Football Writer for the paper do you really think that if he wants an article to be in there it wont be?

He's the chief football writer for the Advertiser, yes. Two things:

- He is not the sports editor for the Advertiser.

- He is not the chief football writer for the Herald Sun.

Also, I love your implication that Rucci would be somehow unwilling to publish a story like that in the Advertiser... as if he's ever been reticent to piss off Crows supporters!

I'm afraid it's plain common sense. The story was not in the Advertiser due to an editorial decision.
You are truly making things up now please show me where I claimed that I said it was only written for the Herald Sun? And my actual implication to Rucci was doesnt he have the balls to push for his stories to be printed? If he feels that stories such as this should be in there then why doesnt he do something about it? Oh hang on he might lose his precious position and we may actually get some decent coverage on BOTH teams in this town. And again your last sentence implies that that this article was even offered to the Advertiser to which again you have no proof!
Lynch drops a mark said:
what is with this bloke, I heared him on 6PR (perth radio) a few months ago laying the boot into the crows and how they had proved nothing and will fail in the finals (this was the week of the West Coast game)

any way, this is part i like most

Why the Crows once again choked in September is not difficult to assess. Their midfield is not quick enough, hard enough or flexible. Their attack is not blessed with a genuine key forward, and the loss of Trent Hentschel, with a knee injury that will keep him out until 2008, hurt

this bloke has got to be kidding.

Was he not correct on both counts?
Punchy Bassett said:
You are truly making things up now please show me where I claimed that I said it was only written for the Herald Sun?

Must've been confusing you with the other guy, but as if it matters...

And my actual implication to Rucci was doesnt he have the balls to push for his stories to be printed?

That doesn't make any sense. The guy positively gets off on offending Crows supporters, and has been making a living out of it for some time.

That dog don't hunt, Monsignor.

If he feels that stories such as this should be in there then why doesnt he do something about it?

How do you know he's not having a screaming brawl with Geoff Roach right now? ;)

But seriously, have you ever written for publication? Having stuff rejected is part of the job. It's not something you usually get into a tizzy about.

Besides, it got published in the Herald Sun anyway, so he knows that all the most sensitive Crows supporters (that is, the types who hang around on internet forums :D) will get to read it anyway.
Wayne's-World said:
Frankly I couldn't see anything wrong with the article ...I'm sure there are many many supporters of the other 15 AFL clubs who would concur with Rucci's views

Thanks WW (I'm not Rucci by the way) for at least keeping your objective hat on. Surely if that article was written by Sheehan, Lyon, Walls, etc most crows supporters would read it for what it is: a reasonably fair assessment of the highs and lows of season 2006 for the Crows.

I for one agree with the tone of that article, a perspective that the Crows are at the cross-roads, not sure whether to take a step back and rebuild or push hard for one more year trying to land a flag while the core of that aging midfield is still sound. Frankly, if I was in Craig's shoes, that would be a vexing scenario. Re-building is a cop-out as he says which is fine. But the alternative does not look too good either. I wouldn't think Adelaide's current list has what it takes to get over the Eagles at least in 2007. Besides, I anticipate Freo to improve as well and good old Swannies are always in the picture. Where does that leave Adelaide??

This is not trolling (apologies if it sounds like that) but a genuine question that I think reasonable supporters would find fairly interesting.

( P/S; I had a small bet with my Crow workmate on the Crows falling out of the top 4 in 2007 - he thought I was dreaming. Maybe I am.)
I can say with a fair element of certainty that the article was written specifically for the Sun because they've been going through all 16 teams in the order they finished from 16th and then upwards. It was Adelaide's turn today. The next one will be Sydney and then finally West Coast.
lost_20 said:
So what sort of DVD's did you Crows supporters get while West Coast were winning the Premiership? I bet thats what your problem is Rucci was right!

Any fool can be lucky and fluke something to be right, I have lost count the amount of times that Rucci has claimed something that turns out to be totally wrong. Eventually the odds are that you will have to get something right sooner or later.

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spice18 said:
Thanks WW (I'm not Rucci by the way) for at least keeping your objective hat on. Surely if that article was written by Sheehan, Lyon, Walls, etc most crows supporters would read it for what it is: a reasonably fair assessment of the highs and lows of season 2006 for the Crows.

I for one agree with the tone of that article, a perspective that the Crows are at the cross-roads, not sure whether to take a step back and rebuild or push hard for one more year trying to land a flag while the core of that aging midfield is still sound. Frankly, if I was in Craig's shoes, that would be a vexing scenario. Re-building is a cop-out as he says which is fine. But the alternative does not look too good either. I wouldn't think Adelaide's current list has what it takes to get over the Eagles at least in 2007. Besides, I anticipate Freo to improve as well and good old Swannies are always in the picture. Where does that leave Adelaide??

This is not trolling (apologies if it sounds like that) but a genuine question that I think reasonable supporters would find fairly interesting.

