Toast The 2024 No Trades Club!

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Seeing as the No trades thread is officially opened does that mean we can start the 2025 Planning Thread now?

Jiska WaynesWorld19
IMO, round 20 is the start of season 2025 planning, for non finalist Coaches .....too early now

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Seeing as the No trades thread is officially opened does that mean we can start the 2025 Planning Thread now?

Jiska WaynesWorld19
The thread should be open ASAP! The thread will be absolutely jamming while there's still interest and lots of activity on the board.

I reckon I could post 200 things in it, so much to discuss, and I'm leaning towards not even signing up for this crap next year.
Big congratulations to all of the early inductees into this special club.
Well done to SavDog23 and the others who have earnt the "Tradeaholics" badge for season 2024.
As founding fathers of this prestigious club, Judd_Magic and I are proud to see its evolution. We were once looked down upon, now we are revered.
I will leave you with the famous words of Neil Tradestrong: "One small trade for man, one giant leap for mankind".


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