The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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I reckon not long after here WWII there is a loss of everyone assuming to be Christian and many of the Christian’s having that fundamentalist attitude. I could have drawn that line anywhere. But besides the initial Christian moment after WWII it fell away quickly and the fundamentalists got political. I wasn’t saying it was a good thing.

No. It was direct result of veterans coming home after risking their lives and going back to status quo. As much as it was people realising that if they wanted to live their life unencumbered by religion then they would have to carve out another way.

Christian fundamentalism literally goes all the way back to Christ. Ever heard of the Spanish inquisition?

American christian fundamentalism is just that with the capitalism of the prosperity church sprinkled on top.
There is a great discrepancy between rich and poor and has always existed but seems much worse now, I read much about it. Again pre WWII the wealthy (not super wealthy) were generally living in the same towns as their poorer countrymen, their kids even used to go to the same schools.
Ever read any Steinbeck?

Sure, if your excluding people of colour, but then one must consider the class divide that also effected white communities.

In the real world. The white middle class fled the cities to new mostly government funded suburbs when people of colour began migrating out of the south when the civil rights and voting rights acts were introduced in the 60's. They took all of the capital that they had built up due to the advantages inherent in the system bestowed on them and drained everything out of downtown America. This is why so many major cities in the US are now hellscapes. Not because they are sanctuary cities or run by woke democrats. They're dealing with the consequences of white flight that ring fenced many of the new post war subdivisions that they moved to that expressly denied entry to anybody but their own kind.

It's a phantasy that they ever lived harmoniously side by side in small town America. The closest they ever got to that was usually divided by railway and a disparity in wealth across that divide. Jim Crow saw to this.

This is not so much any more. But I disagree that there was the working poor like back in the old world. 🗺️ n America you were free from so much of the stifling class systems across Europe. From Polish to Irish to Italians etc you had way more chance to live well in the freest country on Earth. And ultimately the rich poor divided should never matter if the poorer are still living well, which they could way more than any country in the past. Again since the last 50 years something dramatically has changed for the worse.

No they dont. All the did is migrate from the last vestiges of an old world feudal class systems to the illusion of a meritocracy that at its heart is still a class system.

Both systems are fundamentally the same and designed to exploit the poor.

Im not sure how the poor are supposed to live well in or just accept the disparity in a society almost completely devoid of any sort of social safety net. But ok.

I'll tell you what's changed and you're almost bang on with your 50 year time frame. We saw the rise of Thatcherism, Reaganomics and the biggest transfer of public wealth into private hands that the world has ever seen.

Now we're seeing the rise of a new form of voracious capitalism thats worked out it can privatise all the profits and socialises all the losses. You know, like building Nuclear power plants in Australia.

Sure. Wokism is responsible for the decline of Western Civilisation though.

I wasn’t criticising Hilary as a person or potential president but that she was the worst candidate because of her unpopularity.

Context is everything though. If I came on bigfooty and disparaged you everyday for years, then it's only a matter of time before enough people start to believe whatever it is that I say about you. It doesn't have to be true. Repetition is how propaganda works and thats exactly what the right wing media did with Hillary.

They recognised the threat that she posed early and cut her down according. It what they do best and I kinda admire the ruthless efficiency with how they go about smearing everybody with shit and then pointing to the other guy pointing out how much they stink. Its Trumps singular genius.

The democrats are for the most part easily outmanoeuvred idiots who like to punch themselves in the nether regions by following olde time conventions and playing by the rules. The sillies.

The country had just elected a black man…twice! People are not as prejudiced as you think they are but they just didn’t like her, and it was total hubris that lead them to continue with her. And they’ll soon repeat the same mistake with Weekend at Bernie’s and learn nothing.

Yes they did and a lot of people didn't like it and reacted accordingly by swinging the political pendulum off the charts by electing a racist in turn.

As for the Atheist Fundamentalist's just another name for the illiberal woke. Who catastrophise climate, tell us a man is a women, think DEI is an answer, racialise everything and everyone. All these ideas are against the ideas of liberalism, I listen to people like Barri Weis, Bill Maher, Sam Harris etc who are from that old left who slap their foreheads at this woke nonsense. If you hate Trump as much as you say, keep supporting that nonsense and you’ll get Trump. I also believe Trump is everything you say he is, so don’t give the other side reason to vote him in by supporting that woke nonsense.

