Delivered like a sledgehammer, but there’s some truth to your post. However, like you said he is an integral part of the fabric and, maybe optimistically, I can see some of his flaws being worked through. For a start - in finals learning that he must lower the eyes and take the first option.
I posted on another thread expectations around his ability should be tempered. He will always be mid tier. But he can play a role - maybe a summer where he focuses on modelling more of Dunkley traits so we have another defensive midfield option is his best go. Like you, I see Fletcher going past him at some point soon, and would like to see a Prior or Starc (Answerth going back to the lockdown role) trialled in his wing position.
Certainly a big pre season coming up for him, but I think he can work hard and get himself back to being a valuable role player.
I’d love to see Sharp get another shot on the wing, he looked alright the few times I watched the seconds play. He can certainly run all day.