Rumour Bluemour Discussion XXXV - 'Loopy' Season has begun

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TDK and Weitering significant increases end of next year that would need to factored in.

Only way I think we could get in done without trading Harry is to do a Jack Bowes and trade Zac Williams and an early 2nd rounder to Richmond or North. Would get $800K off the books.

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Jon Ralph reporting that Petracca could take the Dees to a grievance tribunal to get out of his contract if it comes down to it.

If true, I think that shifts some leverage away from the Dees' side as they'll want to avoid this getting publicly messy.

2 firsts + a second in return for paying 30% of his salary.

If he wants out of the club that badly, we could absolutely make a deal work without needing to trade out a player. If that is the case, we must absolutely pursue it.
Crazy. Madness. Delusion.

Sell our future for a 29 year old broken footballer?

In 4 years time we can sit back and watch all the guns drafted with those per usual.

How about trying to function like a normal football club without this insane messiah complex and build a list of young talented footballers. Develop them into stars and achieve sustainable success. I for one don't want to be a basket case all over again because we got greedy and thought one shiny toy would be the answer to our perpetual problems.

All gun afl players come from the draft. All successful teams nail the draft and get role players around them. We don't need another superstar.
I reckon that would be quite a bit less than a million.

But for Argument’s sake say it is, and Petracca comes in and takes that million.

You then need to bring in 3 more players on the minimum, which next year is $130-115k depending on where they’re drafted.
So we’d need to cut another player who’s on $450k to make room.
You can add Carroll and maybe Owies to the list.
It’s worse than I thought

Of the remaining five years of Petracca's contract with Melbourne, his annual wage will peak at $1.7 million a year, and not fall below $1.2 million a year. He has deserved that deal, for his career has taken in four All-Australians, two best-and-fairests, a Norm Smith medal and a premiership.

Our salary cap amount is what still gives the player those powers. If caps went up to say 50 million (basically each listed player could average 1 million+) then clubs and AFL would have powers to push back and go to the players, you want to be paid this well then these are the conditions - 1. you can be traded willy nilly.

Devils advocate here, I’m in the camp of thinking this idea is dumb and that players would never agree to it, why would they? If there’s enough money to pay them that amount, then there’s that amount to pay them without the trading against their wishes.

But it’s all good, everyone is different.

What would then stop a player when signing a contract, just inserting a clause, this contract is between me and the club and excludes all others? If the club doesnt want to include it, the player doesnt sign?

Seperate to this, why would a secondary club take on a contract or trade valuable assets to a player that doesnt want to be there and doesnt want to play their?
Ok, let's just agree to disagree...

It's obvious we see it very differently.
Yes, you want to sell the farm and still have talent rot in the reserves instead of keeping the list smartly ticking over like many of the clubs you're highlighting.


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This whole Petracca business reminds me of Adrian Whitehead and how his career came to an end and its aftermath.

Fancy a career as a cheesemaker, Harry? Big money in it.

Downside is petite market size.
monty python GIF
Crazy. Madness. Delusion.

Sell our future for a 29 year old broken footballer?

In 4 years time we can sit back and watch all the guns drafted with those per usual.

How about trying to function like a normal football club without this insane messiah complex and build a list of young talented footballers. Develop them into stars and achieve sustainable success. I for one don't want to be a basket case all over again because we got greedy and thought one shiny toy would be the answer to our perpetual problems.

All gun afl players come from the draft. All successful teams nail the draft and get role players around them. We don't need another superstar.

Dow and O’Brien say hi
This rebuild started in 2015 with the list basically stripped back to Docherty and Cripps.
If that’s not building the foundations from the ground up I’m not sure what is.

This list is now mature and almost ready to do the business but it lacks the most important piece in the modern game … the explosive goal kicking midfielder.

We may have the chance to snare one of the game’s absolute elite which could put us over the top.
We can add Aleer and Houston naturally to round out our defence.

We have enormous investment in 2 big forwards, I’m not sure we are getting absolute bang for our buck there or whether they can take us all the way.

Trade some excess for something essential, shuffle the magnets and bring home the bacon 🏆
Premierships are not won by star signings, where massive sacrifices are made of salary cap, picks or younger stars The Carlton Football Club needs to focus on the incremental improvement to its list, fitness staff and assistant coaching.
Premierships are not won by star signings, where massive sacrifices are made of salary cap, picks or younger stars The Carlton Football Club needs to focus on the incremental improvement to its list, fitness staff and assistant coaching.

Kernahan, Bradley, Motley and Dorotich beg to differ.


And yes I know Motley didn’t play in the 1987 premiership.
Very interesting to see the coordinated media hit team attack on Petracca over the last 24 hours.

Few snippets sneaking through from loose valves like OX where it is more likely that the "straighty-180" personality of Petracca does not match with the party boy culture of the Melbourne Football Club.

Looks like the club is happy with their "culture" and happy to let him go now. Weird, because all they are doing is lowering his price.
You can ask these questions about every team.

We have Doc, Cripps, Harry, Charlie, Walsh, Weitering etc etc that are AA players, 2 x Coleman medalists and a Brownlow thrown in, and all they've managed in that time is a PF appearance last year and a sneak into finals appearance this year on the back of crossing our fingers another team didnt win their last game or we would be talking mad monday.

We've got all that and we are consistently not a finals team. These guys are the foundation of our team and we are generally nowhere come September. Something doesnt add up for me.

16 points from a GF last year, ridiculous number of injuries at the wrong time this year.

Maybe the injury list can be laid at the high performance door generally speaking, but one thing the club definitely got wrong was hanging on to talented players with shocking injury history for far too long.

Still believe Voss can take us to the promised land but list management needs to get ruthless.
Absolute zero chance we trade harry for trac. I’d burn the place down. 2 first rounders they can have. I’d trade Walsh before harry. Walsh for trac maybe
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