Now he's blowing smoke up Collingwood's arse saying how amazing their trading is this year and if they pull it off they're a big chance to play finals in 2016.Damo: The only way the Saints can get Carlisle is to use pick 5, and they need to be smart with the way they use it #NABTradeRadio
back peddling much!
Last week it was "saints just need to trade pick 5 for Carlisle and get it done"
And if we do make the trade with port he'll say something like " Saints should have kept pick 5 for elite top end talent"
Flog of the highest order!
Not a mention about the underhanded manner regarding Treloars operation that was kept quiet. Nor was there a mention regarding Aish "outrageously" leaving Brisbane after a couple of years. Even though Freeman was crucified via the media.
Croc media alright. Croc of s**t!!!