I have my opinions on all 3 of those names that you mention. Its probably best that I keep them to myself as Im probably boring people enough already.

Define woke in a single sentence for me.

Try not to use too many buzz words like DEI, ANTIFA and such.

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Define woke in a single sentence for me
Trying to manipulate an imaginary equality of outcomes based on a grievance hierarchy.
Instead I recently posted the 35 words that is the preamble to the Declaration of Independence. That sentence, those 35 words, stand as a beacon to strive for. This promise as MLK stated, is beyond the petty human history with all its wrongs and prejudices and is an ideal to live for. If the Democrats keep playing the grievance game they’ll give the presidency to Trump unfortunately.
What’s this butter-ball of health give his take on Biden, Harris, Chinese President to a couple of random punters 2 days ago. I’m glad he didn’t have any state secrets to hand over to them:

You can always tell the human quality of a candidate by how their protection staff fall about them.

Abbott and Gillard were loved, as is Trump.

Turnbull and Rudd were loathed, as was Hillary.

Biden's staff just wish he'd leave the basement and have his minders remove their puppet hands from up his ass.

Trust me on this.
glenashley - you infer above that you were either employed as a high level protector of Australian politicians previously, or were you just talking s**t again.

I remember this post from 4 years ago and the cryptic nature making you sound like an ‘insider’ - pathetic.
Trump MAGA nut suggests they should kill fellow Americans from a Church pulpit.

AgreeNut cases. But they also have College campuses of students with deranged thinking staging sit ins in support of Palistine/Hamas. If they only knew what they did? I know there is atrocities on both sides but what Hamas did on 7/10 was some of the most appalling behaviour in human history. And just like this nutcase here it will be justified and apologised for!
Good chance the same left wing nuts (pro-Palestinian) in Australia divide the Labor party, to a small extent, increasing the Green vote and putting Labor into minority. That is my tip for our election cycle. Then Chalmers knocks over Albo.

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AgreeNut cases. But they also have College campuses of students with deranged thinking staging sit ins in support of Palistine/Hamas. If they only knew what they did? I know there is atrocities on both sides but what Hamas did on 7/10 was some of the most appalling behaviour in human history. And just like this nutcase here it will be justified and apologised for!
My god man,
This bloke is the nominated governor for a state , not some bloody teenager .

Gotta say your what about isms are just too tiring to debate.
As usual you have just spent a whole 2 words to condemn this idiot , and then as usual you have your “ did someone say KFC” moment and go off on some ridiculous tangent.

Do we just post my nuts against yours ?
Have you seen Trump rallies ? I might have you covered.

This ,them are just as bad bs just dosnt stand scrutiny, but it’s your business.
Jesus - you weren’t joking were you? I thought you were having a laugh back in 2020.
So tell me which part isn't true? How many times did the Bills go to the island? How bout Hunter's laptop, you probably said that was fake in 2020, do you approve of what was on said laptop? why does Obama keep calling his wife Michael? Remember Trump did say, we caught them all.
So tell me which part isn't true? How many times did the Bills go to the island? How bout Hunter's laptop, you probably said that was fake in 2020, do you approve of what was on said laptop? why does Obama keep calling his wife Michael? Remember Trump did say, we caught them all.
I couldn’t give a f*ck about a laptop or any other of your conspiratorial, weirdo, irrelevant rubbish.

Your bloke is a raping thief. I hope Biden doesn’t run, if fact I’m convinced he won’t. He is physically unfit to run. Your bloke is morally unfit to look after a pet dog.

Actually watching him puff sitting down on that golf cart, perhaps (hopefully) he might croak before November? Which cult are you going to follow after Trump dies of a heart attack?
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I couldn’t give a f*ck about a laptop or any other of your conspiratorial, weirdo, irrelevant rubbish.

Your bloke is a raping thief. I hope Biden doesn’t run, if fact I’m convinced he won’t. He is physically unfit to run. Your bloke is morally unfit to look after a pet dog.

Actually watching him puff sitting down on that golf cart, perhaps (hopefully) he might croak before November? Which cult are you going to follow after Trump dies of a heart attack?
Tara Reade Why don't you believe her. Doesn't it fit your narrative.
Of course you want to forget about the laptop, are you condoning what was on it? These people are sick. Are you?
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My god man,
This bloke is the nominated governor for a state , not some bloody teenager .

