List Mgmt. 2020 Trade Thread - Part III

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It's actually totally pathetic that you look up Jack Higgins, then open an article about his future and in there is embedded the video of his girlfriend complaining about the dogs click baiting to another article.

I despise that kind of journalism and probably shouldn't have given Channel 7 the click.
Yep. A young girl having a whinge to her friends on a private forum and then one of her friends betrays her by forwarding the private video, yet somehow she cops all the flack. No one seems to talk about the friend that betrayed her. I'd like to see how some of the heroes whinging about Jack's girlfriend would cope if they were betrayed by someone they thought was a friend.
Been bubbling for 2-3 weeks.
Not a done deal just yet.
You’ve called it again 👍🏻

Yep. A young girl having a whinge to her friends on a private forum and then one of her friends betrays her by forwarding the private video, yet somehow she cops all the flack. No one seems to talk about the friend that betrayed her. I'd like to see how some of the heroes whinging about Jack's girlfriend would cope if they were betrayed by someone they thought was a friend.
It’s 2020. Gossip is a currency on social media
Welcome to the club, L Parker.

Would love him. But about as close to 0% chance of happening as you could get.

Rumours about him in 2018.

He posted on instagram in response:
“Me wanting to leave this club??? No chance.”

He said this:
"I was sick of getting messages from my mates who didn't believe me when I kept telling them I love it in Sydney, so I thought I'd put a stop to it," he said.

"But even after I put the post online, a story still came out the next day saying that I might not be staying (with the Swans), so I just couldn't win.

"I'm not too sure where that talk comes from and every year I think my name's been thrown up.

"Some media people think they get some information from somewhere and they run with it but I'm not sure where they got that info from, they might need to find a better source next time.

"I was never leaving, I absolutely love the club."

I feel like rumours have popped about him every few years. And nothing has ever gotten close to eventuating.

Appreciate if you’ve got some inside info and you’re sharing this with us but I can’t see this one happening.

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Can we get a political archivist in for this one?

I like all other Victorians have no idea who leads the state libs, but I'm pretty sure its not Michael O'Laughlin.
That’s where my mind went too. I stay out of political discussion Coz I have NFI about it.
Donny T told to explore his options, will be delisted come Nov 3rd
Now this one I understand.

and no... not for all the tea in....

from richmond's perspective they want to move a guy who wants more senior oppor., it's just how its worked the last few year with lloydy, concs, snippa miles, buts et al.

but we're also starting to need another young tall, and hig is 21 and has exposed really good form. not pulling the "first round pick so give us one back lol" stunt however.

15 alone does not cut it, but with a few seconds going back your way i think it's realistic. you could also just say flat out now, and go get a second rounder to exchange, which probably works as well.

Lets not get too excited about what a high trade price Higgins will gain. Bottom line is that he stil has some brain injury cloud and is not in your best 22.

I doubt the deal would use our one and only first round pick as that will be needed for someone who is actually already first 22 at another club, or for a good draft pick.

We have small forwards, we like Jack, but I can't see them using 15 to get him.

Yes a cocktail of picks, but I doubt our first rounder is part of it.
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How is that no one can seem to wrap their head around the idea that a player drafted in 2017 was never in the position to play in the grand final due to not actually playing AFL at that time. I mean, ****ing hell you worthless shithead journos have absolutely no professionalism.
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