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  1. R

    Draft Watcher Knightmare's 2011 Mock Draft

    Just a couple of things KM: Tomlinson will not go Top 10 and you need to have another look at Sumner - you say he has shown no inside ability or similar - get yourself a copy of Vic Metro v SA - have a look at his clearance work in this game - sensational stuff against good opposition. 1st q...
  2. R

    B Section 2010 - Part 2

    Hello there B sectioners - now I have just read with interest this little spat between Briza and my old Fitzroy mate the Scribe. A couple of points from someone who knows them well and considers both a personal friend: 1. Briza is a bandwagon jumper who flits between his two clubs depending...
  3. R

    B Section 2010 - Part 1

    Frase - I am not OTL. He just happens to share my passion for the University Reds FC now trading as Fitzroy. Yours in greatness the roy or is it Scribe or Cardio or Brian Speaking or Uncle Mick or the Big Pineapple or my 2006 sparing partner Richard Clay Thorpedoes who seems to have...
  4. R

    B Section 2010 - Part 1

    OK, with all the talk on this threat about whos who and whatnot I think its time for me to come out of the closet and reveal my true identity. this may surprise some - but I can reveal that the Redmond is in fact..............SCRIBE !! :thumbsu: Don't try and deny it Frase, um i mean don't...
  5. R

    C section 2010

    sorry for my absence ladies and gents - the Roy has been in Sth frica taking cae of preperations for the World Cup on behalf of the King af Zamundu who will be attending to boost that countries chances of hosting the 2026 tournament. Anyway, it seems that Crunch section has hit us again. why...
  6. R

    C section 2010

    Greetings all - the Great one here to empart some wisdom on you all. Thought I would get in early for round 1 so my insights can influence you all. It would be unfair to do it any other way given my superior knowledge/wisodom etc etc Sharks v Nodders - Sharks easily, will play finals Oggers...
  7. R

    D1 - 2010

    A mere technicality my smudgy friend. those in the know will tell u I am a Legend in these parts. Up there with: Brian Speaking (one of roys favourites), Scribe (used to count Roy as one of his favourites), Ammo Man, On the trott (i don't care much for purple though), Kid boga, richard Clay...
  8. R

    D1 - 2010

    don't fret scribe - roy is ready to fill the breach in the ruck I know I am only 5ft 2 but I have a huge vertical leap so should cope slot me in round 1 and I'll do the job yours the Roy
  9. R

    D1 - 2010

    Eight Legged One, seeing as you are a BF apprentice I will give you one chance. Please be more respectful in the future of you elders and betters when the Roy wants your opinion, he will give it to you Yours in Redness The Great One
  10. R

    B Section 2010

    Greetings all red roy here - tutto - post of the year. Brilliant yours the Roy
  11. R

    D1 - 2010

    Old Camberwell????????? In the words of Roys politcal mentor and hero: Please Explain.... sorry Frase - only ever set foot at the OC in white shorts old boy, you know that. We haven't played home games there have we?? Anyway - just rmoving the last tick from my legs after Bears...
  12. R

    D1 - 2010

    Scribe - never fear - the great one has returned after an off seaon working on Bear Gryls Man V Wild as an advisor and will return to BSO shortly. Just getting over a bout of Denghi fever but should be right to slot inot the guts for round 1. Hopefully we can let by gones be by gones and work...
  13. R

    D1 2009

    The roy is not happy - 3 Goals !!!!?????
  14. R

    D1 2009

    Grum, please post under your original name. Those in the know at BSO will tell you I am an icon down there and that my views are those held by the club. I speak for all the roy boys in my post and receive praise from such esteemed football minds as Scribe and Mappa on a regular basis. In...
  15. R

    D1 2009

    Good Morning All Yes it is I , the return of the great one is upon you and I must say that the roy is not happy. Fraser - I hope we are not going to get these excuses all year - 14 senior players, not porper umpires, the other team was a bit rough. It is not tiddlywinks man - it is...
  16. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    What happened Frase?
  17. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    Good afternoon all, do not concern yourselves with the minor glitch on the weekend, nothing to worry about there. We have a % booster next week and Scribes boys are slaying them in the magoos. Enormous depth at the club both on and off the field, coaching panel gelling well together now...
  18. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    I have lots of stupid mates Frase, please be a bit more specific on that front. I am just passing on what my sources tell me, your marvelous deeds are not going unnoticed. Anyway the break is a good time for reflection, a chance to look back on things done and said and put them in...
  19. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    Another inspirational act of courage Super coach. Keep up the good work, a glorious return as senior coach of your beloved OT in B Section next year awaits!! the roy is proud of you.
  20. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    Yet again the allegiance of the Red man is questioned. You people make me sick - years of devotion, blood, sweat, tears and cash of the Redmister have gone ito the Reds machine and still I am questioned. for some reason Fraser thinks I am from Old Camberwell - why would I bother posting on...
  21. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    Excellent defelction work Frase, make everyone think that we rate the NOBS as the team to beat. Your cunning ploy will lull everyone into a false sense of security and take the attention away from the mighty Reds !! I wish I had of thought of it myself !! As you know, the enlightened one...
  22. R

    Horn's Top 50

    Not one Reds player - disgraceful
  23. R

    C Section C Section 2008

    Now Fraser, listen here - i hope you are not comparing this Yosi numbskull to yours truly? by the way - who is this Kingbrown fella casting aspertions as to the legitimacy of the Reds love for the Roy boys?!! You know very well that i am a Reds man through and through, as for you brown...
  24. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    Greetings all, sorry I have been off line for a while, the roy has been on a recruiting drive in Sth Africa courtesy of the Reds. (I know I wasn't supposed to tell Frase but I couldn't help myself) Expect to see a couple of fine prospects running out at the BSO before too long. Now Camo...
  25. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    C'mon Frase, put your neck on the line and tell the truth. You are expecting a comfortable 1st up win !! Reds in a canter. The Roy
  26. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    Greetings all, don't know why we are playing a D2 club - waste of time winning by 20 goals. Anyway, better get used to it I s'pose because disaster grade is looking a bit thin - much like the top of your head Scribe. Did you organise this match to ensure you got a kick?? Only joking -...
  27. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    Lets have some end of season ladder predictions please lads: Here is the Roys: 1. The Reds (surprise Surprise) 2. Oggers 3. SMD 4.Mentonians 5. BT 6.Prahran 7.pennisnula 8. Aquinas 9. yarra Valley 10. NOBS - the slide into obscurity continues - even without killer !! I will now wait...
  28. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    Frase, Or should I call you arch, or francis, because surely only Glenn Archer or Francis Bourke could be capable of such heroics !!! Your return from injury had nothing to do with the comment, but thanks for highlighting to everyone your amazing courage. I for one am inspired by it. It...
  29. R

    D1 D1 Season 2008

    Greetings D Grade, The great one has taken his time entering the fray this year. It has been a long summer of soul searching after last years disaster. The Roy was not sure if he could bring himself to post on the D Grade Thread but here I am to enlighten you all. Good to hear the numbers...
  30. R

    C-section Ammo's 2007

    I agree totally Scribe - although I have at times been referred to as arrogant and occassionally a tool but never all at once!!!! What I am is a loyal reds man, my reasons for remaining anonymous are my own and do not have to be revealed to you or anybody else on a forum like this. That is...