Review Dees v Swans: the Good, Bad & Fugly with a plea to Pickett to return

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Another great: Swans coming hard at us in the 3rd, they've worked numbers back well but Hunter hits a raking 50-55m pass that hits chin on the chest who goes back and goals. Amazing work rate from Chandler to get across and make an option and amazing skill from Hunter to hit that kick with McCartin about a step behind it in the end.

Wouldn't have seen that last year.
He talks the talk and walks the walk. Great player, great for the game. Gets the crowd and teammates into it.
Pickett is the same, he's a little shit, but he's our little shit.

Actually had a memory of farmer showing the ball off before kicking a goal when he was playing for Fremantle against the dees. What a shit, but love the wiz. Also that game was a shoot out.
Good: Everyone has pretty much covered it all but how good was the Lever spray on Brayshaw for being lazy for not going with Buddy. It wasn't just a stock standard spray but he was full on giving it to him and quite animated. Loved that he was calling it out because it's a part of Brayshaw's game that he needs to work on. Fantastic leadership by Lever.

Fugly: This sort of links in with my leadership comment on Lever. But Viney was absolutely awful yesterday. This guy was our acting captain yesterday and he just completely butchered the footy everytime we had momentum moving forward. He's such a liability in our midfield set.

Not only that but does anyone think he's chewing up valuable midfield away from Sparrow? I was hard on Sparrow last year but the small exposure he's had in the midfield this year he's looked far more dangerous and dynamic then last year and I felt that when he started in there in the 3rd he generated some clearances and really got us going. Sparrow is part of the future moving and I think the coaching staff need to strongly consider a transition where Viney is slowly phased out of the midfield set up for Sparrow moving forward.
I found it interesting that Lever was addressing the team in the huddle when Viney was out there.
I wasn't aware of that. I have always had huge respect for Levers leadership and have always felt he'd be best fit after Gawn.
Been flat out over the weekend and only had a chance to half watch the game on my phone but remember seeing him taking the huddle duties at 3qt I think. Not sure if it was the whole game.

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Yes and no. I’m actually getting it on a thousand t-shirts to be a key piece in my clothing line called “Pissing next to PG”
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I found it interesting that Lever was addressing the team in the huddle when Viney was out there.
Don't know why but I loved it when Brayshaw let bud mark uncontested and Lever ****ing sprayed him, can never accuse Lever of not being 100% in it
Only just caught the replay as I was at the game, but f* me Petracca is good. The amount of times he was front and centre of the pack. A number of his kicks were ordinary but several were fantastic. He was born to do one thing this bloke, play footy. I'll be shocked if he and Oliver don't win another flag. They're winners who live for the contest.

Great to see both coaches rate his game also. Watching him live, the Impact he seems to have on a contest is massive. You probably don't notice Oliver as much at the ground, but Trac stands out. We are fn blessed to have 2 of the great mids in the one team. He's still capable of more too. I'd love to see him get a hold of a side and have that 5 goals 35 touches game. Like a Leigh Matthews freak game. He's capable

Not sure he'll ever be as good as Ollie Wines though..
Watching a bit of the replay now, JVR's ruck work in F50 was pretty good honestly. Certainly better than TMac who should be even more ashamed of himself looking at how JVR competed against Ladhams in his first game. Replay thread @ 1:09:30 was very Hawkins-ish the way he bodied him out of the way on the boundary throw in.
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JVR played much better than I thought he did at the game and that his stats would indicate. He is very good at holding his position one on one in a marking contest, shielding the drop zone, really good at the fundamentals.

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