Saints in trouble again

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tess said:
What about this girl. You think she is now known as that ********, !

Bit stong, eh.

You don't know anymore than the rest of us, so give it a rest.

I could start a thread on a couple of unsavory incidents involving Collingscum officials and players if you like, but who wins out of that. :thumbsdown:
campbell said:
Saint Kilda are the media savvy ones ,their players are the ones refusing to negotiate.

I wonder how the media found out about it.????

Pathetic,disgraceful sub species of people invovled in this all around from the Saints mob.

It could be one of your daughters GT and co, would you still act and do the same things then.

What has this to do with the St Kilda football club, clown, apart from the fact that the two players, who incidently have never been charged or convicted of anything in relation to this ALLEGED incident, happen to play for that club.

Just for the record, it is probably just as unwise to negotiate with extortionists as it is with terrorists. :mad:
Saintsfan said:
wow that was your 9999th post, why not make 10000 a goodbye to this horrible country, don't let the door hit your fat arse on the way out


And to think we have swan Davis to thank for this clown's continued presence. :mad:

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eddiesmith said:
No that was about my 9,970th post

But I wont be going anywhere, someone needs to keep you lot in a bit of reality ;)
Trouble is Ed, you live in an alternate reality to the rest of us. ;)
eddiesmith said:
Terrorists dont deserve the same rights as everyone else

Alleged terrorist do.....innocent until proven guilty against a standard of proof which requires the proscecution to show that the alleged crime was committed beyond all reasonable doubt.

If we apply the Hicks doctrine, then Montagna and Milne are guilty as hell......guilty by association and in addition should just have been locked up without a trial.

Of course, under that scenario I should also be locked up for supporting alleged terrorist activities......and more to the point most AFL supporters should be locked up for inciting violence and threatening opposition supporters. We can take it further and suggest that supporters of clubs like Collingwood and Essendon etc have no right to support because to do so would be to vilify minority supporters.......starts to get a little silly huh?
this woman has just had sex with milne when Montagna and his strumpet walk in...they all jump on the same bed and she gets 'sexually assaulted' while the lights are out.

Can anyone explain what happened to this woman that Milne hadn't just done to her anyway?

what a trog; and she spoils it all for legitimate rape victims.

campbell said:
Saint Kilda are the media savvy ones ,their players are the ones refusing to negotiate.

I wonder how the media found out about it.????

Pathetic,disgraceful sub species of people invovled in this all around from the Saints mob.

It could be one of your daughters GT and co, would you still act and do the same things then.

The world needs more idiots with computers. Stick to topics more amenable to your limited intelligence as you are obviously out of your depth trying to comprehend this delicate issue.

DirtyDogTIGERS said:
.....Can anyone explain what happened to this woman that Milne hadn't just done to her anyway?.....
There are acts that people consider exciting/raunchy/fun and those they consider degrading/humiliating. In the situation this young woman admits to being in voluntarily the segue from one to another is not too hard to fathom.
campbell said:
One never knows what evidence they have gathered.Saint Kilda may have sho themselves in the foot........I would settle bigtime if I was them.......

Occasionally in my lifetime I see or hear something that is so stupid, so idiotic, so pathetically moronic, so insipidly ignorant, so incredibly imbecilic, so foolishly absurd that I almost choke on my own amazement and bewilderment.

This is one of those moments.

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Lets just say, I hope you guys all apologise bigtime in the near future.

Investigators turn up all sorts of things.
Rape is so very hard to prove especially in certain circumstances.
Milne and Montagne were social little beings, and its amazing where their social little friends work and play and take pictures of those things.
If things are going to be changed they should make sure ensure that the social little things aren't in a place where they can see those changes.I think its hard to prove some things, it doesn't mean that its not known what happened and who changed these things and why.

I can't see any favours done for a quite a few people involved in this ever again.
Friend of mine, Swans supporter, about summed it up:

There are many that live in fantasyland out there...they make up stories to get attention...they exaggerate for affect....and they find themselves with no recourse but to persist with ridiculous accusations to salvage pride.

Without a presumption of innocence we would get dozens of similar accusations each season.

These types of accusations ...and thats all they are...are very common in the U.S. and Europe in all forms of high level sport. They are invariably done for either revenge, a craving for attention or the big driving force...the opportunity to grab some cash knowing the person is a public figure and may not want their name dragged thru the mud like this.

