Opinion Sack Hinkley 10 - UnTENable

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Maybe it was just the section I was sitting in last night down the Southern End, but the crowd really was flat as a tack for the whole game. Almost as if people knew what was going to transpire so were not getting their hopes up.
Very noticeable in the Western Stand also. Absolutely non-existent atmosphere all night.
I'm going to ask a bizarre question.

Does Hinkley actually care about winning games of football?

Maybe a better question is:

Is the main focus of Kenny Average to win games of football?

It sounds bizarre but I don't think he does.

You can't be joking around after losing a game.
You can't be seen smiling or hugging opposition players after a loss.

A real coach who loses a game should be hurting after a loss and go back to the drawing board to find out what the problems are.
Kenny just goes back to Plan A.

It's literally one of the weirdest traits I've ever seen from a supposed Port Adelaide person.
Maybe apart from Koch which is a whole other world of absurdism.
He cares about winning when his job is under threat, which it isn't right now because he already has a contract for 2025.

Doesn't give a shit about the club.
The crowd is so flat at every game that if you were suddenly transported back to 2014 you'd need ear muffs

Lol yes.

Even the so-called ‘Happy Clappers’ can never really explain why everything is as stale as the Tip-Top HiFibe in Harold Holt’s pantry, and why the coach they champion has boiled down their fandom to a binary focus:


• Did Port lose?: “GO AND SUPPORT THE TINGLES!!”

Just as Bruce Weber intended when he first took the plunge, I’m sure.

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Hinkley's shortcomings as a coach can be summed up by the fact the club recruited key defenders in Ratugolea and Zerk-Thatcher to strengthen his backline as it was the main weakness last year and his gameplan exposes their individual weaknesses. It defies logic if it was any other coach, but with Hinkley it's not a surprise.

It's not uncommon knowledge that if you expose Aliir, Ratugolea and Zerk-Thatcher one on one they are found wanting. We've made no adjustment to our system to cater for that weakness or for their arrival. None at all. Instead we've gone further with our gameplan and further exposed them. It's highlighted weekly on the footy shows and we continue to press on with it. It has to be one of the stupidest moves in AFL history.

We're better off missing the 8 this year to bring it all out in the open. Hinkley's reign is summed up by this season alone. The club sells the farm to get him the pieces he claims he needs and he coaches around them and not to their strengths.
This is really desperate stuff now....

I've just had an absolute gut full of all of it, his laughing and carelessness of results, his failure to ever mention the fans and supporters, his bewildering selections, his players attitudes, his extremely taxing and predictable game plan, his failure to ever make any game day changes, his insistence on playing injured players, the groups mental fragility.......

I've had a gut full of the game day atmosphere, of Walsh and perfect pear, of the medias defense of Ken, of Koch's boys club appointments, of the clubs deflections and narrative changes, of Richo and his pathetic "chasing greatness" (has he ever acknowledged it since?), of stale and seemingly useless board members like Cardone and Ransom.

I've basically had a complete gut full of the current PAFC in its entirety, the place is nauseating.

What can anyone do?

On iPhone using BigFooty.com mobile app
This is really desperate stuff now....

I've just had an absolute gut full of all of it, his laughing and carelessness of results, his failure to ever mention the fans and supporters, his bewildering selections, his players attitudes, his extremely taxing and predictable game plan, his failure to ever make any game day changes, his insistence on playing injured players, the groups mental fragility.......

I've had a gut full of the game day atmosphere, of Walsh and perfect pear, of the medias defense of Ken, of Koch's boys club appointments, of the clubs deflections and narrative changes, of Richo and his pathetic "chasing greatness" (has he ever acknowledged it since?), of stale and seemingly useless board members like Cardone and Ransom.

I've basically had a complete gut full of the current PAFC in its entirety, the place is nauseating.

What can anyone do?

On iPhone using BigFooty.com mobile app
The best thing we could do with Jarrod Walsh is setting up the gallows at HT & hanging the idiot.

Does Hinkley actually care about winning games of football?

Maybe a better question is:

Is the main focus of Kenny Average to win games of football?

It sounds bizarre but I don't think he does.

He doesn't care about winning games of football unless his continued employment is at stake which thanks to Koch is rarely the case. Donuts has publicly stated that being an AFL senior coach isn't that important to him. He is just going through the motions so he can collect his very generous pay cheque every month.
I called it with all my mates - Sportsbet had Carlton at $2.20, practically handing out money coupons.

The loss had all the hallmarks of a Hinkley Classic:
  1. Must Win, Big Game
  2. Prime Time
  3. Top 8 Club
  4. Going in Favourites
Capitulate, get absolutely rinsed for 4 quarters and laugh about the "lessons we have to learn".

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If Ken is still our coach on 2025, I'm starting to ponder about whether I'll even watch our games, let alone attend them.

I've already hit the lowest interest in AFL since we joined.