( P/S; I had a small bet with my Crow workmate on the Crows falling out of the top 4 in 2007 - he thought I was dreaming. Maybe I am.)

I also agree with you that this year was the final year in the premiership window, but it is just the way Rucci puts it across.

I have said since we lost against West Coast in the prelim final that it was our last chance with this squad.

Sides like West Coast still have more upside whereas we dont, we will fall down the pack next year.

Remember also thought Rucci claimed all this at the end of 2004 as well so its not like he is only just saying this thing for the first time. Its just Rucci's obsession to be bringing up negatives with Adelaide.

The basic thing that we all hate about Rucci is he is a little underhanded troll that insinutates things, but then when he is proven wrong claims that he didnt mean it that way and always claims "that is how you interpreted it". Its pathetic he has no balls.

We all know that Rucci pumps up Port's tyres and will do what he can to help give a negative perception towards Adelaide. I have lost track about all the rubbish he comes out with, I even remember this year him having some dig about us not donating as much money as Port to some charity or something along those lines, its like total desperation stuff. So we dont give him any credit anymore for anything even if he might be correct because he would never do that towards Port and people are just sick of the same old Rucci routine.
lost_20 said:
No Honey, I'm just sick of you crows supporters and your constant need to whinge & carry on like cry babies! you guys love putting us down but when someone like Rucci comes along and stick up for us you can't handle it! What are you gonna do? Smash my car like a couple of your supporters did to his?
Here's a tip

....if you're going to join an internet forum - register that you support one club......then troll the Board of another club for a grand total of 2 pathetic posts in 3 it somewhere else...;)
Vic Crow said:
I can say with a fair element of certainty that the article was written specifically for the Sun because they've been going through all 16 teams in the order they finished from 16th and then upwards. It was Adelaide's turn today. The next one will be Sydney and then finally West Coast.

What end-of-season team are the Tiser up to?
Maybe someone could inform the darling Crows supporters as to when the Adelaide end-of-season review will be run in the Tiser?
If I remember well, the Port Power one in the Hun ran before it was in the Tiser?
I hear that Rucci was in Dallas when J F Kennedy was shot too!
bighawk1961 said:
What end-of-season team are the Tiser up to?
Maybe someone could inform the darling Crows supporters as to when the Adelaide end-of-season review will be run in the Tiser?
If I remember well, the Port Power one in the Hun ran before it was in the Tiser?
I hear that Rucci was in Dallas when J F Kennedy was shot too!
Out comes another one :rolleyes:

Obsessed much?! :rolleyes:
Loved this little contradiction, all in the very same paragraph:

Why the Crows once again choked in September is not difficult to assess. Their midfield is not quick enough, hard enough or flexible. Their attack is not blessed with a genuine key forward, and the loss of Trent Hentschel, with a knee injury that will keep him out until 2008, hurt.

In one line he claims the Crows choked. The very next line he goes on to reason that the Crows just aren't good enough. So which is it? :D

Surely a professional scribe should be able to limit contradictions to separate articles.

It's also pathetic how he lacks conviction in his own opinions, always taking the soft option of preceding his own opinion with "many people believe...".

These are just some of the many reasons that someone of John Cahill's ilk labelled him "ferrethead". It says it all about his standing amongst those who know the game best.
SpringChoke said:
I don't have a problem with Rucci overrating Port. He did the same thing at the end of 2004 "start of a dynasty" and "Port have a plan to be a genuine pemiership threat for thje next 5 years" - look what happened there.:thumbsu:

Can you show me this quote anywhere ... or is it another one that you so accurate and well-informed Crows fans have made up to suit your mass debate here????
**** said:
Loved this little contradiction, all in the very same paragraph:

In one line he claims the Crows choked. The very next line he goes on to reason that the Crows just aren't good enough. So which is it? :D

Surely a professional scribe should be able to limit contradictions to separate articles.

It's also pathetic how he lacks conviction in his own opinions, always taking the soft option of preceding his own opinion with "many people believe...".

These are just some of the many reasons that someone of John Cahill's ilk labelled him "ferrethead". It says it all about his standing amongst those who know the game best.

Good as yours ****. Still trying to get on the board are you?
What do you mean?

Are you saying I have contradicted myself. Where exactly?

Edit: Gee bighawk, a quick look at your post history shows all but 2 of your 24 posts have been on the Adelaide board, and the other two were on other boards bagging the Crows. What's the story there? Got a bit of an interest in the Crows have you? ;)
**** said:
What do you mean?

Are you saying I have contradicted myself. Where exactly?

Edit: Gee bighawk, a quick look at your post history shows all but 2 of your 24 posts have been on the Adelaide board, and the other two were on other boards bagging the Crows. What's the story there? Got a bit of an interest in the Crows have you? ;)

Gee, is there some rule stopping me?

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Rucci writes for the Melbourne Herald Sun?

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