Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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This is the thread for discussing the War in Ukraine. Should you want to discuss the geopolitics, the history, or an interesting tangent, head over here:

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This thread still has misinformation rules, and occasionally you will be asked to demonstrate a claim you have made by moderation. If you cannot, you will be offered the opportunity to amend the post to reflect that it's opinion, to remove the post, or you will be threadbanned and infracted for sharing misinformation.

Addendum: from this point, use of any variant of the word 'orc' to describe combatants, politicians or russians in general will be deleted and the poster will receive a warning. If the behaviour continues, it will be escalated. Consider this fair warning.

Finally: If I see the word Nazi or Hitler being flung around, there had better have a good faith basis as to how it's applicable to the Russian invasion - as in, video/photographic evidence of POW camps designed to remove another ethnic group - or to the current Ukrainian army. If this does not occur, you will be threadbanned for posting off topic

This is a sensitive area, and I understand that this makes for fairly incensed conversation sometimes. This does not mean the rules do not apply, whether to a poster positing a Pro-Ukraine stance or a poster positing an alternative view.

Behave, people.
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Has everyone heard the reports that Ukraine POWs are being returned without internal organs.

I'll be curious to know which war the US entered which justify this stuff
A United24 article. I'm not sure if I can believe it. I also heard a contributor to the Telegraph mention Ukrainian's emprisoned were being forced to march ahead of RF sorties as meatshields, Mad Max 2 Humongous style. I'm also a bit sceptical of that one. We need something more concrete.

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That's the problem for Russia. They're not important anymore. Putin's made no attempt to divest the economy, he relied on natural resource income. And he has smashed to pieces the biggest source of natural resource income - gas to European markets. Urals oil now trades consistently $10-15 / bl under European & Asian market prices. That is why since this year Putin has been pillaging the Russian national wealth fund to fund his invasion - not a good thing for the every day Russian.

As long as Putin keeps up the invasion this will continue, permanently.

Europe has switched irreversibly away from Russian gas through renewables and alternate supplies. Going forward Russia's main markets for natural gas will mostly be domestic consumption along with China & India if they can buy it at a knock down price.

If Russia wants to normalise relations it'll have to pursue trading with Europe as an equal bilateral partner. It is in the interests of Russia to do so as without Europe Russia will gradually become a hermit state.
Sure, I was referring after this invasion is sorted one way or the other.
Good times for Russia.

Central bank just lifted rates to 18% and their inflation is running almost double what was predicted at 7%.

Its not going to stop there either.
Ukraine have been chatting with China a bit recently (Kuleba visited) and there was talk about peace processes again. Kuleba did state Ukraine has some interest in sitting down with Russia to pursue a peace plan. Of course, the media has basically melted into orgasm with this turn of events. However they did not pay a lot of attention to the next two things Kuleba said. He did add that this would necessitate Russia negotiating in good faith and further went on to say that Russia has shown no signs of doing such a thing.

So in a nutshell, Ukraine basically said to China that of course peace talks are a possibility, but not the sort of shit the RF puts forward as a peace process. Which translates to a gentle nudge of China to get in the RF's dm's a bit and pressure them to pursue peace in a truly sane way.
Ukraine have been chatting with China a bit recently (Kuleba visited) and there was talk about peace processes again. Kuleba did state Ukraine has some interest in sitting down with Russia to pursue a peace plan. Of course, the media has basically melted into orgasm with this turn of events. However they did not pay a lot of attention to the next two things Kuleba said. He did add that this would necessitate Russia negotiating in good faith and further went on to say that Russia has shown no signs of doing such a thing.

So in a nutshell, Ukraine basically said to China that of course peace talks are a possibility, but not the sort of shit the RF puts forward as a peace process. Which translates to a gentle nudge of China to get in the RF's dm's a bit and pressure them to pursue peace in a truly sane way.
This is the bit I liked about the meeting
China remains "unshakably" committed to Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on July 24 after meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, in Guangzhou.
Russia loses a Tu-22 bomber to Ukraine in Murmansk:

That's Murmansk, 2000kms from the border of Ukraine.

With this and the Black Sea Fleet becoming the Azov Sea Fleet (so much for the Black sea grain deal) Putin's invasion goes from strength to strength.
Article by Medusa re the Ukrainian athletes performing at the Olympic Games. Talks not only about their aspirations at the games but also their experiences in wartime Ukraine while RF carries out it's attack.

Russia loses a Tu-22 bomber to Ukraine in Murmansk:

That's Murmansk, 2000kms from the border of Ukraine.

With this and the Black Sea Fleet becoming the Azov Sea Fleet (so much for the Black sea grain deal) Putin's invasion goes from strength to strength.

Allegedly used 3 drones however the article gives no details about launch site or route. Seems to have been a few attacks on airbases.

I was thinking about how Ukraine could strike deep in Russia, other than sabotage, drones really provided the only option for Ukraine. I don't think any sovereign state would let Ukraine use their soil to launch ab attack on Russia however boats provide an option. Many types of drones can launch from boats and Russia has a very long coastline. Ukraine would be able to attack distant sites that are less well defended. It would provide many options for Ukraine while providing many challenges for Russia.

I saw this suggesting Russian drones caused fires in Romania. I haven't seen any beat ups in the press about it, headlines screaming "WWIII Imminent - Russia attacks Romania" but there is still time.


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EU headquarters said that 90% of the money would be put into a special fund known as the European Peace Facility that many EU countries already use to get reimbursed for arms and ammunition they send to Ukraine.

3 billion euros a year in interest isn't a bad return!

Hope the banks are pillaging Russian money big time on fees and charges. Any complaints from the Kremlin should need to be addressed in personby V.Putin at the The Hague, Netherlands.
1/2 a million Russian soldiers kiliied so far in their illeagle invasion of Ukraine, and all for Putins ego.
The half million includes non-fatal casualties.

300,000 war injured, plus all the PTSD-riddled survivors and freed prisoners is going to be a significant detrimental impact on life in regional Russia (where all the recruits are from).

Just the thieves in western Russia further placing the rest of Russia in further poverty.
Wars don't happen in a vacuum. Of course Putin is to blame for all the deaths in this war, doesn't mean it's not avoidable or could have been finished 2 years ago

Apart from Putin withdrawing Russian forces how else could it have finished 2 years ago?
The half million includes non-fatal casualties.

300,000 war injured, plus all the PTSD-riddled survivors and freed prisoners is going to be a significant detrimental impact on life in regional Russia (where all the recruits are from).

Just the thieves in western Russia further placing the rest of Russia in further poverty.
It says lost. Lost means dead.
Why assault with an IFV when you have these?

They seemed to have gone through their allocation of motorcycles and quad bikes pretty quick.

Why assault with an IFV when you have these?

They seemed to have gone through their allocation of motorcycles and quad bikes pretty quick.

Maybe that's what causing all these fires at Russian bases. They're charging their E-Scooters and causing fires.

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Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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