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  1. crippton09

    The Perth travel myth

    But thats my point the physical recovery is something all players no matter what team must tackle. A flight isn't going to change it to much. If it did you wouldn't see the eagle be as successful as they have been through out their time in the AFL.
  2. crippton09

    The Perth travel myth

    Not really as that wasn't my argument. that was someone else's for why they understand the effects plum. They said they are fifo and have to fly across the country. I was just saying to them I'm also fifo and it's the working hours that stuff you around not the flights.
  3. crippton09

    The Perth travel myth

    Brilliant argument there
  4. crippton09

    The Perth travel myth

    I'm 188 actually. But seriously my heart bleeds it's still not that long a flight.
  5. crippton09

    The Perth travel myth

    If recovery was the issue they'd stay in the state which they've traveled a little longer to recover before getting on a flight for a few hours. I have worked fifo for years. Its the three weeks at twelve hours that stuffs you around not the flights.
  6. crippton09

    Brad complains about umpires... Brad was wrong... North apologises

    Yes I do prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. There was non of that there, just fact. In fact I would argue that the original post in which I replied was loaded with more racism.
  7. crippton09

    The Perth travel myth

    Mate I'd love if Carlton played over here every second week. Id actually get to see them more than a hand full of times a year.
  8. crippton09

    The Perth travel myth

    You sit on your arse for a few hours how bloody hard is it. Is it the massive time difference. Cmon I've traveled between Perth and Melbourne a hell of a lot as I'm now based in perth. Now I'm no professional athlete but I get off the plain and go about my day no different than if I didn't...
  9. crippton09

    Brad complains about umpires... Brad was wrong... North apologises

    Please poppy is darker than thomas
  10. crippton09

    Do Brisbane need a priority pick?

    No. Priority picks don't help anyone. Its stupid and they shoud never have given them in the first place. Teams should be responsible for their position. And no I don't think Carlton deserved one either.
  11. crippton09

    We need a solution - Lifting the arm / Dropping height to get a high free - how do we stop it?

    It all pisses me off to be honest. But if ya can't beat them join them I guess
  12. crippton09

    Umpiring needs to be seriously looked at

    I didn't watch this particular match but i have heard people complain about lopsided free kick tallies plenty of times. With usually maybe one or two stupid calls, but always one team breaking the rules a lot more. Then the fans complain look at the free kick tally. but there team was the less...
  13. crippton09

    Mega Thread Buckley Contract extension

    Why do people keep saying it took malthouse 9 years it took him nine years. Malthouse took over when the team we're dead last and gradually improved all the way till he won the cup. Yeah it took 9 years but he improved. Bucks is a complete reversal. Sure give a year to implement his game plan...
  14. crippton09

    Mega Thread Buckley Contract extension

    Hey we can have 2 coaches under the pump. Hell there's 3
  15. crippton09

    Round 7: Collingwood vs Carlton - MCG

    Basil the stoodge I can't believe this guy gets a gig. Seriously prior op for a bump? Idiot.
  16. crippton09

    West Coast's 'Yellow Peril'

    Really it's like banning the word black from the English language because it has been used to racially vilify people before. Obviously it was never meant to be delivered that way. Get over it.
  17. crippton09

    Blaming Umpires For A Loss

    The they've had 38 frees and we only had 10 argument is foolish too. Your team has been more reckless the tally shouldn't have to be equal. I gorlt mates that do it all the time and scream bullsh+t calls at the scream and wonder why it isn't paid. The only time you could blame umps is if the...
  18. crippton09

    Too many "white guys" talking about footy on TV?

    Agree to disagree on that. She was the one who brought it to my attention that woman are no good IMO. When the play is getting exciting and they try to ramp the game up and get excited with it the voice just isn't right. There a Netball add on one of the fox sports channel where she gets excited...
  19. crippton09

    Too many "white guys" talking about footy on TV?

    I am a firm believer of equality and the woman can do any job a man can and should have the same pay and benefits. The only line i draw is calling a game of Footy. Sure boundary riding, special comments and hosting pre and post game shows is fine but the calling of the game just doesn't sound...
  20. crippton09

    Too many "white guys" talking about footy on TV?

    Far out that's surprising for me. I hate to say it and he can't do collingwood games but when he calls other games I think Eddie is one of the better callers. I could see why Sydney would hate the guy though haha. Dunstall is definitely my most hated he and derm piss me off
  21. crippton09

    Too many "white guys" talking about footy on TV?

    Jezzus croist this irks me to no end. Now as a knee jerk reaction they'll probably get more involved. Why would you want the job. Hey we aren't giving you this job because your good or anything. We are giving it to you because all the spots are almost full and we need a token minority to fill...
  22. crippton09

    Do we take footy too seriously?

    The media and the clips at the award ceremonies do IMO. All these overly dramatic voice overs to slowmo footage. dribbling on with cheesey analogies and talk about spirit, strength and rising through adversity etc. Such bullish*t IMO. Its a game. Yeah we cheer at the great plays and give it to...
  23. crippton09

    Round 3 RisingStar - Jacob Weitering

    Also a little bit like Ross from friends
  24. crippton09

    What exactly is Ross Lyon's new game plan for Freo?

    Where have you been. bigfooty is mostly supporters from opposition clubs sinking the boot in. You just haven't copped it for a while so it stings a little more. Not me I've gone numb :/ :)
  25. crippton09

    What exactly is Ross Lyon's new game plan for Freo?

    Yeah mate it was just a bit of a laugh. Hence the :P
  26. crippton09

    What exactly is Ross Lyon's new game plan for Freo?

    My theory is they're tanking. They've signed Ross on for 5 years with a list that has quite a lot of old players. Why not drop down the order for a year or two top up on early draft picks and the mount another challenge. By his fourth or fifth year he should be ready to mount another challenge. :P
  27. crippton09

    King and Wilson

    The problem is fox Footy. Sure it's great to have every game ad free. But because they have a dedicated channel they are obliged to fill it with all things football. that mainly includes paying a bunch of flogs (not all are but pretty close to) to over analyze every detail of the game using...
  28. crippton09

    Push to axe the replay

    Calm ya farm the bounce happens so frequently you could understand them wanting to preserve that tradition. A gf draw is an anomaly and was a ******ed rule made to long ago. We can complain about them changing traditions in sport how bout ones that matter. The shirt front, dropping the ball...
  29. crippton09

    Push to axe the replay

    I can't believe the replay was ever a thing. Its called a grand final. noun 1. the last game in a sports tournament or other competition, which will decide the winner of the tournament. synonyms:decider, final game/match "the FA Cup final"
  30. crippton09

    Uncomfortable with the war comparisons?

    it's a little cheesey to be honest. I was talking about this the other day to some mates. I love Footy but do we really need to go to kingys "war chamber" to disect every aspect of the game? Lingy heading down to a clubs "inner sanctum" is a little ridiculous for me to. Its Footy I love it but...