Gotta say your what about isms are just too tiring to debate.
As usual you have just spent a whole 2 words to condemn this idiot , and then as usual you have your “ did someone say KFC” moment and go off on some ridiculous tangent.

Do we just post my nuts against yours ?
Have you seen Trump rallies ? I might have you covered.

This ,them are just as bad bs just dosnt stand scrutiny, but it’s your business.

What about the lawfare campaign against Trump the Democrats have been running across a number States/jurisdictions? That stuff is just 1 step off being what Putin and Xi do.
Tara Reid? Why don't you believe her. Doesn't it fit your narrative.
Of course you want to forget about the laptop, are you condoning what was on it? These people are sick. Are you?
Who is Tara Reid? I don’t know or care. My only narrative is recognising that a convicted felon could be in charge of the US again. This will affect Europe and Australia through NATO and AUKUS. Would Five-Eyes (look it up champ) trust the US with Intel any longer?

I don’t like Biden and fortunately he won’t be running. I don’t keep up with all your conspiracy theories either so can’t help you there. I haven’t forgot about ‘the laptop’ because I don’t know about the laptop. I’m not into weird sh*t. Particularly fat, drag queen looking convicted felons and rapists.

I bench 155kg, squat 190kg - I’m not sick, I’m an animal.
The scourge of popularism. It's now a cancerous force in western democracies.

The "elites" of both the left and right can own this. The neo-conservatives blind faith in market forces and the trickle-down effect. The new left's focus on identity politics and virtue signaling.

It is no wonder that more and more people feel screwed-over and ignored.
The scourge of popularism. It's now a cancerous force in western democracies.

The "elites" of both the left and right can own this. The neo-conservatives blind faith in market forces and the trickle-down effect. The new left's focus on identity politics and virtue signaling.

It is no wonder that more and more people feel screwed-over and ignored.
Let’s simplify this. Trump is a convicted criminal, likely to be the next President, he has a conflicted Supreme Court covering for him and we are all going to die.
Who is Tara Reid? I don’t know or care. My only narrative is recognising that a convicted felon could be in charge of the US again. This will affect Europe and Australia through NATO and AUKUS. Would Five-Eyes (look it up champ) trust the US with Intel any longer?

I don’t like Biden and fortunately he won’t be running. I don’t keep up with all your conspiracy theories either so can’t help you there. I haven’t forgot about ‘the laptop’ because I don’t know about the laptop. I’m not into weird sh*t. Particularly fat, drag queen looking convicted felons and rapists.

I bench 155kg, squat 190kg - I’m not sick, I’m an animal.

Who is Tara Reid? I don’t know or care. My only narrative is recognising that a convicted felon could be in charge of the US again. This will affect Europe and Australia through NATO and AUKUS. Would Five-Eyes (look it up champ) trust the US with Intel any longer?

I don’t like Biden and fortunately he won’t be running. I don’t keep up with all your conspiracy theories either so can’t help you there. I haven’t forgot about ‘the laptop’ because I don’t know about the laptop. I’m not into weird sh*t. Particularly fat, drag queen looking convicted felons and rapists.

I bench 155kg, squat 190kg - I’m not sick, I’m an animal.
Tara Reade's mother called Larry King Live in 1993 to ask what her daughter should do after being assaulted by Biden. CNN removed the episode from their website and the MSM harassed Reade.

Biden refuses to let anyone see his official records on Reade.

If they had this evidence against Trump, he would have been ordered to pay 83 Trillion dollars.
They ignore Tara Reade, Biden's own daughter and 7 other women who had come forward with accusations of inappropriate behavior by Joe Biden:
◦Fmr Nevada lawmaker Lucy Flores
◦Amy Lappos
◦Sexual assault survivor Caitlyn Caruso
◦Writer D. J. Hill
◦White House Intern Vail Kohnert-Yount,
◦Sofie Karasek,
◦Democratic Staffer Ally Coll

Imagine if Tara Reade had accused Trump, the Leftists would be rallying behind her like they did Jean E Carroll, instead they censored and destroyed her because it’s Biden!

MeToo only if you’re not Biden or a Democrat!

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