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  1. tim_saints

    Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 23 Official Team Thread: Congratulations Dingster S23 Best & Fairest Winner

    Boys apologies it's been a hectic last two weeks for me hence my absence! Good to see you haven't missed a beat without me :p
  2. tim_saints

    Media Idiot makes unrealistic promise he can't keep

    It was a one horse race as soon as hookers were mentioned. Welcome to Vegas!
  3. tim_saints

    Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 23 Official Team Thread: Congratulations Dingster S23 Best & Fairest Winner

    Ant Bear you seem to like to over here and we seem to like you in here.... jump on board mate we have very little room but I'm sure we can find some space for your services ;)
  4. tim_saints

    Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 23 Official Team Thread: Congratulations Dingster S23 Best & Fairest Winner

    Congrats Dingster! Well deserved mate after a great season. Well done to all those who contributed to the write ups as well was a great read! Onto a huge next season fellas!!
  5. tim_saints

    Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 23 Official Team Thread: Congratulations Dingster S23 Best & Fairest Winner

    And right on cue I'm here in round 8 for round 9!!! Congrats to all the boys who have won the individual awards so far!
  6. tim_saints

    Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 23 Official Team Thread: Congratulations Dingster S23 Best & Fairest Winner

    I'm parking at the bar until about round 9 then I'll find my way down to front row :p
  7. tim_saints

    Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 23 Official Team Thread: Congratulations Dingster S23 Best & Fairest Winner

    So where's pre-drinks for the B&F? Anyone keen to kick off the celebrations tonight? ;)
  8. tim_saints

    Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 23 Official Team Thread: Congratulations Dingster S23 Best & Fairest Winner

    So Bears when's our B&F? need another excuse to get blind drunk with you lot
  9. tim_saints

    Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 23 Official Team Thread: Congratulations Dingster S23 Best & Fairest Winner

    It goes for ages but the beers don't stop flowing! But I actually haven't been to the MLB, only one I haven't attended but I assume it's like their version of the cricket in a way, older crowd mixed with young piss heads looking to kill 6 hours drinking and eating shit food!
  10. tim_saints

    Media Colossus Corner Presents: Your Teams S21 Most Important/Unimportant Poster

    Bears got it right... Matera92 goes okay I spose....... :p
  11. tim_saints


    Wouldn't it be funny if both teams buses accidentally..... purposely... didn't show up for the game! Guess the Bears and Dragons would have to fight it out then....
  12. tim_saints

    Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 23 Official Team Thread: Congratulations Dingster S23 Best & Fairest Winner

    Spose with that absolute moron in charge I'd want to feel safe as well I guess but yeah takes a lifetime to get through LAX....after you get through LA it speeds up a little.
  13. tim_saints

    Official Team Thread Las Vegas Bears Season 23 Official Team Thread: Congratulations Dingster S23 Best & Fairest Winner

    Shoes off, shoes on, empty pockets, finger prints, 'what's the purpose of your travels, passport please, metal detector, bomb swipe And that's just the first bloody checkpoint let alone the other 3.... Joys of the States ey!
  14. tim_saints

    Event The Sweet FA Season 23 Mobbenfuhrer Medal Count - Congratulations pantskyle and Noobz0r

    29 touches and no votes... I can see how that is logical!
  15. tim_saints

    Event The Sweet FA Season 23 Mobbenfuhrer Medal Count - Congratulations pantskyle and Noobz0r

    I think it's pretty insulting to V.Attachment that this medal isn't named in his honour.
  16. tim_saints

    Event The Sweet FA Season 23 Mobbenfuhrer Medal Count - Congratulations pantskyle and Noobz0r

    halfway mark.... here's my chance to maybe... possibly... not poll