Assume those blokes are innocent and dont be a numbskull.....there is very little that prevents ANY of us from having our lives ruined through innuendo and the raving fantasies or revengeful attitudes of others.

The only "fact" is that the authorities said they had no case to answer.....those with experience dealing in these matters did NOT pursue it....thats good enough for me....and only a **************** would even joke about them as rapists.

We will see a lot more of these kind of accusations in the future due to increased player public profiles and the moneys involved with the game. Never assume they have base unless ultimately proven. Rape is a violent crime treated with similar penalties to murder....but it is also a very common accusation that demands TOTAL proof due to the huge number of accusations per annum.
Speaking of trouble, I would suggest that some writers on this thread could be in trouble for defamation or even contempt of court. I think people should tread very softly on this one.
SCARD said:
Speaking of trouble, I would suggest that some writers on this thread could be in trouble for defamation or even contempt of court. I think people should tread very softly on this one.
contempt of court? Do you even know what contempt of court is? LOL.
here's a definition

Any willful disobedience to, or disregard of, a court order or any misconduct in the presence of a court; action that interferes with a judge's ability to administer justice or that insults the dignity of the court; punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. There are both civil and criminal contempts; the distinction is often unclear.

Since we aren't in a court, or involved in a court case, or been given a court order of any description, I think you are talking out of your @ss.
skipper kelly said:
Im sorry to do this but I agree with you. I would also like to add that those saying the woman is a slimy little cow or that she is just after money have little knowledge of victim mentality.

I also agree with what ROK said earlier
This is true. If she was r*ped then I hope she does take them to the cleaners. Although her intent may not be just money. It may be retribution, justice or simply clearing her name.

If the boys are guilty of nothing then I hope their names are cleared and they also take her to the cleaners.

Let the true victim/victims be known.

If the matter ever gets to Court I think we will find that the truth is somewhere in between. The boys probably behaved stupidly likewise the girls for putting themselves in such a vulnerable position.
The Fireman said:
suffice to say that it takes 2 to tango.

Yeah, one to rape and another to be r*ped. That is an outrageous statement. If it wasn't so appalling it would be funny. It reminds me of Homer saying to Marge "Marge, it takes two people to lie: one to lie and the other to listen".
Michaelg said:
Yeah, one to rape and another to be r*ped. That is an outrageous statement. If it wasn't so appalling it would be funny. It reminds me of Homer saying to Marge "Marge, it takes two people to lie: one to lie and the other to listen".
Who r*ped who? are you making allegations?
My reference to "it takes 2 to Tango" was in the context of the 2 girls were there sleeping with the 2 players consentually, gets a bit blurry.
CrowEater888 said:
You dont know much about the law do you? Don't confuse civil damages claims with criminal charges, they are not the same. Want a case in point? Look at OJ, he got off for killing his wife but lost the civil suit :)

She will probably either a) win the civil suit and be paid compensation or b) be paid off before it comes to court by the saints. She isnt wasting her time, the lawyers are probably pro bono and they wouldnt take the case unless they believed they had a strong chance of victory.

Its all to do with will they settle.

Most civil cases are settled because the cost of actually going to court to defend even if you win can be greater cost than settling
I'm not sure what I find more worrying here, the complete lack of knowledge about our court/police systems, or the disgusting attitute that as she consented to sex with one, then what happened later was asked for/automatically ok.

As many have already mentioned - THEY WERE NOT FOUND INNOCENT, NO COURT HAS FOUND THEM "NOT GUILTY". It was decided not to pursue the case by the police. This could be because the police believed they were innocent, OR because they thought they were guilty as hell but wouldn't be able to prove it.

As to comments like

"What rape?"
Can anyone explain what happened to this woman that Milne hadn't just done to her anyway?

what a trog; and she spoils it all for legitimate rape victims.
Assume those blokes are innocent and dont be a numbskull....
the girls for putting themselves in such a vulnerable position
suffice to say that it takes 2 to tango

These comments imply an old fashioned view that if a woman gets in a compromising position, well its her fault, and so if she gets r*ped thats too bad. If, and I repeat, IF she said no, then it doesn't matter what went before, it doesn't matter what she consented to previously, if the man (or woman) continues without consent IT IS RAPE.

Honestly, regardless of what happened with Milne & Montagna, some of the views expressed here are deeply worrying.

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Saints in trouble again

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