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  1. J

    What an absolute rabble, pathetic, whinging excuse for a club.

    Scum supporters and the art of courage It wasn't the 'You sold you soul to Hobart' rot just before the siren (which is like calling an indigenous player a black c...t when he's clocked up 3 brownlow votes), it wasn't the blaming umpires for losing, .... the courageous 'I Barrack For The Scum...
  2. J

    Is North Melbourne culture in danger of being eroded?

    Somewhere a village is missing an idiot! :rolleyes:
  3. J

    Past #10: Jesse W Smith - 27 games for NM - traded to Saints at end '09 - 0 further games in AFL

    Time to cut our losses... sure he's shown talent, but delivered sweet FA. It's sad, but he could be taking up the space of someone who can deliver. It's like this bikini model i used to go out with, showed so much promise, but left me with blue balls and then she pissed off... i was angry coz...
  4. J

    Post-Hawthorn Win; Merged Threads.

    Re: does lloyd have grounds for legal action I'm not a huge fan of Lloyd, but that bump was a ripper. Nothing it it, but the fact Buddy got rubbed out (ad his was fine too) means he's gone. It's just a pity he never got a chance to take out that ****wit Brown! Fair dinkum, for all the chest...
  5. J

    If No Buckley.....Bring Back Denis Pagan..!!!!

    Maybe we can get the Krakouers back too, you ****wit! When will all the muppets who keep calling for pagan and carey let reality sink in?
  6. J

    Do we really want Buckley as coach???

    I've read and heard nuffies suggest Blight, Carey, Pagan, Archer, King, and the bloke who helps coach the most piss-boring game plan - Longmire... Shit, Rawling played 2 gamesfor us... why not him? He hasn't lost a game yet! **** me! Surely after 20 years of former North players coaching us...
  7. J

    Time to sack everyone ..

    last time was in Adelaide against the Crows about 4 years ago.... a shit game if ever i saw a shit game.
  8. J

    Lyon v/s Brayshaw ..possible legal action ?

    rocket scientists here... **** me... tools!
  9. J

    Playing games at Arden St

    For **** sake, we should be using Princes Park. Get the Dogs, Saints, Blues, Dees and hold ALL low-drawing games there. Stop pissing about with pipedreams. Arden St is a nice ground for a kick with mates, and nothign more. It will never be the ground of my childhood nor will the game...
  10. J

    Has Laidley lost the players?

    Spot on!:thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:
  11. J

    At least we beat the Scum!

    I woke up this morning with my head pounding... and it still is... thanks to the debacle last night. I'm sure there's poison in the beer at Jihad Stadium! And only as the fog cleared did I know the full extent of the injuries. Fuggginell!!! We started getting pumped the moment Firrito limped...
  12. J

    Gone Overboard

    Surely it's about the intent... Intending to haven an inhouse joke isn't a hanging offence. I see no intent to offend women. How stupid does the media take us for if this shite is even more than a pissy brief artilce... :thumbsd:
  13. J

    Wayne 'Duck' Carey - Come And Have A Go

    pretty funny... i did laugh, but Hirdy WAS the only player in black and red that had a go that night! Cant fault the bloke. But this was the same night where 18 blokes watches Jesse Smith run from Southern Cross Station to kick a goal. He even had time to stop for a pot and pie in the...
  14. J

    2009 North Melbourne's Membership Campaign

    good effort all the same, mate
  15. J

    2009 North Melbourne's Membership Campaign

    Good vid, shit music IMO.
  16. J

    Crawford lauds Stevens

    He certainly deserved his premiership medallion. No arguments there. And I have enjoyed him on occasions off the field, but the 'naughty cheeky boy' routine when he was a freakin 30-plus man just made him look like a top shelf tool. But the footy shit has made many players look like that...
  17. J

    Crawford lauds Stevens

    TFS made him look like a ****wit! A great player who thought acting like a tool with sam was entertaining... so far off being funny. I'll never forget him and Dermie trying to be serious after Scwhabby got the arse... i'd have been embarassed if i was a Hawks fan. It really tainted two great...
  18. J

    Adam Cooney

    Harsh... he's good. Voss and that whole Rob Harvey crap made me chunder. No disrespect to the bloke, but it was a players' night add I dont think he looked all that comfortable with it either. The whole kiss arse thing to flog Toyota ads was a joke too. Richo was a pisser though. And I dont...
  19. J

    We are certainties next week

    ...and nurses! Great post. We've done well, we'll do better. Throw a tenner on us next week! we'll win and then the Boomer for brownlow, roos flag double!
  20. J

    So we ****ed up... get over it!

    exactly what i was thinking...
  21. J

    So we ****ed up... get over it!

    I know we'll do well... my old man is the barometer. For as long as i can remember the opposite of what he predicts happens. examples: He can't miss this... out on the full... He'll miss this... 65m goal gets kicked.. We can't win... we smash them... It's incredible. The bloke is a...
  22. J

    So we ****ed up... get over it!

    It was a disgrace, yes, but we're not finished yet. I just think a positive attitude beats a negative one. We dont get flogged by the Cats next week now. COz if that's what we had to show then the last time they smashed us would be bettered. Take a deep breath, mate. We live to fight...
  23. J

    So we ****ed up... get over it!

    Good to see the knives out acting like Richmond supporters. Makes me so proud. Well done. Yep, that was shithouse, but all year we've bounced back hard from losses like that. Take a deep breath, poor a nice warm cup of bonnox and lighten the **** up! We'll win next week! And we'll go...
  24. J

    The "AGE" Journos on Strike

    Yeah, to hell with anyone who should think it moral to stand up for a mate who's been ****ed over by an overpaid executive trying to justify his job!
  25. J

    The "AGE" Journos on Strike

    Then dont piss and moan about the quality of the rag in future when it's put together by inexperienced uni grads... have you noticed there's been a fair exit of quality writers from there in the past few months? Also explains the Smage's slip in quality... jsut something i noticed, instead of...
  26. J

    The "AGE" Journos on Strike

    Expect shit articles and a poorly produced rag over the weekend. I think you underestimate how valuable the media is, whether you agree or not with the opinions... The footy stories will be reproduced AAP crap with sweet FA insights. Good luck to them, I say. Execs lining their pockets while...
  27. J

    King Carey

    Mate, tha's ****ing superb! No wounds, just another hard on! :)
  28. J

    NMFC - when will they just die allready

    Nothing to do with the fact your prick of an ex prez bought our shares in an attempt to MERGE! You're a peanut with a very short memory, or weren't even born then! Every club enjoyed your kick in the arse! You deserved it! So go suck eggs, princess!
  29. J

    NMFC - when will they just die allready

    We get handouts coz clubs like yours cheated, rorted the system, monopolised an unequal draw, knocked off our Friday nights, and did your utmost to squeeze us out... Then again, if we had a thieving billionaire to knob off and prop us up I'd be cocky too! You needed handouts too ya ****wit...