The care factor last night was just not there. I was on my phone reading shitposts on BigFooty and that was before the final quarter. The entire thing stinks of being faux-sportstainment.

The rubbish at the beginning of the game with hundreds of kids running around the oval pretty much summed up where this sport has got to. It's more about the flashing lights and loud noises than it is a sport.

My two teenage sons love it, but they've never known anything else.
They're the only reason I even go to games anymore.
I've already hit the lowest interest in AFL since we joined.

The care factor last night was just not there. I was on my phone reading shitposts on BigFooty and that was before the final quarter. The entire thing stinks of being faux-sportstainment.

The rubbish at the beginning of the game with hundreds of kids running around the oval pretty much summed up where this sport has got to. It's more about the flashing lights and loud noises than it is a sport.

My two teenage sons love it, but they've never known anything else.
They're the only reason I even go to games anymore.
Yeah I'm in the same boat, except my wife and 2 boys don't like footy, so I'm a sporting orphan in my family. So if I stop watching, it won't affect anyone else.
Hinkley's shortcomings as a coach can be summed up by the fact the club recruited key defenders in Ratugolea and Zerk-Thatcher to strengthen his backline as it was the main weakness last year and his gameplan exposes their individual weaknesses. It defies logic if it was any other coach, but with Hinkley it's not a surprise.

It's not uncommon knowledge that if you expose Aliir, Ratugolea and Zerk-Thatcher one on one they are found wanting. We've made no adjustment to our system to cater for that weakness or for their arrival. None at all. Instead we've gone further with our gameplan and further exposed them. It's highlighted weekly on the footy shows and we continue to press on with it. It has to be one of the stupidest moves in AFL history.

We're better off missing the 8 this year to bring it all out in the open. Hinkley's reign is summed up by this season alone. The club sells the farm to get him the pieces he claims he needs and he coaches around them and not to their strengths.
Sums it up perfectly. When have we ever played better than the sum of our parts. He's always relied on individual brilliance. We've got the most all Australians on any AFL list and the media are still saying he doesn't have the talent. Our 10-22 range players look average because our gameplan is literally 'work really hard and hope we score'.
When do we exploit an opposition weakness?
Choco would be fuming even after a win, Ken has a laugh after getting pumped.

Way to set an example you piece of shit.

It sounds so trivial but this stuff really matters, it sets the tone for the whole environment of the club when the key leadership figure is so visibly unfazed by losing.
I know I've commented a few times about high-performance teams, but that's because of my background. Without divulging too much, I've run and worked in proper high-performance teams where getting it wrong puts lives at risk.

We are just not a high-performing unit - we are a bunch of individuals that are friendly enough to go have a beer on a Saturday night with.
  • There is no discretionary effort
  • There is no genuine care in the team
  • There is no accountability
  • There are no standards we are beholden to
  • There is no deep trust amongst the players, they play scared, concerned that no one is going to stand behind them
  • We don't seize moments, we let them slip by and don't stand up to the plate when it matters
  • We find the 99 reasons to not do something, instead of the one reason to reach and go for something.
  • We are happy with near enough is good enough
It seems as though we are more concerned with being known as a friendly club who like to high five his players than being known as a tough, unrelenting, remorseless opposition. Watching players laugh and joke between each other after the game is a testament to this.

We haven't built something that can reach higher and go further as a single team, we win games off the back of talented individuals that are out for themselves.

We fundamentally haven't built a culture around being the best - and until we nuke all the alsorands (Ken, Chad, Hartlett, Goldsack) and start bringing in people with drive, ambition and a hard edge, we will forever be locked in a self perpetuating cycle of mediocrity. What's worse, is I've now accepted we just aren't very good.
I've already hit the lowest interest in AFL since we joined.

The care factor last night was just not there. I was on my phone reading shitposts on BigFooty and that was before the final quarter. The entire thing stinks of being faux-sportstainment.

The rubbish at the beginning of the game with hundreds of kids running around the oval pretty much summed up where this sport has got to. It's more about the flashing lights and loud noises than it is a sport.

My two teenage sons love it, but they've never known anything else.
They're the only reason I even go to games anymore.

I chose not to go and didnt even watch it. Liklihood of watching the replay, pretty slim.
We are 4-3 at AO this year and 4-1 away. Those home crowds must be scary.

You'd think our collective $2m+ pa coaching panel would develop a game plan for the oval we play on 13 times a year, but apparently not.

EDIT : Incorrect stats, corrected by another poster below. It's 5-3 at AO and 3-1 away. Apologies
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We are 4-3 at AO this year and 4-1 away. Those home crowds must be scary.

You'd think our collective $2m+ pa coaching panel would develop a game plan for the oval we play on 13 times a year, but apparently not.
And should be 2-5. We absolutely thieved the Freo & Hawthorn games. I wish we hadn’t, and that we’d been overrun by Geelong. It would be a truer reflection of where this team is at, and the pressure on Ken & Koch would be excruciating.
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