Autopsy Autopsy vs Dogs

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Bit of a lesson for our young mids today.
Bont: 33 and 3 goals, 11 tackles
Treloar: 34 and 1 goal
Libba: 27, 9 tackles

Phillips: 22 possessions
Wardlaw: 9 possessions
Thomas: 24 possessions
No goals from any of them.
Wardlaw 1 on 1 with Libba all game. Got chewed up and spat out.
Will improve him you’d think.
Will Phillips should be playing better by now. Caleb Daniels numbers must have been high as well

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I think that's the benchmark midfield and our guys did really well despite probably not having the best in LDU out there.

I think that's a bloody good forward line too and the guys held them well, we just have nobody that can take that small forward going super saiyan.

We're probably lucky the anti-vaxxer smashed his arm but they have a luxury of talls so even getting past Naughton isn't terrible.

If we were higher on the table we'd probably just cop that one so to do it where we are there is again positives to take away.
the “anti-vaxxer” is better than any defender we have at the moment. Put some respect on the dudes name.
We used to just smash teams
Then in the next era, we had shinboner spirit to help us and saw “spirited” efforts often become wins against top teams
Now if we bring the spirit, we might not get smashed. If.
We might get close to not being completely embarrassed by a mediocre team. If everything goes right.

I’m not upset, I still love the club. But it is what it is.
Where's whoever said Bont doesn't play well against us

* them

Season 1 Episode 3 GIF by Rick and Morty
Thomas a natural forward/mid, never play him in defence.
Spot on.
Speaks more to the fact we don't have decent ball users in the back half we need to rob Peter to pay Paul.
How many CBA for TT today? Felt like he had more in the 2nd half.
We played very well in patches but their midfield in the end overwhelmed us. Did very well to stay in it, and the atmosphere was electric when Larkey kicked that goal in the 3rd to bring us back within a kick. All the momentum going our way and then that McKay turnover late in the quarter. What was he thinking? Game effectively over.

Also Weightman is just not that good. If we had a half decent defender that could lock him down, all he becomes is a little turd who plays for free kicks. Makes today all the more galling.

This club breaks me. Is it too much to to ask to win a game? I’m just about past the point of seeing the positives between the trees (not sure if that makes sense).

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We can't have a backline with Logue, McKay, Ziebs, LMac and Corr.
Todays loss lies with the coaches. Mix down there was cooked.

But do we know

Club doesn’t have the balls to drop one of McDonald or Ziebell. Cause we’re pussies.
Much better than I expected. But also not as good as it should have been given how we can play, and them being down a player from early. We didn’t play too many defenders, we needed them with so many attacks coming in, but we had no answers to Weightman or Ugle-Hagen and McKay wasn’t the only one who seemed not to be in the most useful spots. Midfield should have a better idea of how much work they still need to do after that - although some of it is just time and building the strength to to stand up in tackles and pass to teammates like Western’s mids did time and again.

I sound like I have a lot of complaints but actually I am again pretty proud of most of what I saw.
Look at skinny 10 gamer Funky B put his body on the line. Does the right thing most of the time. Must play.

Strange game. Midfield melted away before reforming for a last hurrah...where did George get to?

The backline has all the experienced, senior players, yet is an unorganised Scheiße show. Dumb blokes doing dumb things, unsurprisingly. Needs demolition and rebuild.

Opposition forwards seem to be contesting 1 on 1 on us every week, while we battle to get that separation.
Larkey has great body work. Larkey has weak hands over head. Larkey 1 on 1 wins the ball and kicks the goal. Larkey with 2 defenders and or 2 team mates competing in the air is not. Larkey 1 on 1 should be the top priority of the forward line.
We played very well in patches but their midfield in the end overwhelmed us. Did very well to stay in it, and the atmosphere was electric when Larkey kicked that goal in the 3rd to bring us back within a kick. All the momentum going our way and then that McKay turnover late in the quarter. What was he thinking? Game effectively over.

Also Weightman is just not that good. If we had a half decent defender that could lock him down, all he becomes is a little turd who plays for free kicks. Makes today all the more galling.

This club breaks me. Is it too much to to ask to win a game? I’m just about past the point of seeing the positives between the trees (not sure if that makes sense).

Weightman is a good player, has speed, a leap and good hands and beautiful kick.

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I think after today I feel like we've officially moved past the 'I hope we don't get flogged by over 40 points again' stage and into the 'I expect that we're in every game and am disappointed when we lose' stage.

Around this time last year we were on about our 9th consecutive 45+ point smashing and had 57 and 112 point losses coming over the following 2 games. Now I feel like we've been in every game over the last month and am disappointed we can't get the win.

Good things are coming but it's about time we turn this competitiveness into wins.

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